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Bac/Spaces and exchanges

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Bac/Spaces and exchanges
Message de popy posté le 03-05-2017 à 18:34:36 (S | E | F)
est-ce-que quelqu'un pourrait corriger cette synthèse s'il vous plaît?
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses.

Well, let me consider the following notion : spaces and exchanges. First, let me give you a simple definition of this notion. Spaces are area that are used or available for a specific purpose. Exchanging means giving or taking one thing in return for another thing. This notion can deal with global exchanges for instance. In relation with this notion, the topic of my presentation will be the immigration in the United States.
Thus, we may wonder how have migrations evolved within the US from the 17th century till now?

The United States of America has always been considered as a nation of immigrants. That's why we could see a lot of immigration waves. The first immigration was when the settlers came from Europe in the 17th century. The Pilgrim fathers (English and Irish) were the first to settle in current Virginia in 1620. Then, the others settled in all East cost. They were escaping famine, wars and poverty.

The second immigration was the largest wave of immigration : it is the conquest of West in the 19th century. People in East were concentrated in flats. East were overpopulated. Some of them wanted to escape this overpopulation and the famine. The broad western part of the territory not explored represented an hope of money. We learn in the document "Broken dreams" that in one day they could earn in Minnesota what her father earns in a week in England. That is why Mary Ann Rodgers and her family left England. It was the occasion of starting a new life in a new place. West attracted people because of the beautiful landscapes , free lands, and it was the promise of a better life. Furthermore, we learn in the document "The Homestead Act" that the government encouraged people to settle in the plains of the West. Indeed, he was selling 160 acres of plains land for a very small price.
Moreover, this period was characterized by the Gold Rush. Gold was discover in 1848 in California what has to involve a great sift of population towards this state.

To finish, after those waves of immigration, in 21st century, Americans are more and more to leave big cities. As we can see in the article of The Economist untitled "Why space really is the final frontier in the internet age", even if Boise in Idaho is a remote city, it is attractive. Firms and start-ups are tempt by the quality of life and they have the same access to technical and market information thanks to internet as their rivals in a big city. Moreover, employees are more productive therefore boss only have advantages to move in cities like Boise.
Population on the American territory is unequally distributed. Nearly 80% of the population is urban, which leaves many empty spaces. Moreover, being given size of the American territory, the population could double that the territory would still not be overcrowded. It is a new era of immigration.

To conclude, the United States has always been a nation of immigration. His population is made of different waves of migrations since the 17th century. Over time, this immigration evolved in various ways.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-05-2017 20:32

Réponse : Bac/Spaces and exchanges de laure95, postée le 04-05-2017 à 18:10:59 (S | E)
- Spaces are area (pluriel) that are used or available for a specific purpose.
- In relation with (pas la bonne préposition) this notion
- Thus, we may wonder how have migrations evolved within the US from the 17th century till now?: interrogative indirecte: pas de ?, mot interrogatif + sujet + verbe conjugué.

- in (pas la bonne préposition)all East cost (orthographe). They were escaping (prétérit simple)

- The second immigration (wave)was the largest wave of immigration : it is (passé)the conquest of West in the 19th century.
- (article) East were (singulier)overpopulated.
- Some of them wanted to escape (préposition) this overpopulation
- an hope of (pas la bonne préposition)money.
- (aricle) West)
- Indeed, he was selling (prétérit simple) 160 acres of plains land for a very small price.
- Moreover, this (that pas this)period was characterized by the Gold Rush.
- Gold was discover (participe passé) in 1848 in California
- what has to involve: ?

- in (article)21st century, Americans are more and more to leave big cities.
- untitled: entitled.
- as (like pas as) their rivals in a big city.
- (article)Population on the American territory is unequally distributed.

- His (pas le bon possessif) population is made (présent perfect)of different waves of migrations since the 17th century. Over time, this immigration Evolved (présent perfect) in various ways.

Conclusion un peu courte.

Réponse : Bac/Spaces and exchanges de popy, postée le 04-05-2017 à 18:58:49 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup!


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