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Oral/Lieux et formes de pouvoir

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral/Lieux et formes de pouvoir
Message de karamama posté le 29-05-2015 à 16:42:15 (S | E | F)
j'aurais besoin d'aide svp s'il vous plait pour corriger ma synthèse pour mon oral d'anglais du Bac sur la notion "Lieux et formes de pouvoir". C'est surtout pour corriger ma syntaxe et les accords. Merci par d'avance de votre aide.

First I'd like to give a definition of power. Power is the ability authority and influence over others. It can be exented in different spheres
, economique, politics, education, media. In relation to the notion , the topic of my presentation will be the power of education. We may wonder to what exent,the ability of education. We may wonder to what exent, the ability of getting access to higher education can be a form of power.

These days, tuition fees are a real issue, especially in Great Britain and in the USA. To have access to university depends on our ability to pay?
Although some people think that is normal and defend the idea that you have to fund the university, because they have to stay prestigious. But the fact is for people who come from lower-income families it’s become harder and harder to go to university and to pay tuition fees. Can everyone go to university?

First to all some people defend the idea that you have to fund the university. The document "for or against tuiton fees" extract to internet deals with the rise of tuiton fees. It dates from 2010 2 teenagers debate about tuition fees. Emily is against the rise of tuiton and james is for. James think to is normal to financial for his the tuiton fees are an investment for the systeme because tuition feees permet to reduce the deficits of country.Then tf a larg gap to fill in the university budget. Indeed for the university the give money permit to removate premise and developps, installations such as
cumputer.James explain also that in the end it is students who benefit most from having a degree, get better paid jobs. So (in facct) high school studients may chose pursue their education to find a better job,to meet new people, to enrich their culture so tuition fees permet to have acces of education and work in the best condition possible. But the rise of tuiton can be creat injustice because it’s become harder and harder to go to university because of the rise of tuition fees.

Secontly eveyone no acces to university because of the rise of tuition fees. in the document for or against teuition fees Emily explain that the rise will widen class divide. That is to say Students will come from the same social classes and only those who can pay will be able to attend university so the richer will get richer because they will have good jobs. In the end the poorer won’t be able to get good jobs so will stay poor, so there will be no social integration. Then the rise of tuiton fees create discrimination because people who are less wealthy won’t be able to achieve their aims at university, some will have to work part-time to pay for their study.
In september 2010 CNN news report about protest over university fees in London. it is a march oh english students. the reasons of protest is that the engligh palement voted a law to increase the amount of money that you have to pay to go to university. The consecuences for the students the law will affect their future because a lot of them will not have money to do so. Moreover this unfair to raise tuition fees it is students whose parents are well of from affluent families who can go to university.

To conclude some people defend the idea that you have to fund the university because the tuiton fees permit to help the country and the university but the rise of tuituin fees provok descrimitation and there will be no social integration because only those who can pay will be able to attend university. so in some culture acces to university depends on our ability to pay such as in Grain Bretain and in USA. But I think in some country its in the culture to get into debt to going to university.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-05-2015 21:47

Réponse: Oral/Lieux et formes de pouvoir de laure95, postée le 01-06-2015 à 19:28:30 (S | E)
-economique: orthographe.
-to what exent,the ability of education: la suite?
- To have access to university depends on our ability to pay?: enlever le ? car ce n'est pas formulé comme une question.

- that is normal: où est le sujet?
- to fund: ?
- extract to: extracted from.
-James think: conjugaison
- to is normal: ?
- to Financial: ?
- for his: HIS n'est pas un pronom complément.
-the systeme: orthographe.
- permet: mot français.
- the deficits of (a) country.
- Then tf a larg gap to fill in the university budget: ?,
- the give money permit: ?
- to removate premise: ?
- and developps: orthographe.
-James explain: conjugaison.
- it is students who benefit most from having a degree: mal dit.
-studients: orthographe.
- may chose pursue: MAY + INFINITIF + TO
- permet
- acces of education: ACCESS TO.
- the best condition possible: ordre des mots.
-But the rise of tuiton can be creat injustice: can create

-Secontly: orthographe.
- eveyone no acces to university: où est le verbe?
- Emily explain: orthographe.
- class divide: divide est un verbe, pas un nom.
-Then the rise of tuiton fees create: conjugaison.
- their study: à mettre au pluriel.
- it is a march oh english students: au passé.
- palement: ?
- Moreover this unfair: où est le verbe?,
- it is students whose parents are well of: mal dit.

-descrimitation: ?
- Grain Bretain: ?
- and in (the) USA.
- some country: à mettre au pluriel.
- to going: TO + INFINITIF


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