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Correction /oral Bac

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /oral Bac
Message de massoud posté le 16-04-2015 à 13:26:35 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous, depuis de nombreuses années je me suis servi des nombreuses réponses que les membres de ce forum ont faites ainsi que les exercices, pour m'aider à construire des phrases en anglais correct.
Aujourd'hui je sollicite votre aide, s'il vous plaît, pour m'indiquer si j'ai fait des erreurs dans l'un de mes oraux pour le Bac, que voici :

Firstly, if the myths exist it's in party because they are taught us at an early age like the canadian dream in France. We have seen in the document about the career planning myths that these myths are numerous. But they have a common point which is the learning. For instance, the myth which say that our major will totally determine our career and thus our life. This myth is us even in school . But choose a major is just a beginning and but it cannot determine our whole life because people change and their carreer too. By the choice of a major a multitude of job open to us. These myths about the work and studies exist because people believe in them and teach them without knowing it by explaining it.

Secondly, if the myths exist is because some people who aren't necessarily know, inspire us and become of real hero and their life become a myth. For instance, Stanley Czyzyck a famous hurricane hunter seen in class, can be considered like one of these heroes. By this work, and the following of his passion he was able to allow to a lot of people to discover his world and follow his way. It's like that unknow people become a hero in my opinion. I explain, For me, Jacques verges a french lawyer with his famous pleading me allowed to discover the law ant to fascinate for this. We have seen in class the myth about how become a good lawyer, although being false, It can become true if the passion inspired by this lawyer allows me become a lawyer and become a source of inspiration for people. It's like that the myths will continue because even it's false, allows me to make this myth real in my way. It's why the myths will thanks to these heroes of the daily life who inspire us.

So for conclude, if a myth exist and will continue it's because they have taught us and even it isn't true I want to believe in him. Moreover, people inspire us everyday like an hero and we allow to make the myth true.

Je tiens à remercier d'avance les personnes qui prendront le temps de m'aider dans ma quête qui je l'admets s'avère ardue.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-04-2015 18:50


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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