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Bac/lieux et pouvoir

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Bac/lieux et pouvoir
Message de pantalon posté le 30-04-2015 à 11:43:18 (S | E | F)
je passe bientôt mon oral d'anglais pour le Bac et j'en ai terminé une : celle sur le Canada ( lieux et formes de pouvoirs)
Si vous pouviez me dire où se trouvent mes fautes pour que je puisse les corriger moi-même ce serait super sympa !
Merci d'avance !

Canada, an attractive power.
Our society is characterized by the relationships between countries and different cultures. In the world, there are communication and information flows, cash and migration that were accentuated by globalization. Canada is a growing power which attracts a lots of people because of several reasons. We will analyze how did Canada become an attractive power.
In a first part, we will examine the power of Canada and, in a second part, we will concentrate our study on Canada’s immigration.
Canada experienced a great economic development during the first part of the twentieth century, benefiting as never before from the industrialization process. At the end of the 19th century, conditions for Canada’s industrial revolution were in place, but, the international situation and the attraction of inhabitants for United States, delayed the expansion. Despite major recessions from 1918 to 1936, a more favorable economic content allowed a strong growth at the beginning of 20th century.
The world wars, especially the second one, provided a great stimulus for the Canadian economy.
Nowadays, the Canada is the tenth world power because of several points:
•Canada is a growing power since 1900, indeed, between in eighty years, Canada evolved from the 13th rank to the 5th
•It’s a member of the G8 organization, many internationals firms belong to Canada such as Mc Cain Foods, Bombardier…
Even if Canada’s economy is based on the service industries and on the secondary sector, natural resources remain significant. Canada is a country with many different kind of resources because of huge areas: Canada’s surface is about 10 millions of square kilometers, it’s the second largest country of the whole world after Russia.
In the West, forest activities dominate whereas, central towns are dominated by petrol activities. As Canada is surrounded by different oceans many activities are oriented toward fishing industry, mainly in the Antarctic one. .
In general, Canada is a major actor in gold, nickel, uranium production and is an unavoidable country in terms of agriculture exportations.
Canada is also a multi-ethnic-based country with more than 3 billion of persons, according to the 2006 census. This census showed that 6 millions of people were born in a foreigner country. It represents 20% of Canadian’s population. Canada is an open and a multicultural country, indeed thousands of foreigners men and women immigrated to this country.

In 1867, Canada formed by 4 provinces was populated by 3,4 million of inhabitants. During this period, the country expanded itself and authorities wanted to populate the West side of Canada. The population increased distinctly because of immigration and an important natural increase.

Between 1867 and 1901, 1,5 million of immigrant access to Canada. They came, for the most of them, from North of Europe, United Kingdom, and the USA. In 1869, a policy of immigration was created so as to attract people in the Western Canada, which was offering numerous agricultural lands.
Progressively, an intern trade was introduced and a lot of measures were taken by the Government : the decrease of Chinese immigration, a preference for Americans, and Western Europe immigrants. The country became more and more selective about the origins of immigrants.
Nevertheless, in 1960, ethnic criterions were abandoned and replaced by new ones as the studies.
To sum up, it can be said that Canada has gained a lot from ots colony period thanks to their independence and immigration. They are also a very influent country and count among the most developed contries.

Merci beaucoup !

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-04-2015 11:44

Réponse: Bac/lieux et pouvoir de pantalon, postée le 01-05-2015 à 18:05:30 (S | E)
up !

Réponse: Bac/lieux et pouvoir de gerondif, postée le 04-05-2015 à 20:12:05 (S | E)
votre sujet sera rebasculé sur le forum général car je corrige en partie en français.....
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert
Canada, an attractive power.
Our society is characterized by the relationships between countries and different cultures. In the world, there are communication and information flows, cash and migration that were accentuated by globalization. Canada is a growing power which attracts a lots of (a lot of ou lots of) people because of several reasons. We will analyze how did Canada become(style indirect: comment le Canada devint... pas de did) an attractive power.
In a first part, we will examine the power of Canada and, in a second part, we will concentrate our study on Canada’s immigration.
Canada experienced a great economic development during the first part of the twentieth century, benefiting as never before from the industrialization process. At the end of the 19th century, the conditions for Canada’s industrial revolution were in place, but,(virgule inutile) the international situation and the attraction of its inhabitants for the United States,(virgule inutile) delayed the expansion. Despite major recessions from 1918 to 1936, a more favorable economic content allowed a strong growth at the beginning of the 20th century.

The world wars, especially the second one, provided a great stimulus for the Canadian economy.
Nowadays, the Canada is the tenth world power because of several points:
•Canada is(present perfect avec since) a growing power since 1900, indeed, between(confusion avec parce que??) in eighty years, Canada evolved from the 13th rank to the 5th
•It’s a member of the G8 organization, many internationals(jamais de s aux adjectifs) firms belong to Canada(ce ne serait pas plus simple de dire qu'elles sont canadiennes?) such as Mc Cain Foods, Bombardier…

Even if Canada’s economy is based on the service industries and on the secondary sector, natural resources remain significant. Canada is a country with many different kind(pluriel) of resources because of huge areas: Canada’s surface is about 10 millions of(adjectif invariable et sans of) square kilometers, it’s the second largest country of in the whole world after Russia.

In the West, forest activities dominate whereas,(virgule inutile) central towns are dominated by petrol activities. As Canada is surrounded by different oceans,(virgule utile ici) many activities are oriented towards the fishing industry, mainly in the Antarctic one(mettez plutôt ocean parce que one reprend industry). .
In general, Canada is a major actor in gold, nickel, uranium production and is an unavoidable country in terms of agriculture exportations.
Canada is also a multi-ethnic-based country with more than 3 billion of persons(le pkuriel de person est plutôt people), according to the 2006 census. This census showed that 6 millions of people were born in a foreigner country. It represents 20% of the Canadian’s(pas de cas possessif sur un adjectif) population. Canada is an open and a multicultural country, indeed thousands of foreigners, men and women,(virgules utiles ici) immigrated into this country.

In 1867, Canada formed by 4 provinces was populated by(maladroit: avait une population de) 3,4(prononcez three point four) million of inhabitants. During this period, the country expanded itself(inutile) and the authorities wanted to populate the West side of Canada. The population increased distinctly because of immigration and an important natural increase.

Between 1867 and 1901, 1,5 million of immigrants access(prétérit + choix de verbe) to Canada. They came, for the most of them, from the North of Europe, the United Kingdom, and the USA. In 1869, a policy of immigration was created so as to attract people in the Western Canada, which was offering numerous agricultural lands.
Progressively, an intern trade was introduced and a lot of measures were taken by the Government : the decrease of Chinese immigration, a preference for Americans, and Western Europe immigrants. The country became more and more selective about the origins of immigrants.
Nevertheless, in 1960, ethnic criterions(criteria au pluriel) were abandoned and replaced by new ones as the studies.
To sum up, it can be said that Canada has gained a lot from ots colony(mettez l'adjectif) period thanks to their(qui est ce possesseur pluriel?) independence and immigration. They are(qui ça, ils sont) also a very influent country and count among the most developed contries.

Je ne voudrais pas être le prof qui va devoir avaler toutes ces données arides. Je préfère les devoirs où on a un point de vue personnel de l'étudiant.

Réponse: Bac/lieux et pouvoir de lucile83, postée le 04-05-2015 à 21:46:39 (S | E)
en effet gerondif je n'avais pas fait attention au forum. J'ai déplacé le topic au bon endroit


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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