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Correction/ phrases

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ phrases
Message de rayane99 posté le 29-05-2016 à 21:13:52 (S | E | F)
quelqu'un peut-il m'aider à corriger les fautes d'orthographe s'il vous plait?
Merci de votre lecture
-The children called him "Devil" because M.Neville removed them to their parents.
-The girls decided to escape because she want to back home and see again their familly.
-At Moore river, the girls must speak English because she will become the handmaids of people who have captured.
-The girls escape from Moore river on foot, during the mass (discreetly)
- To survive, they ate a kangaroo
-Molly is very brave
- Molly isn't very talkative, she's silent
- Molly is also intelligent
- The government remove children from their parents because they don't have to reproduce, they cannot have a children.
- It's a movie very good because this is a true story and it's a moving history.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-05-2016 22:00

Réponse: Correction/ phrases de gerondif, postée le 29-05-2016 à 22:59:25 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert

-The children called him "Devil" because M.Neville removed them to(c'est le contraire, il faut une préposition qui indique l'éloignement, la séparation) their parents.
-The girls decided to escape because she(pluriel) want(prétérit) to ** (manque le verbe)back home and see again(à mettre derrière family) their familly.
-At Moore river, the girls must(à mettre au prétérit) speak English because she(pluriel) will(erreur de temps) become the handmaids of the people who have(il faut un plus que parfait) captured them.
-The girls escape (prétérit ?) from Moore river on foot, during the mass (discreetly)
- To survive, they ate a kangaroo
-Molly is very brave
- Molly isn't very talkative, she's silent
- Molly is also intelligent
- The government remove(prétérit?) children from their parents because they don't have to(signifie: ils ne sont pas obligés de, donc, erreur de choix de verbe) reproduce, they cannot have a(children est pluriel) children.
- It's a movie very good (inversez) because this is a true story and it's a moving history.

Réponse: Correction/ phrases de rayane99, postée le 30-05-2016 à 20:52:47 (S | E)

-The children called him "Devil" because M.Neville removed them of their parents.
-The girls decided to escape because they wanted to go back home and see their family again.
-At Moore river, the girls must(je sais pas c'est quoi le prétérit de must) speak English because they wanted to become the handmaids of the people who had captured them.
-The girls escaped from Moore river on foot, during mass (discreetly)
- To survive, they ate a kangaroo
- Molly is very brave
- Molly isn't very talkative, she's silent
- Molly is also intelligent
- The government removed children from their parents because they don't have to( je voit pas ce que je peut mettre) reproduce, they cannot have any children.
- It's a very good movie because this is a true story and it's a moving history.

Réponse: Correction/ phrases de bluestar, postée le 31-05-2016 à 10:52:17 (S | E)

The children called him "Devil" because M.Neville removed them of from their parents.
-The girls decided to escape because they wanted to go back home and see their family again.
-At Moore river, the girls must(je sais pas c'est quoi le prétérit de must) had to speak English because they wanted to become the handmaids ('servants' est mieux) of the people who had captured them.
-The girls escaped from Moore river on foot, during mass (discreetly)
- To survive, they ate a kangaroo
- Molly is very brave
- Molly isn't very talkative, she's silent
- Molly is also intelligent
- The government removed children from their parents because they don't have to( je voit pas ce que je peut mettre) are not allowed to reproduce, they cannot have any children.
- It's a very good movie because this is a true story and it's a moving history.

Réponse: Correction/ phrases de gerondif, postée le 31-05-2016 à 13:53:08 (S | E)
à 16 ans, have to comme remplaçant de must ou verbe "être obligé de" est normalement connu; de même que to be allowed to pour dire "être autorisé à"

The children called him "Devil" because M.Neville removed them from their parents.
-The girls decided to escape because they wanted to go back home and see their family again.
-At Moore river, the girls had to speak English because they wanted to(je ne crois pas qu'elle voulaient devenir domestiques ou esclaves, je crois qu'au départ, vous vouliez dire avec votre will, parce qu'elles allaient devenir domestiques. Ou alors, mettez le verbe "être obligé de") become servants of(plutôt for) the people who had captured them.
-The girls escaped from Moore river on foot, during mass (discreetly)
- To survive, they ate a kangaroo
- Molly is very brave
- Molly isn't very talkative, she's silent
- Molly is also intelligent (
- The government removed children from their parents because they (si vous gardez removed au prétérit, il faudra mettre la solution de bluestar au passé aussi)are not allowed to reproduce, they (idem) cannot have any children.
- It's a very good movie because this is a true story and it's a moving history.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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