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Préparation/ ielts

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Préparation/ ielts
Message de faridafifi posté le 30-12-2015 à 11:25:48 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous
je me prépare seul pour passer le test de ielts et je veux corriger un paragraphe de writing task1, je crois avoir fait beaucoup de fautes alors si vous le voulez bien aidez-moi merci de m'aider.

The bar chart illustrates the percentage of people who hold a science qualification in two different countries, malaysia and singapore.
Overall, both the malaysia and the singapore most of people have no qualification in science (more than half of people) whereas the least percentage of people have master degree (with same percentage).furthermore, the most significant difference of people holding science between the two countries is on bachelor’s degree.
In malaysia, the percentage of people with no qualification in science is 65% as opposed to sengapore who have 60%, similarly in malaysia more of people hold school leaving exam than sengapore (around 35% AND 30% respectively) this percentage is slightly higher in malaysia than in sengapore.
On the other hand, 20% OF PEOPLE in sengapore hold bachelor’s degree compared with malaysia who hold mere 10%.neither of the two countries have much of people holding master’s degree which accounted for 5%of people in 2 countries

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-12-2015 12:01

Réponse: Préparation/ ielts de here4u, postée le 30-12-2015 à 13:27:07 (S | E)
Hello !

The bar chart illustrates the percentage of people who hold a science qualification in two different countries, malaysia and singapore.
Overall, both the malaysia and the singapore most of people have no qualification in science (more than half of XXX people) whereas the least percentage of people have X master degree (withXXX same percentage).furthermore, the most significant difference of people holding science (noun??? between the two countries is on bachelor’s degree. (I'm not sure I understand you...)
In malaysia, the percentage of people with no qualification in science is 65% as opposed to sengapore who have 60%, similarly in malaysia more of people hold X school leaving exam than sengapore (around 35% AND 30% respectively) this percentage is slightly higher in malaysia than in sengapore.
On the other hand, 20% OF PEOPLE in sengapore hold X bachelor’s degree compared with malaysia who hold X mere 10%.neither of the two countries have much of people holding X master’s degree ,which accounted for 5%of people in XXX 2 countries.
A lot of things to change ...


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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