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Correction/In a camp

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/In a camp
Message de carllou posté le 29-04-2016 à 21:38:19 (S | E | F)
Bonjour ,
J'aurais besoin de correction s'il vous plait pour voir si j'ai fait des erreurs .
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

The camp is great and there are a lots of things to do . The morning , I going to visit a museums, I going to go horse riding, I going to learn to sing and dance, I going to the beach . At noon I going to do a picnic . The afternoon , I going to ride a bike in the countryside and swim in a lake . The Evening I going to light up a fire, sing and play guitar ...
It's fantastic !
In this camp there are rules to follow
I have to get up at 9am .
I don't have to sleep after 23h .
i have to tidy up my clothing .
I have to clean my dishes .
I have to make my bed .
I don't have to go out at night outside .
I have to brush my horse .

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-04-2016 22:03

Réponse: Correction/In a camp de sherry48, postée le 29-04-2016 à 22:09:32 (S | E)
For starters, add a preposition to morning, afternoon and evening.
Think of a way to change things a little for your 'going' phrases-too much repetition.
Also, I going? What is missing?
Use a different verb with picnic.
Your phrase, "I don't have to..." - I don't think you mean that it is not necessary.
Eliminate the space before the periods.
If there is anything else, we will see it when you post your corrections.

Réponse: Correction/In a camp de gerondif, postée le 29-04-2016 à 23:25:58 (S | E)
Dans votre première partie, vous employez mal le verbe aller, going, mal conjugué et mal employé.
En fait, on vous demande de décrire une routine journalière et il vous faut du présent simple, inutile de vous encombrer de ce verbe: je vais faire ceci, je vais faire cela:
In the morning, I usually swim, in the afternoon, I often ride a bike.

Il y a bien deux structures qui pourraient vous aider:
1) Go and help your mother: va aider ta mère.
Come and have a drink with us: Viens prendre un verre avec nous.
Conjugué, ça donne:
He goes and helps his mother every afternoon.
She comes and helps me everyday.

2) Une variante go + ing quand c'est un sport individuel extérieur hors d'un terrain fermé:
Go swimming! Go running! Go climbing !
I go cycling every day.
In the morning, I usually go running for an hour.
Je pense que c'est ça que vous vouliez dire.

Quand c'est un jeu ou un sport collectif dans un terrain clos, le 1) s'applique:
Go and play football! Come and play poker!
He goes and plays tennis three times a week.

Dans la partie deux, vous devez décrire des obligations ou des interdictions:
On met must quand on s'oblige soi-même:
I must watch this good film.

On met have to quand c'est une obligation imposée par quelqu'un d'autre:
I have to get up at 9 a.m. correct.

Par contre, méfiez vous!! I don't have to ne signifie pas "il m'est interdit de " mais "je ne suis pas obligé de faire ceci ou cela".
I don't have to wash my hair every day.

Si on vous interdit de faire quelque chose, vous pouvez utiliser:
I can't go to the night-club at night.
I mustn't drink alcohol at the camp.

le verbe autoriser:
I am not allowed to smoke in the dormitory.

Voilà, avec tout ça, vous pouvez corriger votre devoir vous-même.

Réponse: Correction/In a camp de carllou, postée le 30-04-2016 à 13:47:20 (S | E)
Bonjour ,
Merci pour vos réponses . J'utilise "I'm going to" constamment parce que le professeur a demandé d'écrire un texte avec going to pour raconter ce que l'on va faire dans ce camp de vacances et have to pour les règles du camp .

The camp is great and there are a lots of things to do . The morning , I'm going to visit a museums, I'm going to go horse riding, I'm
going to learn to sing and dance, I'm going to the beach . At noon I'm going to do a picnic . The afternoon , I'm going to ride a bike in the countryside and swim in a lake . The Evening I'm going to light up a fire, sing and play guitar ...
It's fantastic !

In this camp there are rules to follow :
I have to get up at 9am .
I don't have to sleep after 23h .
i have to tidy up my clothing .
I have to clean my dishes .
I have to make my bed .
I don't have to go out at night outside .
I have to brush my horse .

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-04-2016 14:13

Réponse: Correction/In a camp de gerondif, postée le 30-04-2016 à 14:08:47 (S | E)
Ok, dans ce cas, dites: this morning, this afternoon, this evening.
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert
The camp is great and there are a lots of things to do . The morning , I'm going to visit a museums, I'm going to go horse riding, I'm
going to learn to sing and dance, I'm going to go to the beach . At noon I'm going to do a picnic . The afternoon , I'm going to ride a bike in the countryside and swim in a lake . The Evening I'm going to light up a fire, sing and play the guitar ...(on ne met rien devant les sports et les jeux mais the devant les instruments de musique singuliers)
It's fantastic !

In this camp there are rules to follow :
I have to get up at 9am .
I don't have to sleep after 23h . signifie: je ne suis pas obligé de dormir après 23 heures (l'anglais ne compte pas sur 24 heures mais sur 12 heures en a.m. et 12 heures en p.m.)
I have to tidy up my clothing .
I have to clean my dishes .
I have to make my bed .
I don't have to go out at night outside .Je ne suis pas obligé de sortir dehors la nuit. out et outside font double emploi, comme "sortir dehors"
I have to brush my horse .

Réponse: Correction/In a camp de carllou, postée le 30-04-2016 à 19:11:46 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos explications


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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