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Oral/Notion de progrès

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral/Notion de progrès
Message de kenah posté le 11-04-2016 à 17:47:43 (S | E | F)
j'ai mes oraux bientôt et je viens faire appel à vous pour savoir si ce serai possible de me corriger les fautes ou même de me dire ce qui ne vas pas, merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

Are the new technologies a progress or a danger?
Nowadays, progress are many : scientific, technological, social, they allow an improvement in our daily lives. To begin with, I would like to give a definition of the notion. A progress is a steady evolution towards a better stage. But progress don't have only advantages. Are the new technologies a progress or a danger? We are going to see what are the advantages of progress, and espacially technological progress with new technologies, and to conclude, we will see the dangers.

First and foremost, scientific, technological and social progress have a lot of advantages. Indeed, these progress have improved our daily. Firstly, scientifically with medical advances with vaccines or treatments against diseases or cancers, space travel, and doping to improve performance. Secondly, there are social progress with the idea of freedom and democracy, the integration of people with disabilities, and women’s rights like obtaining the vote, the fight for equality, equal pay, the dress style and more. All these advances have improved the lives of men and women over time.

But the most important progress has been made in technology. The color television, Cheap and rapid transportation across the world, Robots, but mainly new technologies ! Advances in global communications networks facilitating the exchange of information with internet, video games, computer, mobile phones. Thanks to new technologies, today communication between different countries is almost instantaneous. In this domain, Steve Jobs is compared to great scientific innovators, at a small genious. Moreover, his inventions made computers accessible to all, he is a visionary. It was 30 years ago, he created the first consumer computers. Today, a lot of teens use internet. 92% (percent) using it, everywhere, even in the poorest countries. In Internet, we can do, for instance, shopping, research for homework, communicate easily with friends, watch movies. Thirty (30) years ago, people were obligated to go to the city, use the landline by paying, use books. All these things were more difficult, the new technologies have made life easier.

However, new technologies are perhaps the most useful technologies, but perhaps the most dangerous. Firstly for family life. Sometimes, when all the family has a smartphone, they don't communicate with each other during meals or watching TV, but they are on their smartphone or tablet. Secondly for hobbies. Indeed, we can see that on a cartoon written by Levni Yilmaz. He presents the lives of young people 15 years ago and today. Before, to contact people, we called with the telephone. To watch a movie, we went to the cinema with friends. To read the news, we used a newspaper. To listen music, we used a radio and Cds. Now, to do all this, we are on our computer with helmet, without leaving our room. Besides, we don't always know who is behind the screen. It's dangerous for young children who trust their interlocutor. Lastly, Technologies are often polluting. The car produces CO2, the computer is difficult to recycle, and industry pollutes nature. In addition, we are become too dependent of technology, to a point where we can't do without.

As a conclusion, technology has advantages and drawbacks. If internet is used properly, it's a progress and not a danger. Recycling techniques are improving day by day. To my mind, it's necessary to be careful with new technologies without use of too and supervising children. I think this is a huge step forward.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-04-2016 18:41


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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