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Aide/Lieux et forme pouvoir

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide/Lieux et forme pouvoir
Message de pika15 posté le 01-05-2015 à 17:28:41 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Comme beaucoup j'ai des oraux de langues bientôt, mais je ne suis pas très forte en anglais et ces oraux sont très importants pour moi...
Une aide sur la correction de la langue serait donc la bienvenue, car j'ai peur d'apprendre des fautes...
Merci d'avance
THEME : Lieux et formes de pouvoir (ce n'est qu'une partie)
Transition :
In brief, the soldiers of American war films are portrayed as heroes, they are idealized, because they fighting for a good cause consequently viewers see them as perfect men. This, of course, is not by chance and we will look in the second part that the aim is to strengthen the American soft power.

Partie II : afin de renforcer le soft power Americain
Actually, that is due to the fact that in 1927 the Pentagon and Hollywood realizes an agreement for that filmmakers have all the necessary equipment (aircraft carriers, archive footage, submarines ...) only if the movies glorify the army, exalt the heroism, the patriotism, the camaraderie and thus encourage the young to the war effort.
For that matter the movie "The Longest Day" realised in 1962 (in nineteen sixty-two), shows the apogee of this complicity, because of if we take the trailer of the movie, firstly we can hear in the opening and in the closing a triumphant / victorious music which celebrates the invincible US Army, and secondly we can see as soon as the beginning of the trailer a strong and robust army with courageous soldiers. As a consequence, this film is a propaganda for the US Army, actually he contribute to has improve the perception of the Army and of the Pentagon.
Besides the pentagon authorized the transformations of the History so as to keep an image always positive and legitimate of the actions of the US during the wars.
Similary, the poster of the movie "The Fighting Sullivans” shows a disciplined army, who fighting for a good cause and it's good for the war effort and especially for the young people.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2015 18:08

Réponse: Aide/Lieux et forme pouvoir de gerondif, postée le 01-05-2015 à 18:12:17 (S | E)
Transition :
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert

In brief, the soldiers of American war films are portrayed as heroes, they are idealized, because they fighting(le présent en ing, c'est un sujet, l'auxiliaire ETRE et le verbe en ing, they are fighting) for a good cause consequently viewers see them as perfect men. This, of course, is not by chance and we will look(vous confondez look (regarder) et see(voir) in the second part that the aim is to strengthen the American soft power.

Partie II : afin de renforcer le soft power Americain : pour + verbe (but) = to + base verbale: to reinforce, to strenghten...
Actually, that is due to the fact that in 1927 the Pentagon and Hollywood realizes(mettez un prétérit en ed, 1929, c'est passé et daté) an agreement for that filmmakers have(mauvaise structure "pour qu'il aient", ça va être dur à trouver alors je vous le montre: an agreement for all filmmakers to have...) all the necessary equipment (aircraft carriers, archive footage, submarines ...) only if the movies glorify(prétérit) the army, exalt the heroism, the patriotism, the camaraderie and thus encourage the young to the war effort.
(jamais de the dans les généralités: cats eat mice, ....)
For that matter the movie "The Longest Day" realised in 1962 (in nineteen sixty-two), shows the apogee of this complicity, because of if we take the trailer of the movie, firstly we can hear in the opening and in the closing a triumphant / victorious(évitez de laisser deux synonymes jumelés, sinon on pense à une traduction automatique) music which celebrates the invincible US Army, and secondly we can see as soon as the beginning(dès que le début ne va pas, as soon as est une conjonction) of the trailer a strong and robust army with courageous soldiers. As a consequence, this film is a propaganda (soit le mot seul, soit a propaganda film) for the US Army, actually he(qui ? un homme? le film ?) contribute to has(aïe! to improve va suffire!) improve the perception of the Army and of the Pentagon.
Besides the pentagon authorized the transformations of the History so as to keep an image always positive and legitimate of the actions of the US during the wars.
Similary, the poster of the movie "The Fighting Sullivans” shows a disciplined army, who fighting(who est faux et la conjugaison aussi) for a good cause and it's good for the war effort and especially for the young people.

Evitez de composer en français puis de traduire, ça peut être lourd et parfois, on ne sait pas où vous voulez aller.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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