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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de ephoris posté le 03-01-2016 à 09:19:02 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
j'ai écrit un texte sur la mondialisation, mais j'ai bien peur d'avoir glissé quelques fautes à l'intérieur (je l'ai relu 3 fois et je n'en ai pas trouvé mais on ne sait jamais)
Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait me corriger ? Merci beaucoup.

All the products around us nowadays, like our cellphones, furniture in our houses, or even the clothes we wear, come from a single process named globalization. The latter is an international trading system, based on the trade of money, raw material, pieces or finished products ready to be sold to the customer, but also the sharing of ideas and cultures.

Actually, globalization is based on the division of labour, which is the specialization of a territory in one or more tasks (for instance, the Silicon Valley is specialized in new technologies but not in gold digging.) Even if a large amount of labour is saved by giving workers specialized tasks, this process pulls appart most countries that are not well-located compared to others. This might be the biggest drawback of globalization: it splits up the world into the rich countries and the poor ones. The more advanced one can even master political decisions in other countries.

Further, environmental disasters such as global warming, air and water pollution, or even over-fishing of the ocean are linked with globalization. To my mind, trade does not worth destroying our planet. 

For all I know, globalization threatens all cultures of the world because of the americanization it brings with its products in every country. Indeed, as globalization keeps gaining ground, regional cultures including things such as languages, clothes, local food, ways of life and customs, are vanishing and being replaced with an universal american-based culture. We are running the risk of losing a lot and earning only a little in the future if we keep globalization as our main economic system.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-01-2016 10:09
Mise en forme standard.

Modifié par ephoris le 03-01-2016 11:51

Réponse: Relecture/mondialisation de laure95, postée le 03-01-2016 à 10:31:54 (S | E)
-furnitures: mot invariable.
- a international trading system: A + MOT COMMENCANT PAT UNE CONSONNE.
- this process pull appart (orthographe): conjugaison.
- well-located: mal formulé,que veux-tu dire?
- trade does no: négation du verbe mal construite.
- every countries: EVERY + SINGULIER.
- being replaced with: pas la bonne préposition.
- a few: utiliser l'équivalent au singulier.

Réponse: Relecture/mondialisation de ephoris, postée le 03-01-2016 à 12:00:42 (S | E)
Bonjour, merci de la correction !
J'ai corrigé le texte du premier message, cependant, je ne suis pas d'accord avec la remarque sur "being replaced with", "replace" pouvant selon moi être utilisé indifféremment avec "by" ou "with" (sachant que "by" peut en plus créer la notion de "celui qui remplace")
Par "well-located", je veux dire bien placé, comme par exemple sur une façade maritime
Merci beaucoup en tout cas


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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