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Bac/ Idée de progrès

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Bac/ Idée de progrès
Message de slyder59 posté le 20-05-2015 à 22:48:22 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir !
Je passe mes oraux de langues prochainement, et je voudrais savoir si mes textes sont corrects, pouvez-vous me corriger s'il vous plait ?
Merci de votre aide !

I will talk about the notion of progress. First of all, I will give you a short definition of this notion. The idea of progress is the way of life that evolves, which makes living better.
When we talking about the progress, everybody thinks immediatly to the new technologies, but the progress intervenes in different sectors, like the social relations, with the different cultures, or with the abolition of slavery. The scientific sector, especially with medecine and techniques. One wonders if the progress is only positive. First of all, I will talk about technical and scientific progress and then talk about social progress.

Since the internet revolution in 1990, the new technologies are evolving. In the field of telephony or in the field of Information technology, each year, new products appear on the market to attract more people, more customers. Today, the smartphone is expanding. Some people use it to send messages or call other people. But other people are totally addict, they use this one to do everything et anything. Today, the computers are more thinner and smaller. These new technologies are more and more present in the world and can be dangerous. Many people become dependent, they cut themselves off from the outside world and have aggressive behavior. The social network was created to talk with people, but many people stay connected all day, without leaving home. So the social network make us become antisocial. Even if it's an immense progress, we must remain cautions to not become addict.

Now, I will talking about the social progress. Everybody knows it, the women has been considered inferior to men. Today, thanks to social progress, the women are equal to men. But many men are macho and don't considerer the woman as his equal. Still today, many men hitting their wives.
Now, the marriage is for everyone, particulary the homosexual marriage. Before, the homosexuals were rejected by society. Still today, gay people are insulted by younger people, because they don't unsterdand their feeling. When you grow up, you learn this and respect the choices of others.

To conclude, the progress has many positive points but also negative. The progress is essential for humans, but be careful, and know to use it as necessary.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-05-2015 23:07

Réponse: Bac/ Idée de progrès de laure95, postée le 21-05-2015 à 11:59:45 (S | E)
- whic makes living better: which allows people to have a better life.
-When we talking: ce n'est pas un temps.
- Since the internet revolution in 1990, the new technologies are evolving: SINCE + PRESENT PERFECT.
- Today, the computers are more thinner and smaller: revoir la formation du comparatif.
- So the social network make: conjugaison.
- cautions: ?
- to not become addict: NOT TO.

-Now, I will talking: conjugaison.
- the women has been considered inferior to men: conjugaison.
- macho: ?
- as his equal: pas le bon possessif.
- Still today, many men hitting their wives: conjugaison.
- but be careful: mal dit.
-as necessary: when necessary.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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