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Expression/Gap year

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Expression/Gap year
Message de emmamaths posté le 15-02-2016 à 17:41:00 (S | E | F)
j'ai une expression écrite à faire pour la rentrée sur GAP YEAR, où il faut dire ses motivations, pourquoi partir, en quoi cela me correspond, etc... Et j'aimerais que vous me corrigiez. Merci d'avance!!

I decided to take a year to become more independent, master a foreign language, and thus improve my opportunities to study or career. To do this sabbatical year I decided to go to Australia.
Why choose Australia?
First, because-it's a beautiful country. This is one of the most popular destinations. This trip will make me meet new people from all the continents, but also make me discover a new culture and new landscapes.
What are the qualities required to do this project?
First, you have to have curiosity qualities of openness to others and generosity. But we must also be confident, organized, imaginative, and energy.
How it fits me?
Going abroad is a dream. This stay a full year course will have a positive impact in my life. I enjoy new experiences that will change my daily life and that will influence my future.
What are my motives?
First, fluent in another language has become at present, something primordial. But this trip will also develop new skills me, and help me a lot for my future.

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-02-2016 22:08

Réponse: Expression/Gap year de here4u, postée le 15-02-2016 à 21:49:18 (S | E)
Hello !

I decided to take a year to become more independent, master a foreign language, and thus improve my opportunities to study or (ici, il manque un verbe!)career. To do this sabbatical year I decided to go to Australia.
Why choose Australia?
First, because-it's a beautiful country. This is one of the most popular destinations. This trip will make me meet new people from all the continents, but also make me discover a new culture and new landscapes.
What are the qualities required to do this project?
First, you have to have(clumsy) curiosity, qualities of openness to others and generosity. But we must also be confident, organized, imaginative, and energy (c'est un nom, il faut un adjectif!).
How it fits me?
Going abroad is a dream. This stay XXX a full year course will have a positive impact in my life. I enjoy new experiences that will change my daily life and that will influence my future.
What are my motives?
First, being fluent in another language has become at present, something primordial/vital/essential.. But this trip will also develop new skills XX me, and help me a lot for my future.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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