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Correction/school funding

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Correction/school funding
Message de leeloo56 posté le 12-11-2015 à 14:46:37 (S | E | F)
voici un texte où je pense il y a pas mal de fautes. Quelqu'un aurait-il l'amabilité de le corriger s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses.

The private school funding :
While each federal state finances his public schools in an equivalent way, each institution may complete this funding by raising local funds. Therefore, schools that are located in rich areas have the opportunity to receive much more funding than private schools in poor areas and neighborhoods.
Schools that receive substantial funding may employ qualified teachers, supply of recent literature, have well-equipped rooms, offering a varied curriculum and other benefits that have daily impact on the training of students. The federal states are trying to reduce these differences in funding, but it remains difficult because of the private provision of public schools.
For example, in Los Angeles, the affluent neighborhood like La Canada Flintridge where the average income for a family is 154 947 dollars can obviously raise more private funds than the poor neighborhood like Huntington Park where the average income for a family of 36,620 dollars.
each university manages its own academic, administrative, fons research and public relations.

The achievement gap between affluent and disadvantaged students has doubled between 1970 and 2013 in the United States. An alarming figure. Today, high social class students are 75% to obtain a bachelor (equivalent to a licence in France) against 40% last forty years. A pleasing increase, but remains confined to the most favored. In poor families, the rate rose from 6% in 1970 to 9% today ....
At issue: the ever-increasing cost of higher education in the US ($ 20,000 per year on average). An investment that even the middle class can not afford.
Tuition costs are becoming higher and higher, in fact disconnected from reality. For the poorest families, they represent 84% of their income, against 55% in 2008. In the most affluent households, this percentage is only increased from 14% to 15%. Students rich have eight times more likely to graduate than the poor
Registration fees in a small American public university in 2008-2009 amounted to an average of 6585 dollars a year; at a private university average was $ 25,143 dollars. The total cost of one academic year in the US thus amounts, according to the chosen university and the costs of living in the resort, a minimum of about $ 20,000 in total, up to 45,000 dollars or more.

In parallel, the aid granted by the State continue to fall.
The lack of financial support from the state complicates the situation. As explained by the information site LA Times, the usually proposed by the government subsidies continue to shrink when the cost of higher education, he is growing. The price of a university education has more than doubled between 1975 and 2012.
In 2012, the scholarship highest state covered only 27% of tuition costs, against 67% in 1975.
Faced with this situation, Barack Obama announced his desire to make free the first two years of some universities. But the Republican Congress opposes this measure.
"The divestment of state public universities, started in the 80s, and the constant devaluation of students in state grants, built a higher education system marked by inequalities. Once known for its wide accessibility and excellence, the American education system no longer provides an opportunity for all young people to use their potential and advance the nation, "the study said

Student loans
This educational two-tier system involves the US, the university is seen in manners as principally with the financially advantaged students. There is a further consequence of the high cost of university education, namely the subscription of many student loans from private institutions. This causes unspeakable pressure on the shoulders of learners: the success of their program and the repayment of their debt.
Therefore, many people who come from the middle class are not able to pay their debts before they were 40 or 50 years. Therefore, they can not save such people from the upper classes who can afford to repay their debts. They thus find themselves in a vicious circle where it is difficult for them to improve their social status and fully pay for the education of their children.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-11-2015 14:48


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