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Lettre / entreprise

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Lettre / entreprise
Message de kaelia posté le 24-12-2015 à 16:44:48 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Je dois envoyer à une école anglaise une lettre de présentation. J'ai déjà été acceptée étant donné que je pars avec une structure qui organise les placements, mais cette lettre est le premier "contact" que j'ai avec eux et je veux vraiment la soigner...
D'après vous, quelles sont les choses à changer ?

Dear Ms ____,
I am called Andréa, I have just learnt that I will have the pleasure to work in your school for two weeks in June.

To introduce myself, I am fifteen years old, but I will be sixteen in June. I love the contact with children, I have already spent a week in a primary school, in a class of six years old children. I really enjoyed this experience, I had good contacts both with children and the staff of the school.

I am following an international course, in which we learn a lot about the English language and culture. We study the English literature, and we have a few subjects in English, but I would be very happy to discover more with you.

I think I have an open mind, I am interested in many things, and I am always happy to learn new things.
I am very motivated, I am patient with the children; during my working week, sometimes, I took care of a small group of children by myself, and I showed my abilities to help the teacher in autonomy. I will do my best to do all the tasks you could ask me.

If you have any question, I remain at your disposal for any other information
Yours sincerely

Merci d'avance.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-12-2015 22:35

Réponse: Lettre / entreprise de bluestar, postée le 24-12-2015 à 17:01:26 (S | E)

quelques suggestions en vert

I am called My name is Andréa, and I have just learnt that I will have the pleasure to work of working in your school for two weeks in June.

To introduce myself, I am fifteen years old, but and I will be sixteen in June. I love the contact with children, and I have already spent a week in a primary school, in a class of six years old six-year-old children. I really enjoyed this experience, and I had good contacts both with children and the staff of the school.

I am following ('pursuing' serait mieux ici) an international course, in which we learn a lot about the English language and culture. We study the English literature, and we have a few subjects in English, but I would be very happy to discover more with you.

I think I have an open mind, I am interested in many things, and I am always happy to learn new things.
I am very motivated, I am patient with the children; during my working week, sometimes, I took care of a small group of children by myself, and I showed my abilities to help the teacher in autonomy. I will do my best to do all the tasks you could ask me efficiently.

If you have any question(pluriel), I remain at your disposal for any other information

Yours sincerely


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