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Notion/Spaces and exchanges

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Notion/Spaces and exchanges
Message de noixdecoco17 posté le 24-04-2017 à 12:34:33 (S | E | F)
je passe mon oral de Bac d'anglais et j'aimerais avoir des avis sur ma notion et pouvoir corriger mes fautes.
Merci d'avance

Notion : Spaces and exchanges
I'm going to talk about the notion spaces and exchanges. At first, I'm going to give a definition about this notion. Spaces, it's geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and world built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. Exchanges : the interactions between men and different societies.
In this notion, we're going to speak especially about immigration in USA with American Dream that many people wish to achieve. This dream is often very different from what these men and these women imagined themselves.
We can wonder what are the origins and the limits of the immigration in the USA.

We are going to speak debuts of immigration to the USA with Ellis Island and the limits of this immigration for the 19th century and today at cultural and social level.

For the 19th century, the USA went through some waves of immigration with populations coming from four corners of the world.
These people arrive by boat, often by leaving their families in the native country by promising to them to mean looking for them.
They leave their country often because of the war, of the famine as in Ireland with the disease of the potato. The population comes mainly from Europe between 1815 and 1915, some 30 millions Europeans arrived in the United States.
Many come to find a job, have a better life.
In 19th century, the immigrants had to pass by the small island of Ellis Island to be able to penetrate on the American ground.
People which arrived at E.I were controlled to see if they were not sick, if they had no mental problems and they took other tests to be admitted in the USA.
Otherwise, they were sent back at their home. But those who were admitted on the American ground had difficulty becoming integrated.
Today immigrant's testimonies show that the integration in the social and cultural standing is always very difficult.
Many people dream about a better life and come to the USA to make a fortune because they think that everything is possible.
Among these immigrants some people are political refugees and many have no papers. They don't manage to become integrated, to adopt the culture of the country and to find a job.
As they are rejected by the society, they group together in communities as those of China Town, Little Italy.
The immigration is always so difficult because people secretly arrived in the country at the risk of being stopped by the authorities and sent back in their countries.
Besides the difficulty being able to possess papers to live in the USA, they don't manage to become integrated.
Their integration can be slowed down by the language barrier and of the culture.
The immigration is so difficult always for the 19th century.
To immigrate in an other country is a possibility to start a new life, it’s a dream for much people even if it’s so difficult to integrate.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-04-2017 22:34

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and exchanges de laure95, postée le 24-04-2017 à 16:56:04 (S | E)
- Spaces, it's: pas de reprise de sujet.
- in (article)USA with (article)American Dream
- We can wonder what are the origins and the limits of the immigration in the USA: avec "we can Wonder", il faut faire une interrogative indirecte.

- We are going to speak (préposition)debuts of immigration to the USA

- These (those pas these) people arrive (pasé)by boat, often by (enlever by)leaving their families in the native country by (idme)
- to mean looking for them : ?
- They leave (passé)their country
- The population comes (passé)mainly from Europe
- Many come (passé)to find a job,
- In (article)19th century,
- People which (pas le bon relatif) arrived at E.I were controlled
- But those who were admitted on the American ground had difficulty (pluriel)becoming (infinitif)integrated.
- Today immigrant(s)'s testimonies
- in communities as (pas le bon mot ici)those of China Town, Little Italy.
- The (pas de the) immigration is always so difficult because people secretly arrived (présent)in the country
- Besides the difficulty being able to possess papers to live in the USA: mal dit.
- and of (pas la bonne préposition)the culture.
- The immigration is so difficult always for the 19th century: passé + ordre des mots.
- much people: much + singulier.

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and exchanges de noixdecoco17, postée le 25-04-2017 à 11:27:34 (S | E)
Bonjour merci beaucoup pour ton aide j'ai corrigé mes erreurs. J'espère que mon texte est un peu plus compréhensible.

I'm going to talk about the notion spaces and exchanges. At first, I'm going to give a definition about this notion. Spaces, is a geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and world built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. Exchanges : the interactions between men and different societies.
In this notion, we're going to speak especially about immigration in the USA with the American Dream that many people wish to achieve. This dream is often very different from what these men and these women imagined themselves.
We can wonder what are the origins and the limits of the immigration in the USA.

We are going to speak about debuts of immigration to the USA with Ellis Island and the limits of this immigration for the 19th century and today at cultural and social level.

For the 19th century, the USA went through some waves of immigration with populations coming from four corners of the world.
Those people arrived by boat, often leaving their families in the native country promising to them to come to search.
They left their country often because of the war, of the famine as in Ireland with the disease of the potato. The population came mainly from Europe between 1815 and 1915, some 30 millions Europeans arrived in the United States.
Many came to find a job, have a better life.
In the 19th century, the immigrants had to pass by the small island of Ellis Island to be able to penetrate on the American ground.
People who arrived at E.I were controlled to see if they were not sick, if they had no mental problems and they took other tests to be admitted in the USA.
Otherwise, they were sent back at their home. But those who were admitted on the American ground had difficulties to become integrated.
Today immigrants's testimonies show that the integration in the social and cultural standing is always very difficult.
Many people dream about a better life and come to the USA to make a fortune because they think that everything is possible.
Among these immigrants some people are political refugees and many have no papers. They don't manage to become integrated, to adopt the culture of the country and to find a job.
As they are rejected by the society, they group together in communities like those of China Town, Little Italy.
Immigration was always so difficult because people secretly arrive in the country at the risk of being stopped by the authorities and sent back in their countries.
Besides the difficulty being able to obtain papers to be able to live in the USA, they don't manage to become integrated.
Their integration can be slowed down by the language barrier and of the culture.
To immigrate in an other country is a possibility to start a new life, it’s a dream for many people even if it’s so difficult to integrate.

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and exchanges de laure95, postée le 25-04-2017 à 15:10:05 (S | E)
- Spaces, is (faute de conjugaison) a geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and (the) world built on the
- We can wonder what are the origins and the limits of the immigration in the USA: interrogative indirecte : mot interrogatif + sujet + verbe conjugué.

- debuts: mot français.

- For (pas la bonne préposition)the 19th century,
- Those people arrived by boat, often leaving their families in the (mettre le possessif à la place de the)native country
- to come to search: ?
- They left their country often (often n'est pas à la bonne place) because of
- Today immigrants's (mettre juste l'apostrophe) testimonies show that the integration in the social and cultural standing is always (still à la place de always)very difficult.
- Immigration was (présent) always so difficult
- Besides the difficulty be able to: having difficulties in (+ verbe + ing) obtain papers
- Their integration can be slowed down by the language barrier and of (enlever of) the culture.
-To immigrate (mettre au gérondif) in an other country

Réponse : Notion/Spaces and exchanges de noixdecoco17, postée le 26-04-2017 à 19:35:34 (S | E)
Bonsoir, encore merci d'avoir corrigé mes fautes.


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