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Oral/Spaces and Exchanges

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Oral/Spaces and Exchanges
Message de saphyr posté le 11-04-2016 à 14:34:41 (S | E | F)
Je viens de rédiger ma synthèse sur la notion Espaces et échanges. Pourriez-vous vérifier mon texte et si possible relever les fautes s'il vous plait ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

I'm going to talk about the notion « Spaces and Exchanges ».First of all, I would like to give a quick definition of this notion. This notion refers to the idea of giving and receiving something else in return in geographical places like the movement of people, trade or globalization. We're going to illustrate this notion with the mexican immigration in the USA. Since 1965, 16 millions of mexicans immigrated to the USA. The trip is dangerous especially with USA's actions to prevent migrants to come.
We can ask ourselves : What are the impacts of this immigration ?
In the first place, we will see why they leave Mexico, and in the second place their situations in the USA.
The border between the USA and Mexico measure 3141km. It was created in 1821. On one side, there is a globac economic power and on another side there is a poor country, often considered like one of the most dangerous in the world. Almost half of the inhabitants are in poverty whether it's in feeding, health, housing or education. That's why mexicans decide to migrate in the USA, to follow the « American Dream ». The American Dream is the idea that any person who lives in the USA can suceed thanks to her work, her courage, and her determination.
Thus they leave the country, alone or with the family, and begin a long and expensive travel. Moreover, most of them are attacked, robbed, and women are raped. 10 000 migrants died in 20 years trying to cross the border.
After they journeys, they expect to live in a country where they'll find a home and a job without poverty, but too often it's not the case.
In 2006, the USA have built a wall with security patrols to prevent migrants to come in the country. This wall had limited 28% of the immigration and it has been strenghened by the Obama's governement. Crossing border is becoming harder and harder.
For those who have successfully cross, it doesn't mean that they will be happy in the USA. Indeed, since the 2008 crisis, mexicans have difficulty finding a job. Since 2009, 1 million of migrants left the USA while 870 000 came. The reason is that migrants don't find job and miss their families and come back in spite of all sacrifices they did. Sometimes they're deported. Moreover, one in three mexicans find the living conditions in the USA identicals than those in Mexico. However 48% of Mexicans still believe in the American Dream, and try to cross the border.

To conclude, the mexican immigration illustrate the notion « Spaces and Exchanges » because there is a movement of people in differents countries. First, Mexicans come in the USA, then most of them decide to come back in their country.
Moreover, Mexicans are Spanish-Speaker, so when they arrive in a English-Speaker country, they try to learn the language and combine spanish and english to have a new language : spanglish. Now, spanish is the second language most widely-spoken in the USA. There is an exchange of language and generally of cultures. Mexicans show their culture in the USA, and learn the life in this country and when they come back, they still get used to having the american culture and share with other mexicans.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-04-2016 15:08

Modifié par saphyr le 11-04-2016 15:45

Modifié par saphyr le 11-04-2016 15:48


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