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Cours gratuits > Forum : Exercices du forum [ POSTER UN NOUVEAU SUJET ]
Retrouvez des centaines d'exercices ici et créez votre propre test ici. D'autres exercices sont également disponibles dans le forum English only

Our Story/175 (13h) LS61/let's have a break 8 (19h) Adverbe (20h)
Forme passive avec andare (47h) Playing with words/55 (60h) Ex 274/conflicts (62h)
Points forum (92h) Isométrie (103h) Duolingo - fiable ou pas ? (110h)

Our Story/17526here4u09-05-2024 16:29:33
LS61/let's have a break 810here4u09-05-2024 10:54:49
Playing with words/552here4u07-05-2024 18:07:30
Ex 274/conflicts4here4u07-05-2024 15:34:16
Our Story/17441here4u01-05-2024 18:46:30
Playing with words /546here4u30-04-2024 17:41:15
LS60/let's have a break 712here4u29-04-2024 00:08:52
Ex 273/meeting Frank 7here4u28-04-2024 23:47:04
Our Story /173107here4u15-04-2024 23:25:47
Ex 272/blunt truths7here4u14-04-2024 23:19:15
LS 59/Let's have a break 616here4u13-04-2024 15:08:47
Playing with words/ 539here4u31-03-2024 18:45:03
Our Story /172114here4u31-03-2024 18:10:08
Ex 271/ bullying8here4u28-03-2024 23:27:53
LS58/Let's have a break 510here4u27-03-2024 08:32:17
Our Story/ 171121here4u16-03-2024 11:29:01
Ex270 /Positivons 8here4u13-03-2024 21:04:37
LS57/Let's have a break 433here4u13-03-2024 14:21:37
LS56/Let's have a break315here4u06-03-2024 16:03:30
Playing with words/ 529here4u03-03-2024 12:08:59

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