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English summary/Mistakes

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English summary/Mistakes
Message de frenchstudent09 posté le 05-12-2015 à 19:14:30 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous,
Je suis en train de travailler sur des résumés que je dois faire (texte français à résumer en anglais), et je me demandais si quelqu'un serait d'accord pour jeter un coup d'oeil à mon résumé ? Je pense avoir des erreurs et j'aimerais pouvoir les corriger car ces devoirs sont notés.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

The planet is warming and the world of finance is waking up. In France last year, the various disasters (thunderstorms, heavy precipitation and floods) cost 2,2 billion euro to the French insurers while during the last twenty years, the average annual amount was 1,5 billion euro. According to the United Nations, the costs of adaptation to climate change could amount to 150 billion dollars a year by 2025/2030 and 500 billion in 2050. The solution to reduce these costs is therefore to identify and to fund actions that will limit global warming. In France, ''low carbon footprint'' indexes are created, institutional investors like the ERAFP (the French Public Service Additionnal Pension) or the FRR (the retirement trust fund), just as public institutions, decide to move on toward a ''low-carbon'' society and climate scientists start working with insurance companies. We also begin to include notions such as the corporate social responsability to the risk mapping. As for the movement of reducing the carbon intensity of the economy (''decarbonisation'') that started last year, it ramps up very quickly. Big banks and insurances companies (like AXA or Crédit Agricole) announced their disengagement in sensitive sectors : at first, the disinvestments in the coal. Naturally, achieving a successful energy transition will take some time and also some capitals, hence the importance of the institutional investors. The ''Caisse des Dépôts'' made the commitment to dedicate 15 billion euro to ''green'' direct investments by 2017, and has set the objective of reducing by 20% the carbon footprint of its stock portfolios. ABP (Algemeen Burgerlijk Pensioenfonds), the main Dutch fund of pension, will also ''decarbonise'' of 25% its stock portfolios which represents 100 billion euro.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-12-2015 22:24

Réponse: English summary/Mistakes de gerondif, postée le 05-12-2015 à 19:43:48 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert
The planet is warming (up) and the world of finance is waking up. In France last year, the various disasters (thunderstorms, heavy precipitations and floods) cost 2,2 billion euro (alors, certes, on écrit 2,652,215 virgule après les milliards,millions, et les milliers mais on dit one point five et on écrit 1.5 pour dire un virgule cinq million de....) to the French insurers while during(for irait mieux) the last twenty years, the average annual amount was 1,5 billion euro. According to the United Nations, the costs of adaptation to climate change could amount to 150 billion dollars a year by 2025/2030 and 500 billion in 2050. The solution to reduce these costs is therefore to identify and to fund actions that will limit global warming. In France, ''low carbon footprint'' indexes are created, institutional investors like the ERAFP (the French Public Service Additionnal Pension) or the FRR (the retirement trust fund), just as public institutions, decide to move on toward a ''low-carbon'' society and climate scientists start working with insurance companies. We also begin to include notions such as the corporate social responsability to the risk mapping. As for the movement of(for) reducing the carbon intensity of the economy (''decarbonisation'') that started last year, it ramps up very quickly. Big banks and insurances companies (like AXA or Crédit Agricole) announced their disengagement in sensitive sectors : at first, the disinvestments in the coal. Naturally, achieving a successful energy transition will take some time and also some capitals, hence the importance of the institutional investors. The ''Caisse des Dépôts'' made the commitment to dedicate 15 billion euro to ''green'' direct investments by 2017, and has set the objective of reducing by 20% the carbon footprint of its stock portfolios. ABP (Algemeen Burgerlijk Pensioenfonds), the main Dutch fund of pension(pension fund), will also ''decarbonise'' of 25% of its stock portfolios,(virgule, pour que which signifie: "ce qui", sinon, which signifie :qui) which represents 100 billion euro.

Voici un exemple célèbre: On dit qu'un prêtre qui voulait s'habiller "en civil" déclara à un journal:
I will wear no clothes which will distinguish me from my fellow-men: je ne veux pas porter de vêtements qui ne différencieront de mes frères.
Hélas, le journal écrivit:
I will wear no clothes, which will distinguish me from my fellow-men: je ne porterai aucun vêtement, ce qui ne différenciera de mes frères.

Réponse: English summary/Mistakes de frenchstudent09, postée le 05-12-2015 à 19:49:36 (S | E)
Haha, pas mal cette petite citation ! J'avoue qu'avec un exemple aussi concret que celui-ci, on se souvient bien plus facilement de ne plus commettre l'erreur ! En tout cas, merci beaucoup pour les corrections apportées ! Je pensais avoir bien plus d'erreurs que ça à vrai dire, cela m'étonne... Je pensais avoir par exemple utilisé du vocabulaire mal adapté (c'est assez technique avec l'économie, les indices etc)... mais bon comme quoi ! Et donc pour mes chiffres en milliards, si j'ai bien compris, je dois remplacer les virgules par des points ?

Merci encore !

Réponse: English summary/Mistakes de gerondif, postée le 05-12-2015 à 19:55:40 (S | E)
je ne suis pas économiste et donc n'ai pas jugé le vocabulaire employé, enfin j'ai compris en lisant, c'est déjà pas mal!
oui, il faut mettre des points à la place des virgules:

Le chômage a baissé de 0,3% zéro virgule trois pour cent: Unemployment decreased by o(la lettre o de l'alphabet) point three per cent.(0.3%)

Plusieurs façons donc pour dire:

There were 1.5 million victims (one point five million victims) //one and a half million victims / one million, five hundred thousand victims.

Réponse: English summary/Mistakes de frenchstudent09, postée le 05-12-2015 à 20:11:08 (S | E)
D'accord ! Encore merci pour l'aide apportée


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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