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Kon Tiki Movie/correction

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Kon Tiki Movie/correction
Message de eliseclerget posté le 22-04-2015 à 16:14:25 (S | E | F)
J'ai écrit un petit texte sur un film que j'ai particulièrement apprécié : Kon Tiki. Si vous pouviez y jeter un petit coup d'œil pour apporter des corrections de langue et tenter d'améliorer la qualité.
Merci d'avance.

I really enjoyed the movie Kon Tiki by Joachim Ronning.
It has plenty of beautiful landscapes, and there is a beautiful atmosphere in this movie that makes me feel like if I were with the men on the raft.

The movie Kon Tiki tells the story of the Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl, who was persuaded that Polynesia had been settled by South American (like Peruvian) and not by Asian. That’s why, in 1947, he decided, after many rejections of his theory, to build a raft, like Kon Tiki did 1500 years ago, and to sail away without any means of propulsion, just the tide of the Pacific Ocean. After many adventures, 5000 miles, and 101 days, Thor and his team managed to reach an island of Polynesia.
The Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl, in the company of 5 men, crossed in 1947 the Pacific Ocean on a raft to prove that South American inhabitants could have crossed the sea and settled on the Polynesian islands. They went into a journey that lasted 101 days on over 5000 miles…. The movie broaches the genesis of their trip.
The movie came out in 2012, it was directed by Joachim Ronning and Espen Sandberg (Norwegians).
Kon Tiki was shot in the entire world: as well as in New York, in Thailand, in Malta, Bulgaria, Sweden and of course Norway.
The movie represented Norway in the category of the Best Foreign Movie at the Academy Awards in 2013, but lost against Amour by Michael Haneke.
Thor Heyerdahl, the leader of this trip, already shot a documentary of his expedition ( the Kon-tiki expedition), which won the Best Documentary Oscar in 1952. The book which came out after the movie also knew a tremendous success.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-04-2015 18:52
Lien inactif effacé.

Réponse: Kon Tiki Movie/correction de gerondif, postée le 22-04-2015 à 16:26:36 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert.
I really enjoyed the movie Kon Tiki by Joachim Ronning.
It has plenty of beautiful landscapes, and there is a beautiful atmosphere in this movie that makes me feel like if (as if) I were with the men on the raft.

The movie Kon Tiki tells the story of the Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl, who was persuaded that Polynesia had been settled by South American (like Peruvian)(ici, ils sont adjectifs, les mettre au pluriel (Americans) ou alors (American people) and not by Asian. That’s why, in 1947, he decided, after many rejections of his theory, to build a raft, like Kon Tiki did ( mettez plutôt had done 1500 years before))1500 years ago, and to sail away without any means of propulsion, just the tide of the Pacific Ocean. After many adventures, 5000 miles, and 101 days, Thor and his team managed to reach an island of Polynesia.
The Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl, in the company of (j'aurais dit accompanied by, ou together with) 5 men, crossed in 1947(je l'aurais mis en début de phrase pour ne pas séparer le verbe du cod) the Pacific Ocean on a raft to prove that South American inhabitants could have crossed the sea and settled on the Polynesian islands. They went into a journey that lasted 101 days on over 5000 miles…. The movie broaches the genesis of their trip.
The movie came out in 2012, it was directed by Joachim Ronning and Espen Sandberg (Norwegians).
Kon Tiki was shot in the entire world: in New York as well as in Thailand, in Malta, Bulgaria, Sweden and of course Norway.
The movie represented Norway in the category of the Best Foreign Movie at the Academy Awards in 2013, but lost against Amour by Michael Haneke.
Thor Heyerdahl, the leader of this trip,(antériorité) had already shot a documentary of his expedition ( the Kon-tiki expedition), which won the Best Documentary Oscar in 1952. The book which came out after the movie also knew a tremendous success.

Réponse: Kon Tiki Movie/correction de eliseclerget, postée le 23-04-2015 à 17:18:50 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide


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