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Mrs Watson/Help

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Mrs Watson/Help
Message de mimiroulette posté le 18-05-2016 à 15:17:49 (S | E | F)
j'aimerais que quelqu’un m'aide à corriger mes fautes s'il vous plait,
merci d'avance pour vos réponses.!

Once upon a time, in Paris, there was an evil english teacher who, in appearance, was very kind and considerate towards these students. But, strange things happened during her lessons.
Some students had an attitude increasingly disturbing. In fact, the students were very pressed to go in english lessons whereas they attended no other course.
Then, they greeted in the same way by touching there head.
In the evening, when every other pupils returning in theire home, Mrs Watson's students claimed to have remedial teaching to join her in an unknown location.
During the lessons, theire attitude was strange too. Indeed, they used words and signs that nobody else could understand. In addition they seemed hypnotised by the words of theire teacher.
This group of student standing aside from the class demanded tea for every lunch at the canteen otherwise they did not eat.
One day, when all the students of this group were arriving at scholl with the same uniform and carrying the English flag on the chest their parents began to alarm themselves. So, in the evening they desided to follow them up to an abandoned house. It's at this moment that they realized that their children were indoctrinated in a sect established by Mrs Watson who wanted to teach to her students the english way of life.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-05-2016 18:06

Réponse: Mrs Watson/Help de gerondif, postée le 18-05-2016 à 15:27:10 (S | E)
Bonjour, erreurs en bleu, correction en vert.
Bonjour, j'aimerais que quelqu’un m'aide à corriger mes fautes s'il vous plait, merci d'avance!

Once upon a time, in Paris, there was an evil english(majuscule) teacher who, in appearance, was very kind and considerate towards these(avez-vous écrit ces à la place de ses pour le traducteur automatique) students. But, strange things happened during her lessons.
Some students had an attitude increasingly disturbing(à mettre devant le nom). In fact, the students were very pressed to go(go implique un mouvement) in english lessons whereas they attended no other course.
Then, they greeted (manque le complément d'objet) in the same way by touching there head.
In the evening, when every other pupils returning in theire home, Mrs Watson's students claimed to have remedial teaching to join her in an unknown location.
During the lessons, theire attitude was strange too. Indeed, they used words and signs that nobody else could understand. In addition they seemed hypnotised by the words of theire teacher.
This group of students standing aside from the class demanded tea for every lunch at the canteen otherwise they did not eat.(they refused to eat)
One day, when all the students of this group were arriving(prétérit simple) at scholl with the same uniform and carrying(wearing) the English flag on their chests their parents began to alarm themselves(français traduit). So, in the evening they desided to follow them up to an abandoned house. It's at this moment that(It was then that ) they realized that their children were indoctrinated in a sect established by Mrs Watson who wanted to teach to her students the english way of life.
Un vrai cauchemar !

Réponse: Mrs Watson/Help de mimiroulette, postée le 18-05-2016 à 16:37:31 (S | E)
Merci gerondif!
Once upon a time, in Paris, there was an evil English teacher who, in appearance, was very kind and considerate towards her students. But, strange things happened during her lessons.
Some students had an increasingly disturbing attitude. In fact, the students were very hurry to go in English lessons whereas they attended no other course.
Then, they greeted each other in the same way by touching theire head.
In the evening, when every other pupil return in their home, Mrs Watson's students claimed to have remedial teaching to join her in an unknown location.
During the lessons, their attitude was strange too. Indeed, they used words and signs that nobody else could understand. In addition they seemed hypnotised by the words of their teacher.
This group of students standing aside from the class demanded tea for every lunch at the canteen otherwise they refused to eat.
One day, when all the students of this group were arrive at school with the same uniform and wearing the English flag on their chests their parents began to worry. So, in the evening they decided to follow them up to an abandoned house. It was then that they realized that their children were indoctrinated in a sect established by Mrs Watson who wanted to teach to her students the English way of life.

Réponse: Mrs Watson/Help de gerondif, postée le 18-05-2016 à 17:56:44 (S | E)
Once upon a time, in Paris, there was an evil English teacher who, in appearance, was very kind and considerate towards her students. But, strange things happened during her lessons.
Some students had an increasingly disturbing attitude. In fact, the students were very hurry to go in(go implique un déplacement) English lessons whereas they attended no other course/lesson.
Then, they all greeted each other in the same way by touching theire head.
In the evening, when every other pupil return(prétérit, go back est plus courant)) in their home, Mrs Watson's students claimed to have remedial teaching to join her in an unknown location.
During the lessons, their attitude was strange too. Indeed, they used words and signs that nobody else could understand. In addition they seemed hypnotised by the words of their teacher.
This group of students standing aside from the class demanded tea for every lunch at the canteen otherwise they refused to eat.
One day, when all the students of this group were arrive(prétérit simple du verbe arrive) at school with the same uniform and wearing the English flag on their chests, their parents began to worry. So, in the evening they decided to follow them up to an abandoned house. It was then that they realized that their children were indoctrinated in a sect established by Mrs Watson who wanted to teach (to) her students the English way of life.

Réponse: Mrs Watson/Help de mimiroulette, postée le 18-05-2016 à 19:04:57 (S | E)
Once upon a time, in Paris, there was an evil English teacher who, in appearance, was very kind and considerate towards her students. But, strange things happened during her lessons.
Some students had an increasingly disturbing attitude. In fact, the students were very hurry to go to English lessons whereas they attended no other lesson.
Then, they all greeted each other in the same way by touching their head.
In the evening, when every other pupil go back home, Mrs Watson's students claimed to have remedial teaching to join her in an unknown location.
During the lessons, their attitude was strange too. Indeed, they used words and signs that nobody else could understand. In addition they seemed hypnotised by the words of their teacher.
This group of students standing aside from the class demanded tea for every lunch at the canteen otherwise they refused to eat.
One day, when all the students of this group were arrived at school with the same uniform and wearing the English flag on their chests, their parents began to worry. So, in the evening they decided to follow them up to an abandoned house. It was then that they realized that their children were indoctrinated in a sect established by Mrs Watson who wanted to teach to her students the English way of life.

Réponse: Mrs Watson/Help de gerondif, postée le 18-05-2016 à 19:14:14 (S | E)
Once upon a time, in Paris, there was an evil English teacher who, in appearance, was very kind and considerate towards her students. But, strange things happened during her lessons.
Some students had an increasingly disturbing attitude. In fact, the students were very hurry(étaient très se dépêcher ne va pas, utilisez un adjectif comme eager ou conjuguez hurry au prétérit) to go to English lessons whereas they attended no other lesson.
Then, they all greeted each other in the same way by touching their heads( en anglais, on totalise alors qu'en français ils n'en ont qu'une chacun).
In the evening, when every other pupil go(PRETERIT) back home, Mrs Watson's students claimed to have remedial teaching to join her in an unknown location.
During the lessons, their attitude was strange too. Indeed, they used words and signs that nobody else could understand. In addition they seemed hypnotised by the words of their teacher.
This group of students standing aside from the class demanded tea for every lunch at the canteen otherwise they refused to eat.
One day, when all the students of this group were arrived(étaient arrivèrent ne va pas, conjuguez le verbe arrive seul au prétérit) at school with the same uniform and wearing the English flag on their chests, their parents began to worry. So, in the evening they decided to follow them up to an abandoned house. It was then that they realized that their children were indoctrinated in a sect established by Mrs Watson who wanted to teach to her students the English way of life.

Réponse: Mrs Watson/Help de mimiroulette, postée le 19-05-2016 à 15:53:58 (S | E)
Once upon a time, in Paris, there was an evil English teacher who, in appearance, was very kind and considerate towards her students. But, strange things happened during her lessons.
Some students had an increasingly disturbing attitude. In fact, the students hurried to English lessons whereas they attended no other lesson.
Then, they all greeted each other in the same way by touching their heads.
In the evening, when every other pupil went back home, Mrs Watson's students claimed to have remedial teaching to join her in an unknown location.
During the lessons, their attitude was strange too. Indeed, they used words and signs that nobody else could understand. In addition they seemed hypnotised by the words of their teacher.
This group of students standing aside from the class demanded tea for every lunch at the canteen otherwise they refused to eat.
One day, when all the students of this group arrived at school with the same uniform and wearing the English flag on their chests, their parents began to worry. So, in the evening they decided to follow them up to an abandoned house. It was then that they realized that their children were indoctrinated in a sect established by Mrs Watson who wanted to teach her students the English way of life.

Réponse: Mrs Watson/Help de gerondif, postée le 19-05-2016 à 16:11:46 (S | E)
In fact, the students hurried to go to her English lessons /In fact, the students rushed to her English lessons.In fact, the students were very eager to go to her English lessons.

Inutile de reprendre à votre nom le texte de lulu2602, un camarade de classe sans doute, ça n'ira pas plus vite....


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