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So there's that/aide

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


So there's that/aide
Message de hadrien85 posté le 19-04-2015 à 21:35:54 (S | E | F)
que signifie cette expression en fin de phrase s'il vous plait? : "so there's that"
En allant sur urban dictionary ils disent ceci :
A phrase said after describing something strange, awkward, ironic, hilarious, crazy, or otherwise profound.
Person A: "How was your day?"
Person B: "Well, today at Walmart a naked lady in her 90's shuffled into the store. She had to be wrapped in a bathrobe from aisle 18 and escorted to the hospital...So there's that."

J'ai aussi vu qu'il y avait un équivalent : "so this is a point to consider"
Mais je ne suis pas plus avancé.
Est-ce que quelqu'un connait cette expression?
Merci à vous.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-04-2015 21:54

Réponse: So there's that/aide de traviskidd, postée le 19-04-2015 à 23:01:24 (S | E)
Hello. You were right to look on Urban Dictionary, because this expression is of recent vintage. In your example, it is a sarcastic way of saying that something is ordinary and barely worth mentioning when in fact it is bizarre. Another example:

A: Did anything interesting happen at work today?
B: Not really. Well, I was abducted by aliens and taken to Mars. So there's that.

It can also be a sarcastic way of saying there's a point to consider, when in fact the point is obvious.

A: I want to go to the bar tonight.
B: But you're only 13. So there's that.

See you.

Réponse: So there's that/aide de hadrien85, postée le 20-04-2015 à 01:19:28 (S | E)
Thank you Traviskidd

Réponse: So there's that/aide de larmatang, postée le 20-04-2015 à 01:55:03 (S | E)
Pour moi cela veut dire :"voilà".

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-04-2015 07:22


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