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Synthèse/ Prépa

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Synthèse/ Prépa
Message de antoniera posté le 09-12-2015 à 16:57:07 (S | E | F)
Je suis étudiant en classe Prépa et je dois prochainement rendre une synthèse sur le thème de la génétique. Je voulais donc savoir ce que vous en pensiez s'il vous plait! Merci pour vos réponses

Genetic evolution, a controversial new field
Constantly, humans necessarily need to improve, create of imagine something more than they already have. That's why in a wide range of fields feats were done: technologies, space, legal and mostly, in sciences. Indeed, this domain which is in great expansion since the beginning of the century permits to solve many health issues, epidemics in poor countries and also stretch life expectancy. But, currently, this young field takes another form, raising ethical and moral questions which the main one could be: In what extent genetic engineering could be used?
Sure, from a first viewpoint, genetic engineering mean many good things. In a text took from The New York Times, arguments are gathered in order to show that genetic could be helpful. They highlight that today scientist are able to manufacture micro-organisms thanks to manipulation of DNA with a precision as important as if it was a human scale object. This cluster of new creations might cure diseases issues or create an alternative to fossil energies. Moreover, a document called “Brave new world beckons”, deeply focused on the cure potential of genetic, says that newborn genome sequencing could forewarn parents about likely genetic diseases which could appear later in newborn's life. The umbilical cord blood could be helpful in case if the child develops blood diseases. Furthermore, a last text, also took from The New York Times rather deals whit the food potential of genetic. Actually, a new kind of food born from labs would guarantee a high quality protein meat while be respectful from the environment, animals and preserve resources like water. However, everything isn't such good as we would expect, and it raises some controversy issues.

Indeed, because they are new, those innovations are not totally safe and ethical from a global viewpoint. We could understand that each scientist is champ at the bit to launch themselves in these new challenges, but not before that likely risks stay unknown. For the case of micro-organisms, if a dangerous one is made by mistake, and becomes unstoppable, humans could be in danger by his own creations. Furthermore, genetic engineering has limits for genome sequencing subject, it raises another kind of concern, an ethical issue. Because newborns are not consent, and perhaps they won't want to know their destiny. But the worst thing is that parents could proceed to an abortion after being notified by the future of their foetus.
Although, this mine of great evolutions provided by genetic engineering could be a real opportunity to improve our lives and mostly our ways to consume in front of the world's population growing, they still have to be tightly oversaw.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-12-2015 21:57


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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