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Cover letter/correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Cover letter/correction
Message de mletheux posté le 04-12-2015 à 11:51:36 (S | E | F)
Bonjour tout le monde,
je viens d'obtenir mon master en octobre dernier. Je suis à la recherche d'une VIE (volontariat international en entreprise) pour perfectionner mon anglais. Une VIE au Royaume Uni m'intéresse particulièrement, c'est pour le groupe xxx pour le poste de "Technical development scientist".
Je vous fais suivre ma "Cover letter", si est-ce que je pourrais avoir quelques conseils s'il vous plait.... :?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to you in response to your Internet advertisement (Civiweb) requesting applicants for the position of Technical Development Scientist in Haverhill. I am more than interested in this position, and believe that my education and employment background are appropriate for the position. I have attached a copy of my resume.
In my final year of a Master’s degree of Environmental Chemistry I am ready to embark on my professional career and consulting appeals to me because I can apply technical skills while also interacting with a wide variety of people. I would like to work for Aventis Group because it is involved in many different projects relating to the human health. Furthermore, the extensive professional development opportunities offered to graduates is highly attractive, and the commitment to community education is also something to which I can strongly relate. It would also offer me a great opportunity to work in a foreign country and to improve my English.
My course has helped me to gain relevant technical skills in effectively using a diverse range of methods to investigate the chemical nature of substances. Course field trips and my work experience as a Laboratory Worker have also added to my abilities to collect and record data for processing and analysis. Furthermore, I have been enabled to develop my ability to perform diagnostic and scientific testing including DNA techniques with Comet Assay. My scientific report writing skills include the ability to be methodical, accurate and comply with standards, and have continued to develop throughout my studies and work experience.
Thank you for reviewing my application. I believe that I have demonstrated the qualities and skills that you seek and would welcome the opportunity to discuss my suitability further at an interview. The best phone number to reach me on is +33 6 XXX or by Skype with the user name: XXX.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-12-2015 14:11

Réponse: Cover letter/correction de bluestar, postée le 05-12-2015 à 11:52:47 (S | E)

Excellent! quelques suggestions en vert

I am writing to you in response to your Internet advertisement (Civiweb) Reference VIE/78633/29102015 requesting applicants for the position of Technical Development Scientist in Haverhill. I am more than extremely interested in this position, and believe that my education and employment background are appropriate for the position. I have attached a copy of my resume.
In my final year of a Master’s degree of Environmental Chemistry I am ready to embark on my professional career, and consulting appeals to me because I can apply technical skills while also interacting with a wide variety of people. I would like to work for the Aventis Group because it is involved in many different projects relating to the human health. Furthermore, the extensive professional development opportunities offered to graduates is(accorde du verbe) highly attractive, and the commitment to community education is also something to which I can strongly relate. It would also offer me a great opportunity to work in a foreign country and to improve my English.
My course has helped me to gain relevant technical skills in effectively using a diverse range of methods to investigate the chemical nature of substances. Course field trips and my work experience as a Laboratory Worker (pas de majuscules, il n'est pas un nom propre) have also added to my abilities to collect and record data for processing and analysis. Furthermore, I have been enabled to develop my ability to perform diagnostic and scientific testing including DNA techniques with Comet Assay. My scientific report writing skills include the ability to be methodical, accurate and comply with standards, and have continued to develop throughout my studies and work experience.
Thank you for reviewing my application. I believe that I have demonstrated the qualities and skills that you seek and would welcome the opportunity to discuss my suitability further at an interview. The best phone number to reach me on is +33 6 XXX or by Skype with the user name: XXX.


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