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Phrase/our American trip

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Phrase/our American trip
Message de rayane99 posté le 24-03-2016 à 17:03:19 (S | E | F)
j'ai fait des phrases sur mon diaporama et j'aimerais que quelqu'un m'aide à les corriger s'il vous plait, est-ce possible?
Voici mes phrases:

We took the plane in Marseille, the ride lasted 4 hours and we landed at the Philadelphia station.
In Montana we did a lot of activities too funny. To begin, we had seen Playmill Theatre this is not good and I didn't like the playing of actors, it was so bad and not interesting. Then, we went to see the grinell glacier there was an incredible views so we stayed 3 hours. Goingoncethe night fell we ate in a luxurious Hotel restaurant, it name is the Broadway hotel. The food was good for people greedy like us and the room was comfortable.
In Portland we wanted to make an Eastern promenade. The landscape was magical and impressive with an breathtaking view, I think this is my favorite activity. Then, we went to visit a museum of art this is a classic museum but the paintings are not great so I don't like this activity. The hotel we chose was luxurious like a house of buisness man, this was stunnig and dazzling, it name is hotel eastlund. However, the restaurant was more classic but we like it, it's the Heathman restaurant.

Merci pour votre lecture

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-03-2016 21:36

Réponse: Phrase/our American trip de gerondif, postée le 24-03-2016 à 18:19:53 (S | E)
mélange de temps passés et présents.
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert

We took the plane in Marseille, the ride lasted 4 hours and we landed at the Philadelphia station.
In Montana we did a lot of activities too funny(mal placé mettez very funny devant le nom). To begin with, we had seen(mettez un prétérit) Playmill Theatre this is(mettez it + prétérit) not good and I didn't like the playing of actors(the way the actors played), it was so(mettez trop plutôt que si) bad and not interesting. Then, we went to see the grinell glacier there was an(pluriel + pas de an) incredible views so we stayed 3 hours. Going once the night fell(mettez un plus que parfait) we ate in a luxurious Hotel restaurant, it(adj possessif) name is the Broadway hotel. The food was good for people greedy(inversez) like us and the room was comfortable.
In Portland we wanted to make an Eastern promenade. The landscape was magical and impressive with an breathtaking view, I think this is (prétérit) my favorite activity. Then, we went to visit a museum of art this is a classic museum but the paintings are not great so I don't(prétérit) like this activity. The hotel we chose was luxurious like a house of buisness man (j'aurais fait un comparatif d'égalité), this was stunnig and dazzling, it(adj poss) name is hotel eastlund. However, the restaurant was more classic but we like(prétérit) it, it's the Heathman restaurant.

Réponse: Phrase/our American trip de rayane99, postée le 24-03-2016 à 18:41:31 (S | E)
Bonsoir, merci de votre aide

voici la correction:

We took the plane in Marseille, the ride lasted 4 hours and we landed at Philadelphia station.
In Montana we did a lot of activities very funny. To begin with, we had see Playmill Theatre it was not good and I didn't like the way the actors played, it was too bad and not interesting. Then, we went to see the Grinell glacier they was an incredible views so we stayed 3 hours. Once the night fallen we ate in a luxurious Hotel restaurant, his(mais c'est un restaurant?) name is the Broadway hotel. The food was good for greedy people like us and the room was comfortable.
In Portland we wanted to make an Eastern promenade. The landscape was magical and impressive with an breathtaking view, I think this was my favorite activity. Then, we went to visit a museum of art this is a classic museum but the paintings are not great so I didn't like this activity. The hotel we chose was luxurious like a house of buisness man (je ne voit pas comment faire) , this was stunnig and dazzling, his name is hotel eastlund. However, the restaurant was more classic but we had liked it, it's the Heathman restaurant.

Réponse: Phrase/our American trip de lucile83, postée le 24-03-2016 à 21:39:50 (S | E)
the ride lasted 4 hours ...I'd say: the flight lasted 4 hours...

Réponse: Phrase/our American trip de sherry48, postée le 25-03-2016 à 03:10:56 (S | E)
We took the plane in Marseille, the trip/flight lasted 4 hours and we landed at Philadelphia station.
In Montana we did a lot of ____ activities very funny. To begin with, we had see Playmill Theatre. It was not good and I didn't like the way the actors played--it was too bad and not interesting. Then we went to see the Grinell glacier they was an incredible views so we stayed 3 hours. Once the night fallen we ate in a luxurious Hotel restaurant, his(it's not human) name is the Broadway Hotel. The food was good for greedy people like us and the room was comfortable.
In Portland we wanted to make an Eastern promenade. The landscape was magical and impressive with an breathtaking view. I think this was my favorite activity. Then we went to visit a museum of art. It is a classic museum but the paintings are not great, so I didn't like this activity. The hotel we chose was luxurious like a house of buisness man (possessive). This was stunning and dazzling, his name is hotel eastlund. Although the restaurant was more classic, but we had liked it. It's the Heathman restaurant.


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