Ex 101/ C'est reparti
Cours gratuits > Forum > Exercices du forum || En basMessage de here4u posté le 29-01-2017 à 14:50:11 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Friends

Please, don’t hesitate to step in and have fun with us.

Je ne vous redirai

- vous n’êtes pas obligés de tout faire (ce devoir est bien plus long qu’il le devrait …)

- J’ai, d’ailleurs, en m’inspirant des suggestions reçues, modifié un peu les règles :

- « L’histoire commune » est maintenant N°1 et vous ne pouvez poster que SI VOUS L’AVEZ COMPLETEE SELON LES REGLES (ou si vous choisissez de ne pas la faire)

Alors, que vous dire d’autre ?

Chacun a la liberté de poursuivre l'histoire 3 (TROIS) fois [histoire de la relancer si elle s'enlise...

« First come, first served » : donc dès que quelqu'un poste, celui qui arrive derrière est obligé de s'adapter à ce qui vient d'être posté (même si c'est à 1 seconde près) : il devra alors changer sa phrase pour poursuivre l'histoire de façon cohérente. La voici:
I) We're going to write a story together again, and I want it to be a success this time...

I‘ve asked dear Ouvea

The story … and its ending will depend on each of you.

Ouvéa writes:
"This morning as I was snorkelling, I met two urchins talking about their fear of the fishing season..." (= 18 words = PERFECT!) Now, go on …
II) Translate into English:
1) Il croyait avoir acheté un diamant très pur pour la bague de fiançailles de Jenny, mais c’était une contre-façon et il va porter plainte pour escroquerie.
2) Il est difficile de se libérer d’une emprise. Le mieux est d’en accepter l'idée et d’en parler, mais tout le monde ne comprend pas les alcooliques ou les drogués …
3) Mets-toi à ma place: plus il restera vivre avec elle, plus je serai inquiète pour l'avenir de cette jeune fille et moins je serai confiant en lui.
Maxwell 4) Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien. Je l'ai appris à mes dépens quand j'ai voulu faire évoluer une règle de gestion inscrite dans le marbre que je trouvais discutable. Bien mal m'en a pris ...
Maxwell 5) Quand te décideras-tu à investir dans cette affaire sans risque ? - Quand tous les voyants seront au vert !
III) Translate into French:
My grandfather died when I was a small boy, and my grandmother started staying with us for about six months every year. She lived in a room that doubled as my father’s office, which we referred to as “the back room”. She carried with her a powerful aroma. I don’t know what kind of perfume she used, but it was the double-barrel, ninety-proof, knock-down, render-the-victim-unconscious, moose killing variety. She kept it in a huge atomizer and applied it frequently and liberally. It was almost impossible to go into her room and remain breathing for any length of time. When she would leave the house to go spend six months with my Aunt Lilian, my mother and sisters would throw open all the windows, strip the bed, and take out the curtains and rugs. Then they would spend several days washing and airing things out, trying frantically to make the pungent odor go away.
Rick Beyer, True Tales of American Life
IV) Pairs in Rhyme: each of these pairs of words is a rhyme for a familiar phrase. Scratch your brains!

(Example: Car and ride => Answer: Far and wide.)
a) Ski and queasy: .......................
b) Crowned and jury: ......................
c) Reside and honker: ........................
Don't forget THE FORCE!

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-01-2017 16:34
Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de alpiem, postée le 29-01-2017 à 16:59:41 (S | E)
hello here4, I hope I will live up to my understanding

I am done for this time lest I might happen to overun the 48h allowed.!!ready to be corrected
Ouvéa writes:
"This morning as I was snorkelling, I met two urchins talking about their fear of the fishing season..." (= 18 words = PERFECT!) Now, go on …
1st urchin:Hey Tommy, take a look at that big seal comming down ! 2nd urchin: Seals don't eat urchins !
II) Translate into English:
1) Il croyait avoir acheté un diamant très pur pour la bague de fiançailles de Jenny, mais c’était une contre-façon et il va porter plainte pour escroquerie.
He supposed he had bought a flawless diamond for Jenny's engagement ring but it was an imitation and he is about to lodge a complaint for swindling.
2) Il est difficile de se libérer d’une emprise. Le mieux est d’en accepter l'idée et d’en parler, mais tout le monde ne comprend pas les alcooliques ou les drogués …
It is hardly ever easy to break free from a habit. We had better make do with the idea and
share with somebody, but not anybody can understand alcoholics or junkies.
3) Mets-toi à ma place: plus il restera vivre avec elle, plus je serai inquiète pour l'avenir de cette jeune fille et moins je serai confiant en lui.
Look at things from my point of view:the longer he will be living with her, the more worried I will be for the future of this young girl and the less I will be trusting him !
Maxwell 4) Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien. Je l'ai appris à mes dépens quand j'ai voulu faire évoluer une règle de gestion inscrite dans le marbre que je trouvais discutable. Bien mal m'en a pris ...
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I have learnt it at my expense when I meant to change a financial rule carved in
marble that I deemed questionable. How wrong I was...
Maxwell 5) Quand te décideras-tu à investir dans cette affaire sans risque ? - Quand tous les voyants seront au vert !
"When will you make up your mind on investing in this risk-free business ?" "When all light are green !!"
Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de joe39, postée le 29-01-2017 à 18:54:55 (S | E)
Dear here4u,
Being unable to get through the IV) – Pair in rhyme – because, in spite of my reiterated efforts I couldn’t find any reliable source of research, I confirm my try is ready to be corrected. I’m very sorry.
The story
"This morning as I was snorkelling, I met two urchins talking about their fear of the fishing season..." (= 18 words = PERFECT!) Now, go on …
1st urchin:Hey Tommy, take a look at that big seal coming down ! 2nd urchin: Seals don't eat urchins !
1st urchin: seals don’t but men like our roe very much. What about moving deeper and hiding amid those seaweeds?
II) Translate into English:
1) Il croyait avoir acheté un diamant très pur pour la bague de fiançailles de Jenny, mais c’était une contre-façon et il va porter plainte pour escroquerie.
He thought he had bought a very pure diamond for Jenny's ring of fancy, but it was an imitation and that could led to be complained for fraud.
2) Il est difficile de se libérer d’une emprise. Le mieux est d’en accepter l'idée et d’en parler, mais tout le monde ne comprend pas les alcooliques ou les drogués …
It's difficult to get rid of an addiction/an addictive substance. The best is to accept the idea and talk about it, but nobody can understand alcoholics and drug addicts.
3) Mets-toi à ma place: plus il restera vivre avec elle, plus je serai inquiète pour l'avenir de cette jeune fille et moins je serai confiant en lui.
Put yourself in my place: the more he lives with her, the more worried about this girl's future , and less confident in him I will be.
Maxwell 4) Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien. Je l'ai appris à mes dépens quand j'ai voulu faire évoluer une règle de gestion inscrite dans le marbre que je trouvais discutable. Bien mal m'en a pris ...
The best ist the enemy of good. I learned it to my detriment when I wanted to develop a management rule set in stone, which I found questionable. It was the wrong move.
Maxwell 5) Quand te décideras-tu à investir dans cette affaire sans risque ? - Quand tous les voyants seront au vert !
When will you decide to invest in this business without risks? When all the lights are green!
III) Translate into French:
My grandfather died when I was a small boy, and my grandmother started staying with us for about six months every year. She lived in a room that doubled as my father’s office, which we referred to as “the back room”. She carried with her a powerful aroma. I don’t know what kind of perfume she used, but it was the double-barrel, ninety-proof, knock-down, render-the-victim-unconscious, moose killing variety. She kept it in a huge atomizer and applied it frequently and liberally. It was almost impossible to go into her room and remain breathing for any length of time. When she would leave the house to go spend six months with my Aunt Lilian, my mother and sisters would throw open all the windows, strip the bed, and take out the curtains and rugs. Then they would spend several days washing and airing things out, trying frantically to make the pungent odor go away.
Rick Beyer, True Tales of American Life
Mon grand-père mourut quand j'étais un petit garçon, et ma grand-mère vint à rester avec nous, pendant environ six mois chaque année. Elle occupait une chambre que mon père avait utilisé comme son bureau, et qui avait été appelé par nous « salle à l’arrière ».
Elle utilisait un fort parfum. Je ne sais pas de quel type il s’agissait, mais il était «un coup double, quatre-vingt-dix-preuves, anéantissant, anesthésiant, variété tuer d’élans/d’orignacs »
Elle le gardait dans un énorme atomiseur et le répandit fréquemment et généreusement. Il était presque impossible d’aller dans sa chambre et rester là pendant un certain temps.
. Quand elle quitta la maison pour aller passer six mois avec ma tante Lilian, ma mère et ses sœurs jetèrent ouvertes toutes les fenêtres, dépouillèrent le lit, et sortirent les rideaux et les tapis. Ensuite, ils passèrent plusieurs jours à laver et aérer les choses, en essayant désespérément de rendre l'odeur piquante disparaître
IV) Pairs in Rhyme: each of these pairs of words is a rhyme for a familiar phrase. Scratch your brains!
(Example: Car and ride => Answer: Far and wide.)
a) Ski and queasy: .......................
b) Crowned and jury: ......................
c) Reside and honker: ........................
I thank you very much for your nice exercise and I hope to perform better in the next one.
Have a great day.
So long.
Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de here4u, postée le 29-01-2017 à 21:14:56 (S | E)

Oh Dear...

Don't forget that the tries "in progress" should be finished 3 days after the original post. Now for those of you who want to change or introduce new elements in the story after their first posts, just copy the story as written by the latest participant and call it : I. Alpiem 2 .... - Then I. Alpiem 3 ... ...and as Steve Jobs used to say "Stay FOOLISH!"

Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de here4u, postée le 31-01-2017 à 09:43:25 (S | E)
Hello Dear All,
Je pense qu'il n'est pas nécessaire de répéter "first urchin" and "second urchin" - qui nous "prennent des mots!-; des tirets ou des guillemets nous aideront à nous y retrouver ...

"This morning as I was snorkelling, I met two urchins talking about their fear of the fishing season..." (= 18 words = PERFECT!) Now, go on …
1st urchin:Hey Tommy, take a look at that big seal coming down ! 2nd urchin: Seals don't eat urchins !
1st urchin: seals don’t but men like our roe very much. What about moving deeper and hiding amid those seaweeds?
- Never! Those seaweeds spoil the pink ribbon I decorated my spines with... I'd rather remain stylish with you, SpinyTommy!

Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de taiji43, postée le 31-01-2017 à 11:33:20 (S | E)
Dear Here4U
Thank you for all these amazing ideas

What a pleasure to communicate with you again

The story
"This morning as I was snorkelling, I met two urchins talking about their fear of the fishing season..." (18)
- Hey Tommy, take a look at that big seal coming down ! - Seals don't eat urchins !(15)
- Seals don’t but men like our roe very much. What about moving deeper and hiding amid those seaweeds? (18)
-Never! Those seaweeds spoil the pink ribbon I decorated my spines with... I'd rather remain stylish with you, Spiny!”
-Thank you for remaining so pretty but let’s go, the man with his snorkel is getting closer (19)
II) Translate into English:
1) Il croyait avoir acheté un diamant très pur pour la bague de fiançailles de Jenny, mais c’était une contre-façon et il va porter plainte pour escroquerie.
He thought; he had bought a pure diamond for Jenny’s engagement ring, but it was a counterfeiting and he is going to lodge a complaint for swindling
2) Il est difficile de se libérer d’une emprise. Le mieux est d’en accepter l'idée et d’en parler, mais tout le monde ne comprend pas les alcooliques ou les drogués
We can’t release ourselves from an influence. Our best bet would be to accept the idea in order to speak about it however the alcoholics or the drug-addicts can’t be understood by everyone
3) Mets-toi à ma place: plus il restera vivre avec elle, plus je serai inquiète pour l'avenir de cette jeune fille et moins je serai confiant en lui.
Put yourself in my shoes the longer he will be living with her the more upset I will be for this young girl’s future and the less confident in him I will be
Maxwell 4) Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien. Je l'ai appris à mes dépens quand j'ai voulu faire évoluer une règle de gestion inscrite dans le marbre que je trouvais discutable. Bien mal m'en a pris
It’s better to let well alone. I learnt it to my cost (at my expense). When I wanted to bring about some change in the management rule noted down marble about which I thought of being debatable. It was the wrong move.
Maxwell 5) Quand te décideras-tu à investir dans cette affaire sans risque ? - Quand tous les voyants seront au vert !
When will you make up your mind to invest in this no risk-taking business?
When all indicator- lights turn green
Mon grand père mourut quand j’étais encore un petit garçon et ma grand-mère à partir de ce moment resta environ six moi de l’année avec nous.
Elle vivait dans une pièce qui mesurait autant que le double du bureau de mon père et que nous intitulions la chambre du fond
Il émanait d’elle .un puissant arome Je ne sais pas quel genre de parfum elle utilisait, mais il était le comme le fusil à deux coup, le quatre-vingt-six degrés d’alcool, celui qui vous assomme, qui rend la victime inconsciente, semblable à l’élan qui tue en grand nombre.
Elle le gardait dans un énorme atomiseur et s’en vaporisait fréquemment et généreusement
Il était presque impossible de rentrer dans sa chambre et de continuer à respirer normalement pendant un certain temps.
Quand elle quittait la maison pour aller passer six mois chez ma tante Lilian, ma mère et mes sœurs vite ouvraient toutes les fenêtres, défaisaient le lit et enlevaient les descentes de lit. Alors elles passaient plusieurs jours à laver et aérer dehors les choses, essayant désespérément de faire disparaître l’odeur âcre.
Pairs in rhyme
a) Ski and queasy : Free and easy
b) Crowned and jury : Browned and ???
c) Reside and Honker : Divide and Conquer
Modifié par lucile83 le 31-01-2017 23:51
1) Histoire entière rétablie

Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de here4u, postée le 31-01-2017 à 14:34:20 (S | E)
Hello !

Here is a reminder of what must be done ...

Learner A:
- you post ONCE the whole exercise. (Number one must be finished when you do) and you have 3 days to complete the whole work and write to me: "Finished" (or 'In Progress) within the 3 days...

- if you feel like it, you may post Exercise 1 three times , writing EX1: Learner1: N°2. copying the whole story about urchins as it is and giving your contribution. OK ?
Here's the recap for 1 :

"This morning as I was snorkelling, I met two urchins talking about their fear of the fishing season..." (18)
- Hey Tommy, take a look at that big seal coming down ! - Seals don't eat urchins !(15)
- Seals don’t but men like our roe very much. What about moving deeper and hiding amid those seaweeds? (18)
- Never! Those seaweeds spoil the pink ribbon I decorated my spines with... I'd rather remain stylish with you, Spiny Tommy!(20)
- Thank you for remaining so pretty but let’s go, the man with his snorkel is getting closer (19)
Don't forget to copy it before adding your own contribution.

Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de lucile83, postée le 31-01-2017 à 23:55:11 (S | E)

Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de here4u, postée le 01-02-2017 à 10:06:23 (S | E)

Bonne journée à tous!

Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de ouvea, postée le 01-02-2017 à 10:21:06 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,

Hello everybody,

I) We're going to write a story together again, and I want it to be a success this time...
The story
"This morning as I was snorkeling, I met two urchins talking about their fear of the fishing season..." (18)
- Hey Tommy, take a look at that big seal coming down ! - Seals don't eat urchins !(15)
- Seals don’t but men like our roe very much. What about moving deeper and hiding amid those seaweeds? (18)
- Never! Those seaweeds spoil the pink ribbon I decorated my spines with... I'd rather remain stylish with you, Spiny!”
- Thank you for remaining so pretty but let’s go, the man with his snorkel is getting closer (19)
II) Translate into English:
1) Il croyait avoir acheté un diamant très pur pour la bague de fiançailles de Jenny, mais c’était une contre-façon et il va porter plainte pour escroquerie.
He thought he had bought a very flawless diamond for Jenny's engagement ring but it was an imitation and he's going to lodge a complaint for swindle.
2) Il est difficile de se libérer d’une emprise. Le mieux est d’en accepter l'idée et d’en parler, mais tout le monde ne comprend pas les alcooliques ou les drogués …
It's difficult to free oneself from an influence. The best is to accept the idea and talk about it, but everybody doesn't understand alcoholics or drug addicts...
3) Mets-toi à ma place: plus il restera vivre avec elle, plus je serai inquiète pour l'avenir de cette jeune fille et moins je serai confiant en lui.
Put yourself in my shoes! The more he will stay and live with her, the more concerned I will be for her future and the less I will trust him.
Maxwell 4) Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien. Je l'ai appris à mes dépens quand j'ai voulu faire évoluer une règle de gestion inscrite dans le marbre que je trouvais discutable. Bien mal m'en a pris ...
The best is the enemy of the good. I've learnt the hard way when I wanted to develop a management rule set in stone that I found objectionable.
Maxwell 5) Quand te décideras-tu à investir dans cette affaire sans risque ? - Quand tous les voyants seront au vert !
When will you decide to invest in this safe business deal? When the lights are all green!
III) Translate into French:
My grandfather died when I was a small boy, and my grandmother started staying with us for about six months every year. She lived in a room that doubled as my father’s office, which we referred to as “the back room”. She carried with her a powerful aroma. I don’t know what kind of perfume she used, but it was the double-barrel, ninety-proof, knock-down, render-the-victim-unconscious, moose killing variety. She kept it in a huge atomizer and applied it frequently and liberally. It was almost impossible to go into her room and remain breathing for any length of time. When she would leave the house to go spend six months with my Aunt Lilian, my mother and sisters would throw open all the windows, strip the bed, and take out the curtains and rugs. Then they would spend several days washing and airing things out, trying frantically to make the pungent odor go away.
Rick Beyer, True Tales of American Life
Mon grand-père mourut lorsque j'étais petit garçon, et ma grand-mère commença à vivre avec nous environ six mois par an. Elle vivait dans une pièce qui faisait le double du bureau de mon père et que nous appelions "la pièce du fond". Ma grand-mère portait un parfum intense. Je ne sais pas quelle sorte de parfum elle utilisait mais c'était comme un fusil deux coups, un whisky à 45%, sûr d'assommer puis de rendre sa victime inconsciente, du genre même à vous tuer un orignal. Elle gardait son parfum dans un énorme atomiseur et s'en aspergeait fréquemment et généreusement. Il était presque impossible d'aller dans sa chambre et d'y rester un moment à respirer. Lorsqu'elle quittait la maison pour aller passer six mois chez ma Tante Lilian, ma mère et mes sœurs ouvraient toutes grandes les fenêtres, défaisaient le lit, enlevaient les rideaux et les tapis. Alors elles passaient plusieurs jours à laver et à tout sortir pour aérer, essayant frénétiquement d'enlever cette très forte odeur.
IV) Pairs in Rhyme:
(Example: Car and ride => Answer: Far and wide.)
a) Ski and queasy: Free and easy = pas contrariant
b) Crowned and jury: Brown study = plongé dans ses pensées
c) Reside and honker: Divide and conquer = diviser pour régner

Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de taiji43, postée le 01-02-2017 à 10:36:22 (S | E)
Je dois remercier vivement Lucile83 pour avoir repris toute l'histoire et Here pour avoir donné des explications suppléméntaires .... On va y arriver, ne perdons pas espoir
Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de maxwell, postée le 01-02-2017 à 17:11:37 (S | E)
Thanks a lot Here4U

I) We're going to write a story together again :
This morning as I was snorkeling, I met two urchins talking about their fear of the fishing season... (18)
- Hey Tommy, take a look at that big seal coming down ! - Seals don't eat urchins !(16)
- Seals don’t but men like our roe very much. What about moving deeper and hiding amid those seaweeds? (19)
- Never! Those seaweeds spoil the pink ribbon I decorated my spines with... I'd rather remain stylish with you, Spiny!” (20)
- Thank you for remaining so pretty but let’s go, the man with his snorkel is getting closer (18)
- He looks nice. I think he just wants to watch us closely. Besides, we've got spines, haven't we ? (20)
II) Translate into English:
1) Il croyait avoir acheté un diamant très pur pour la bague de fiançailles de Jenny, mais c’était une contre-façon et il va porter plainte pour escroquerie.
He thought he had bought a very pure diamond for Jenny's engagement ring, but it was a knockoff and he's going to file a fraud complaint.
2) Il est difficile de se libérer d’une emprise. Le mieux est d’en accepter l'idée et d’en parler, mais tout le monde ne comprend pas les alcooliques ou les drogués …
It can be difficult to get released from a hold. The best is to accept the idea and talk about it, but not everyone can understand alcohol and drug abusers.
3) Mets-toi à ma place: plus il restera vivre avec elle, plus je serai inquiète pour l'avenir de cette jeune fille et moins je serai confiant en lui.
Put yourself in my shoes : the longer he'll stay living with her, the more worried I'll be about this young girl's future, and the more I'll lose faith in him.
Maxwell 4) Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien. Je l'ai appris à mes dépens quand j'ai voulu faire évoluer une règle de gestion inscrite dans le marbre que je trouvais discutable. Bien mal m'en a pris ...
The best is the enemy of the good. I learned it the hard way when I wanted to change a set-in-stone management rule I found questionable. It was the wrong move...
Maxwell 5) Quand te décideras-tu à investir dans cette affaire sans risque ? - Quand tous les voyants seront au vert !
When will you bring yourself to invest in this risk-free business ? - When all systems are go !
III) Translate into French:
My grandfather died when I was a small boy, and my grandmother started staying with us for about six months every year.
She lived in a room that doubled as my father’s office, which we referred to as “the back room”. She carried with her a powerful aroma.
I don’t know what kind of perfume she used, but it was the double-barrel, ninety-proof, knock-down, render-the-victim-unconscious, moose killing variety.
She kept it in a huge atomizer and applied it frequently and liberally. It was almost impossible to go into her room and remain breathing for any length of time.
When she would leave the house to go spend six months with my Aunt Lilian, my mother and sisters would throw open all the windows, strip the bed, and take out the curtains and rugs.
Then they would spend several days washing and airing things out, trying frantically to make the pungent odor go away.
Mon grand-père s'éteignit quand j'étais un petit garçon, et ma grand-mère commença à rester vivre avec nous pendant à peu près 6 mois par an. Elle vivait dans une pièce qui était aussi le bureau de mon père qu'on appelait l'"antichambre". Elle portait un parfum puissant. Je ne sais pas quelle sorte de parfum elle mettait, mais c'était comme un fusil à double canon, un alcool à 45 degrés avec effet KO ,du genre à vous assommer la victime et à tuer un orignal. Elle le conservait dans un très grand atomiseur et l'appliquait souvent et généreusement. Il était presque impossible de rentrer dans sa pièce et de respirer longtemps. Quand elle avait l'habitude de libérer la maison pour aller passer six mois avec ma tante Lilian, ma mère et ses soeurs ouvraient la fenêtre à la volée, changeaient les draps, ôtaient les rideaux et les tapis.Puis elles passaient plusieurs jours à laver et aérer les affaires, en essayant désespérément de chasser l'odeur piquante.
IV) Pairs in Rhyme: each of these pairs of words is a rhyme for a familiar phrase. Scratch your brains!
a) Ski and queasy: Quick and easy (or : free and easy)
b) Crowned and jury: Browned and crispy
c) Reside and honker: Divide and Conquer
Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de alpiem, postée le 04-02-2017 à 11:37:59 (S | E)
I) Our story…
This morning as I was snorkeling, I met two urchins talking about their fear of the fishing season... (18)
- Hey Tommy, take a look at that big seal coming down ! - Seals don't eat urchins !(16)
- Seals don’t but men like our CORAL very much. What about moving deeper and hiding amid those seaweeds? (19)
- Never! Those seaweeds spoil the pink ribbon I decorated my spines with... I'd rather remain stylish with you, Spiny!” (20)
- Thank you for remaining so pretty but let’s go, the man with his snorkel is getting closer .(18)
- He looks nice. I think he just wants to watch us closely. Besides, we've got spines, haven't we ? (20)
- What about talking them we eat seaweeds? Most of them don’t like seaweeds but the Japanese do!
-me: You'd better run for it, I'm hungry and will call my likes or a few starfishes along to get you!
Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de maxwell, postée le 04-02-2017 à 12:50:30 (S | E)

I. Maxwell 2 :
This morning as I was snorkeling, I met two urchins talking about their fear of the fishing season... (18)
- Hey Tommy, take a look at that big seal coming down ! - Seals don't eat urchins !(16)
- Seals don’t but men like our coral very much. What about moving deeper and hiding amid those seaweeds? (19)
- Never! Those seaweeds spoil the pink ribbon I decorated my spines with... I'd rather remain stylish with you, Spiny!” (20)
- Thank you for remaining so pretty but let’s go, the man with his snorkel is getting closer .(18)
- He looks nice. I think he just wants to watch us closely. Besides, we've got spines, haven't we ? (20)
- What about telling them we eat seaweeds? Most of them don’t like seaweeds but the Japanese do! (18)
- You'd better run for it, I'm hungry and will call my likes or a few starfishes along to get you! (22)
Suddenly, I began having difficulties breathing : something went wrong with my snorkel and I decided to resurface immediately. (18)
Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de maya92, postée le 04-02-2017 à 14:41:19 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
I – Story…
- Hey Tommy take a look at that big seal coming down. Seals don’t eat urchins.
- Seals don’t but men like our coral very much. What about moving deeper and hide among those
- Never, those seaweeds will spoil the pink ribbon I decorated my spine with. I’d rather remain stylish with you Spiny.
- Thank you for remaining so pretty but let’s go, the man wwith his snorkel is getting closer
- He looks nice. I think he just wants to watch us closely. Besides we’ve got spines. Haven’t we ?
- What about telling we only eat seaweeds. Most of them don’t like seaweeds, only Japanese do. Don’t they ?
- So, better to sharpen our spines against this rock to look a bit more creepy. Don’t you think ? (18)
II - Into English
1 – He thought he had bought a flawless diamond for Jenny’s engagement ring but it was an imitation and he is going to lodge a complaint for swindle
2 – It is hard to free oneself from an addiction. The best is to take up the idea of it and to talk about it but everybody doesn’t understand alcohol or drug addiction
3 –Put yourself in my shoes : the more he stays with her the more worried I am for this young girl future and the less I trust him
4 – It’s better to let well alone. I learnt this to my cost when I wanted to make changes to a rule of management engraved on marble and which I found disputable. It was just as bad I did it
5 – When are you going to invest in this low-risk business ? When all the indicators turn green !
III – Into French
My grandfather died when I was a small boy and my grandmother started staying with us for about six months every year. She lived in a room that doubled as my father's office which we referred to as the 'back room'. She carried with her a powerful arome. I don't know what kind of perfume she used but t was the double-barrel, ninety-proof, knock-down, render-the-victim unconscious, moose killing variety. She kept it in a huge atomizer and applied it frequently and liberally. It was almost impossible to go into her room and remain breathing for any length of time. When she would leave the house to go spend six months with my Aunt Lilian, my mother and sisters would throw open all the windows , strip the bed, and take out the curtains and rugs. Then they would spend several days washing and airing things out, trying frantically to the make pungent odor go away.
Mon grand-père mourut quand j’étais encore petit garçon et ma grand’mère passa alors six mois chez nous chaque année. Elle occupait la chambre qui servait de bureau à mon père et que nous appelions « la pièce du fond ».
Elle exhalait un puissant effluve. Je ne sais pas quelle sorte de parfum elle portait mais c’était un parfum si persistant, titrant au moins 90°, une émanation capable de mettre une victime KO, de la rendre inconsciente, et même, j’en suis sûr, de tuer un élan. Elle le conservait dans un énorme atomiseur et s’en aspergeait souvent et généreusement. Il était presque impossible d’entrer dans sa chambre sans se retenir de respirer aussi longtemps que nécessaire. Quand elle quittait la maison pour aller passer six mois chez ma tante Lilian, ma mère et mes sœurs ouvraient toutes les fenêtres en grand, défaisaient entièrement le lit et enlevaient tapis et rideaux. Puis elles passaient plusieurs jours à tout laver, à tout aérer, tentant désespérément de se débarrasser de cette odeur qui prenait à la gorge.
Very difficult translation...isn't it ?

Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de here4u, postée le 04-02-2017 à 15:01:37 (S | E)

Si nécessaire je récapitulerai ce soir ... et corrigerai les variations ...

Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de here4u, postée le 05-02-2017 à 00:29:54 (S | E)
Hello !

D'abord, notre histoire ...

This morning as I was snorkeling, I met two urchins talking about their fear of the fishing season... (18)
- Hey Tommy, take a look at that big seal coming down! - Seals don't eat urchins !(16)
- Seals don’t, but men like our roe very much. What about moving deeper and hiding amid those seaweeds? (19)
- Never! Those seaweeds spoil the pink ribbon I decorated my spines with... I'd rather remain stylish with you, Spiny!” (20)
- Thank you for remaining so pretty but let’s go, the man with his snorkel is getting closer .(18)
- He looks nice. I think he just wants to watch us closely. Besides, we've got spines, haven't we ? (20)
- What about telling them we eat seaweeds? Most of them don’t like seaweeds but the Japanese do! (18)
- You'd better run, I'm hungry and will call my likes or a few starfish along to get you! (18)
- Suddenly, I started having difficulties breathing: something went wrong with my snorkel and I decided to resurface immediately. (18)
- That diver hurrying past us is frightening! Let's prick him! oh dear, I lost my pink ribbon! (18) (H4U N°1)
- So, better sharpen our spines against this rock to look a bit more creepy. Don’t you think ? (18) (= maya)
Go on

Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de maxwell, postée le 05-02-2017 à 08:19:52 (S | E)
Hello everyone

I. Maxwell 3 (last one for me

(Of course, I didn't put dashes before narrative sentences)

This morning as I was snorkeling, I met two urchins talking about their fear of the fishing season... (18)
" - Hey Tommy, take a look at that big seal coming down! - Seals don't eat urchins !(16)
- Seals don’t, but men like our roe very much. What about moving deeper and hiding amid those seaweeds? (19)
- Never! Those seaweeds spoil the pink ribbon I decorated my spines with... I'd rather remain stylish with you, Spiny! (20)
- Thank you for remaining so pretty but let’s go, the man with his snorkel is getting closer .(18)
- He looks nice. I think he just wants to watch us closely. Besides, we've got spines, haven't we ? (20)
- What about telling them we eat seaweeds? Most of them don’t like seaweeds but the Japanese do! (18)
- You'd better run, I'm hungry and will call my likes or a few starfish along to get you!" (20)
Suddenly, I started having difficulties breathing: something went wrong with my snorkel and I decided to resurface immediately. (18)
"- That diver hurrying past us is frightening! Let's prick him! oh dear, I lost my pink ribbon! (18)
- So, better sharpen our spines against this rock to look a bit more creepy. Don’t you think ?" (18)
My snorkel was damaged ! So I said goodbye to those beautiful urchins, and went back home. (16)
Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de djim21, postée le 07-02-2017 à 11:41:30 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
I haven’t continued the story because the last sentence may be the end.
I have no ideas for item « pairs and rhyme ».
Thanks for the others exercices which are always interesting.
Have a nice week.
ready for marking
II) Translate into English:
1) Il croyait avoir acheté un diamant très pur pour la bague de fiançailles de Jenny, mais c’était une contre-façon et il va porter plainte pour escroquerie.
He tought he had bought a very pure diamond for the Jenny’s engagement ring, but it was a counterfeit and he’s going to lodge a complaint for cheat.
2) Il est difficile de se libérer d’une emprise. Le mieux est d’en accepter l'idée et d’en parler, mais tout le monde ne comprend pas les alcooliques ou les drogués …
It’s difficult to free yourself from a hold. The best is to accept the idea and to talk about it, but many people don’t understand alcoholics or drug addicts ...
3) Mets-toi à ma place: plus il restera vivre avec elle, plus je serai inquiète pour l'avenir de cette jeune fille et moins je serai confiant en lui.
You’re in my shoes : the more he’ll stay and live with her, the more I’ll be worried for the future of this young woman and the less I’ll trust him.
Maxwell 4) Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien. Je l'ai appris à mes dépens quand j'ai voulu faire évoluer une règle de gestion inscrite dans le marbre que je trouvais discutable. Bien mal m'en a pris …
« If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it ». I learnt the hard about it when I had wanted to make a management rule written in stone progress which I thought debatable. It was the wrong move ...
Maxwell 5) Quand te décideras-tu à investir dans cette affaire sans risque ? - Quand tous les voyants seront au vert !
When do you decide you to invest into this good deal ? - When all the lights are green !
III) Translate into French:
My grandfather died when I was a small boy, and my grandmother started staying with us for about six months every year. She lived in a room that doubled as my father’s office, which we referred to as “the back room”. She carried with her a powerful aroma. I don’t know what kind of perfume she used, but it was the double-barrel, ninety-proof, knock-down, render-the-victim-unconscious, moose killing variety. She kept it in a huge atomizer and applied it frequently and liberally. It was almost impossible to go into her room and remain breathing for any length of time. When she would leave the house to go spend six months with my Aunt Lilian, my mother and sisters would throw open all the windows, strip the bed, and take out the curtains and rugs. Then they would spend several days washing and airing things out, trying frantically to make the pungent odor go away.
Rick Beyer, True Tales of American Life
Mon grand-père est décédé quand j’étais petit garçon, et ma grand-mère commença alors à rester chez nous environ six mois par an. Elle occupait une chambre mitoyenne avec le bureau de mon père, que nous appelions « l’arrière-chambre ». Le parfum qu’elle utilisait dégageait une puissante odeur. J’ignore de quelle sorte il était, mais c’était le double-corps, quatre-vingt-dix degrés, bradé, rendant les victimes inconscientes, de la variété à tuer un élan. Elle le conservait dans un énorme atomiseur et se l’appliquait fréquemment et abondamment. C’était quasiment impossible d’entrer dans sa chambre et de continuer à respirer. Quand elle quittait la maison pour aller passer six mois vers ma tante Lilian, ma mère et mes sœurs ouvraient grand toutes les fenêtres, changeaient les draps, retiraient les rideaux et les couvertures. Ensuite elles passaient plusieurs jours à laver et aérer toutes sortes de choses, essayant frénétiquement de faire partir l’odeur tenace.
(Histoires vraies de la vie en Amérique)
Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de maxwell, postée le 07-02-2017 à 20:08:34 (S | E)
Hello Djim
I didn't mean to end the story : I only wanted to give it a new dimension with more narration, more action, more diversity. The story didn't need to be only a dialogue, did it ?
If only I could participate more, I'd show you how ;-)
Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de here4u, postée le 07-02-2017 à 21:12:23 (S | E)

Of course.

The story is far from being over... (Maxwell you can have ONE MORE... but don't make a habit of it!

En clair, le dernier qui aura la parole est le premier qui a commencé, c'est à dire ouvéa

Donc, beaucoup de temps et d'occasions pour faire rebondir notre histoire. Allez ! On continue ...

Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de maxwell, postée le 07-02-2017 à 21:47:06 (S | E)
Thanks a lot Here4U, I don't want to impose on you

Hello everyone
I. Maxwell 4 (very last one)
This morning as I was snorkeling, I met two urchins talking about their fear of the fishing season... (18)
" - Hey Tommy, take a look at that big seal coming down! - Seals don't eat urchins !(16)
- Seals don’t, but men like our roe very much. What about moving deeper and hiding amid those seaweeds? (19)
- Never! Those seaweeds spoil the pink ribbon I decorated my spines with... I'd rather remain stylish with you, Spiny! (20)
- Thank you for remaining so pretty but let’s go, the man with his snorkel is getting closer .(18)
- He looks nice. I think he just wants to watch us closely. Besides, we've got spines, haven't we ? (20)
- What about telling them we eat seaweeds? Most of them don’t like seaweeds but the Japanese do! (18)
- You'd better run, I'm hungry and will call my likes or a few starfish along to get you!" (20)
Suddenly, I started having difficulties breathing: something went wrong with my snorkel and I decided to resurface immediately. (18)
"- That diver hurrying past us is frightening! Let's prick him! oh dear, I lost my pink ribbon! (18)
- So, better sharpen our spines against this rock to look a bit more creepy. Don’t you think ?" (18)
My snorkel was damaged ! So I said goodbye to those beautiful urchins, and went back home. (16)
As my friend wouldn't believe me, I talked him into joining me for a dive : he brought two snorkels (20).
Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de taiji43, postée le 08-02-2017 à 18:29:35 (S | E)
Hello Dear Forum-pals Taiji n°2
This morning as I was snorkeling, I met two urchins talking about their fear of the fishing season... (18)
" - Hey Tommy, take a look at that big seal coming down! - Seals don't eat urchins !(16)
- Seals don’t, but men like our roe very much. What about moving deeper and hiding amid those seaweeds? (19)
- Never! Those seaweeds spoil the pink ribbon I decorated my spines with... I'd rather remain stylish with you, Spiny! (20)
- Thank you for remaining so pretty but let’s go, the man with his snorkel is getting closer .(18)
- He looks nice. I think he just wants to watch us closely. Besides, we've got spines, haven't we ? (20)
- What about telling them we eat seaweeds? Most of them don’t like seaweeds but the Japanese do! (18)
- You'd better run, I'm hungry and will call my likes or a few starfish along to get you!" (20)
Suddenly, I started having difficulties breathing: something went wrong with my snorkel and I decided to resurface immediately. (18)
"- That diver hurrying past us is frightening! Let's prick him! oh dear, I lost my pink ribbon! (18)
- So, better sharpen our spines against this rock to look a bit more creepy. Don’t you think ?" (18)
My snorkel was damaged ! So I said goodbye to those beautiful urchins, and went back home. (16)
As my friend wouldn't believe me, I talked him into joining me for a dive : he brought two snorkels (20).
One dedicated to replace mine However before setting off, seizing a sharpen knife on, he told me (19)
Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de here4u, postée le 09-02-2017 à 17:34:28 (S | E)
Hello !

J'ai fini vos corrections (tout en faisant mes aérosols ...)

Il me reste donc la perspective des transferts .... et bien sûr, la correction de ceux qui ont encore beaucoup de temps pour poster ...

Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de ouvea, postée le 12-02-2017 à 11:14:08 (S | E)
Hello everybody,
Here is the end of the story :
This morning as I was snorkeling, I met two urchins talking about their fear of the fishing season... (18)
" - Hey Tommy, take a look at that big seal coming down! - Seals don't eat urchins !(16)
- Seals don’t, but men like our roe very much. What about moving deeper and hiding amid those seaweeds? (19)
- Never! Those seaweeds spoil the pink ribbon I decorated my spines with... I'd rather remain stylish with you, Spiny! (20)
- Thank you for remaining so pretty but let’s go, the man with his snorkel is getting closer .(18)
- He looks nice. I think he just wants to watch us closely. Besides, we've got spines, haven't we ? (20)
- What about telling them we eat seaweeds? Most of them don’t like seaweeds but the Japanese do! (18)
- You'd better run, I'm hungry and will call my likes or a few starfish along to get you!" (20)
Suddenly, I started having difficulties breathing: something went wrong with my snorkel and I decided to resurface immediately. (18)
"- That diver hurrying past us is frightening! Let's prick him! oh dear, I lost my pink ribbon! (18)
- So, better sharpen our spines against this rock to look a bit more creepy. Don’t you think ?" (18)
My snorkel was damaged ! So I said goodbye to those beautiful urchins, and went back home. (16)
As my friend wouldn't believe me, I talked him into joining me for a dive : he brought two snorkels (20).
One dedicated to replace mine however before setting off, seizing a sharpen knife on, he told me: (19)
"-It will also open the urchins: I'm hungry, it's lunch time, we could eat them on the beach!" (20)
Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de here4u, postée le 12-02-2017 à 11:49:41 (S | E)

Don't forget that you're free to exercise your right to your three interventions to our building the story .... it's much too soon to finish it (this was Ex.1. ouvéa 2) you can post till Monday!) especially in such a sad way ....

Come on... make my day!

Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de alpiem, postée le 12-02-2017 à 15:56:55 (S | E)
hello here4u,here is my 3rd one! And off we are,diving down again restlessly, frantically, for the chase, the knife sticking out with the snack looming.
Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de here4u, postée le 12-02-2017 à 17:21:38 (S | E)
hello !

This morning as I was snorkeling, I met two urchins talking about their fear of the fishing season... (18)
" - Hey Tommy, take a look at that big seal coming down! - Seals don't eat urchins !(16)
- Seals don’t, but men like our roe very much. What about moving deeper and hiding amid those seaweeds? (19)
- Never! Those seaweeds spoil the pink ribbon I decorated my spines with... I'd rather remain stylish with you, Spiny! (20)
- Thank you for remaining so pretty but let’s go, the man with his snorkel is getting closer .(18)
- He looks nice. I think he just wants to watch us closely. Besides, we've got spines, haven't we ? (20)
- What about telling them we eat seaweeds? Most of them don’t like seaweeds but the Japanese do! (18)
- You'd better run, I'm hungry and will call my likes or a few starfish along to get you!" (20)
Suddenly, I started having difficulties breathing: something went wrong with my snorkel and I decided to resurface immediately. (18)
"- That diver hurrying past us is frightening! Let's prick him! oh dear, I lost my pink ribbon! (18)
- So, better sharpen our spines against this rock to look a bit more creepy. Don’t you think ?" (18)
My snorkel was damaged ! So I said goodbye to those beautiful urchins, and went back home. (16)
As my friend wouldn't believe me, I talked him into joining me for a dive : he brought two snorkels (20).
One dedicated to replace mine however before setting off, seizing a sharpen knife on, he told me: (19)
"-It will also open the urchins: I'm hungry, it's lunch time, we could eat them on the beach!" (20)
And off we are, diving down again restlessly, frantically, for the chase, the knife sticking out with the snack looming.(20) (=Alpiem 3)
"Oh look out! Your so-called nice guy has come back with a knife this time! Talk about nice..."(19)(= H4U 2)

Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de here4u, postée le 13-02-2017 à 22:52:03 (S | E)
Hello, Choco ...

Il te reste encore quelques très grosses fautes ... Suis bien les indications de la correction ...

Réponse : Ex 101/ C'est reparti de here4u, postée le 13-02-2017 à 23:42:03 (S | E)
Hello, Dear Friends, Faithful workers…

I was really flabbergasted when I saw how quick you were to do this test…

Alpiem’s limo in Dunkirk is a new challenge!

The difficulty of this test was the translation into French, especially with the repetition of “would” that some of you didn’t like at all… The “Pairs in Rhyme” have really puzzled you … I’m working on others but will go slow…

Here’s what I suggest, helped by all your contributions. Thank you for your excellent work and congratulations to all of you.

I) We're going to write a story together again
This morning as I was snorkeling, I met two urchins talking about their fear of the fishing season... (18)
" - Hey Tommy, take a look at that big seal coming down! - Seals don't eat urchins !(16)
- Seals don’t, but men like our roe very much. What about moving deeper and hiding amid those seaweeds? (19)
- Never! Those seaweeds spoil the pink ribbon I decorated my spines with... I'd rather remain stylish with you, Spiny! (20)
- Thank you for remaining so pretty but let’s go, the man with his snorkel is getting closer .(18)
- He looks nice. I think he just wants to watch us closely. Besides, we've got spines, haven't we ? (20)
- What about telling them we eat seaweeds? Most of them don’t like seaweeds but the Japanese do! (18)
- You'd better run, I'm hungry and will call my likes or a few starfish along to get you!" (20)
Suddenly, I started having difficulties breathing: something went wrong with my snorkel and I decided to resurface immediately. (18)
"- That diver hurrying past us is frightening! Let's prick him! oh dear, I lost my pink ribbon! (18)
- So, better sharpen our spines against this rock to look a bit more creepy. Don’t you think ?" (18)
My snorkel was damaged ! So I said goodbye to those beautiful urchins, and went back home. (16)
As my friend wouldn't believe me, I talked him into joining me for a dive : he brought two snorkels (20).
One dedicated to replace mine however before setting off, seizing a sharpen knife on, he told me: (19)
"-It will also open the urchins: I'm hungry, it's lunch time, we could eat them on the beach!" (20)
And off we are, diving down again restlessly, frantically, for the chase, the knife sticking out with the snack looming.(20) (=Alpiem 3)
"Oh look out! Your so-called nice guy has come back with a knife this time! Talk about nice..."(19)(= H4U 2)
Shortly later: the guys rushed out of the water, their hands pricked with spines... holding a piece of pink ribbon...

II) Translate into English:
1° Il croyait avoir acheté un diamant très pur pour la bague de fiançailles de Jenny, mais c’était une contrefaçon et il va porter plainte pour escroquerie.
He thought he had bought a flawless diamond for Jenny’s engagement ring, but it was a knock-off, and he’ll file a complaint for swindling.
- un défaut dans un diamant est “a flaw” ; "flawless" est donc sans défaut = très pur. "Perfectly flawless” me semblait un peu insistant, quasi redondant.
- une contrefaçon = counterfeiting – a fake - a forgery - a counterfeit – an imitation – a knock off -
- porter plainte pour = to lodge a complaint for/
- escroquerie = swindle/ fraud
2° Il est difficile de se libérer d’une emprise. Le mieux est de l’accepter et d’en parler, mais tout le monde ne comprend pas les alcooliques…
It’s difficult to break loose from an addiction. The best way to do this is to admit/accept you’re an addict and speak about it, but not everyone understands alcoholics or drug-abusers.
- se libérer de = to free yourself from/ to break loose from/ to break free from an influence/ squirm/ throw off/ wriggle away/ free yourself from
- une emprise = Là, j’ai été un peu dure avec vous en choisissant ce mot plutôt que : « dépendance ». Avec emprise, vous avez « personnalisé » : « hold » est bien l’influence d’une personne sur une autre. « Addiction » insistait bien mieux sur une substance = dependence/ addiction; Lien internet
- La construction "Tout le monde ne comprend pas …." est typiquement française … Ce n’est pas la première fois que je vous la proposais…

3° Mets-toi à ma place, plus il restera vivre avec elle, plus je serai inquiète pour son avenir et moins je serai confiant en lui.
Put yourself in my shoes, the longer he’ll live with her, the more worried I’ll be about her future and the less I’ll trust him/ the less confidence I’ll have in him.
- se mettre à la place de = put yourself in [sb]'s place/ put yourself in [sb]'s shoes
- plus … plus … et moins … = forme du COMPARATIF avec l’article défini ; the more… the more… the less… Il s’agit de la progression parallèle de plusieurs actions.
- Etre inquiète pour = to be worried for somebody ; mais “about something”.
- Etre confiant en = avoir confiance en = to have confidence in / to trust
Maxwell 4° Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien. Je l'ai appris à mes dépens quand j'ai voulu faire évoluer une règle de gestion inscrite dans le marbre que je trouvais discutable. Bien mal m'en a pris..
Leave well enough alone! I learnt that at my expense when I wanted to make a management rule evolve, though it had been set in stone, because I thought it questionable. It was the wrong move!
- Le mieux est …= If it ain't broke, don't fix it (si ce n’est pas vraiment cassé, ne réparez pas !) / leave well enough alone (Ne réparez pas ce qui est assez bien) = Ne pas chercher la perfection.
- « à mes dépens » = to my cost/ at my expense/ the very hard way/
- Faire évoluer une règle de gestion = to make a management rule evolve
- Immuable = changeless/ eternal/ immutable/ unalterable/ immovable/ unchangeable
- Gravé dans le marbre = set in stone.
- Bien mal m’en a pris ! = it was the wrong move/ I did wrong / I made the wrong move.
Maxwell 5° Quand te décideras-tu à investir dans cette affaire sans risque ? - Quand tous les voyants seront au vert !
When will you finally invest in this safe/ risk-free business? When all the indicators/ signals turn green.
- Quand te décideras-tu ? = une interrogative directe = When + will + ?
- Quand tous les voyants seront au vert ! = n’est pas une interrogative MAIS une subordonnée conjonctive temporelle : pas de futur derrière « when », « as soon as », « once » etc.
III) Translate into French:
My grandfather died when I was a small boy, and my grandmother started staying with us for about six months every year. She lived in a room that doubled as my father’s office, which we referred to as “the back room”. She carried with her a powerful aroma. I don’t know what kind of perfume she used, but it was the double-barrel, ninety-proof, knock-down, render-the-victim-unconscious, moose killing variety She kept it in a huge atomizer and applied it frequently and liberally. It was almost impossible to go into her room and remain breathing for any length of time. When she would leave the house to go spend six months with my Aunt Lilian, my mother and sisters would throw open all the windows, strip the bed, and take out the curtains and rugs. Then they would spend several days washing and airing things out, trying frantically to make the pungent odor go away.
Rick Beyer, True Tales of American Life
Mon grand père mourut quand j’étais * petit garçon et ma grand-mère se mit à venir vivre * avec nous environ six mois chaque année. Elle dormait dans une chambre qui servait aussi * de bureau à mon père ; nous l’appelions « la pièce du fond ». Ma grand mère portait sur elle une très forte odeur.* Je ne sais pas quel parfum elle utilisait, mais il était du genre « fusil à double canon, titrant à 90 degrés, à renverser, rendre une victime inconsciente et tuer un orignal». Elle le gardait dans un énorme atomiseur et s’en mettait souvent et généreusement. Il était presque impossible d’entrer dans sa chambre et d’y respirer pendant quelque temps. Lorsqu’elle quittait la maison pour aller passer six mois avec ma tante Lilian, ma mère et mes sœurs * ouvraient les fenêtres toutes grandes*, enlevaient toute la literie, sortaient les rideaux et les tapis. Ensuite, elles passaient plusieurs jours à laver et aérer les objets, essayant de chasser l’odeur mordante.
Les Véritables Contes de la Vie Américaine
- “When I was a small boy” : en anglais, l’article indéfini est OBLIGATOIRE (= attribut du sujet). Il ne faut pas le traduire en français. (cf. une chanson « quand j’étais petit garçon, je repassais mes leçons … »)
- « Started staying with us”= je n’ai pas aimé “commença à rester avec nous”, trop près du texte, d’autant plus que dans certaines régions « rester » signifie « habiter ».
- To double as stg = to do in addition= être aussi, être également.
- Pour “aroma”, je n’ai pas voulu utiliser tout ce qui ressemblait à un parfum.
- Lors de la traduction de la phrase où les adjectifs composés s’accumulent, il fallait regarder la structure de base en retirant tous les adjectifs : « it was the … stinking …. variety » = il était du genre qui, de la variété qui/que ….
- « ninety proof » = à 90° ; je n’ai pas compris pourquoi beaucoup d’entre vous ont mis 45° …

- La vraie difficulté de la version était dans cette phrase : il s’agissait de la valeur de « would » qui était répété plusieurs fois. Ici, c’était le « would » fréquentatif qui exprimait la répétition d’un phénomène, tous les six mois, lors du départ de la grand-mère. Il faut le traduire par un imparfait. Bravo à tous ceux qui l’ont trouvé.

- To throw open = ouvrir tout grand. J’ai cherché pour l’accord de “grand” ou pas … et ai rendu les accords obligatoires en retournant la fin de la phrase.

IV) Pairs in Rhyme: each of these pairs of words is a rhyme for a familiar phrase. Scratch your brains! Pas facile !
(Example: Car and ride => Answer: Far and wide.)
a) Ski and queasy= free and easy = décontracté
b) Crowned and jury= sound and fury = le bruit et la fureur
c) Reside and honker= divide and conquer = diviser pour régner.
Bravo encore à tous !

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