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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de tatamelie2013 posté le 14-01-2015 à 20:35:57 (S | E | F)
je dois faire un exercice pour me préparer à l'examen, le principe est simple: on a des réponses écrites en anglais et je dois formuler les questions qui permettraient d'avoir ces réponses. Je remercie chaleureusement celui ou celle qui prendra un peu de son temps pour me corriger (en espérant ne pas avoir d'erreur).

1. The reasons for going to mars are for discovery, adventure, fun and survival. The most important reason is survival.
*What are the reasons for going to mars? What is the most important?

2. John is a former astronaut and he thinks that the exploration of Mars is necessary to establish an outpost and self-sustaining colonies.
*Who is john and what does he think about the exploration of mars?

3. Nuclear proliferation, climate change, shrinking resources, a growing population and a visit (invasion) from hostile aliens threaten the survival of the human race on Earth.
*What does it threaten the human race on earth? (cella là j'en suis pas sure)

4. Stephen Hawking is a cosmologist and he believes he will eventually establish self-stunning colonies on Mars and other bodies in the solar system.
*Who is Stephen Hawking? What does he believe about the project?

5. The plan in 1989 to send a manned mission to Mars was shelved(dropped/abandonned) hen costs were estimated at more than $400 billion.
*What are the reasons for the plan in 1989 was shelved?

6.The Obama administration has asked Nasa to make a plan for astronauts to orbit Mars by the mid 2030s.
*When will the astronauts go to mars?

7.At the least, three missions will be needed. One to launch the crew and their vehicle, one to launch their habitat and one to launch the vehicle for their return journey.
*How many round trip are necessary to the entire journey on mars?

8.Between 200 and 400 tonnes of equipment which is roughly the equivalent to the mas of the ISS(International Space Station) will be needed for these three missions.
*How many tonnes of equipment will be sent to mars for the project?

9.Buzz Aldrin is a former astronaut(he was the second man to walk on the moon). He thinks Mars is an epic challenge, a historic era as we are on the way to establishing a homestead on the Red Planet.
*Who is Buzz Aldrin? What does he thinks about the project?

10.Earth is 34.8 million miles from Mars at the closest recorded points of their orbits.
*What is the distance between Earth and Mars?

Merci et bonne soirée,

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-01-2015 21:10

Réponse: Questions/Réponses de gerondif, postée le 14-01-2015 à 23:47:12 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert.
1. The reasons for going to Mars are for discovery, adventure, fun and survival. The most important reason is survival.
*What are the reasons for going to Mars? What is the most important one? Which, notion de choix, irait mieux ici.

2. John is a former astronaut and he thinks that the exploration of Mars is necessary to establish an outpost and self-sustaining colonies.
*Who is john and what does he think about the exploration of mars?
On pourrait penser à une question sur "job".

3. Nuclear proliferation, climate change, shrinking resources, a growing population and a visit (invasion) from hostile aliens threaten the survival of the human race on Earth.
*What does it threaten the human race on earth? (cella là j'en suis pas sure)
quand le mot interrogatif est sujet, pas d'inversion!
John came: Who came ?
John threatened Jane: Who threatened Jane ?
An accident happened: What happened ?

4. Stephen Hawking is a cosmologist and he believes he will eventually establish self-stunning(?? self-standing??) colonies on Mars and other bodies in the solar system.
*Who is Stephen Hawking? What does he believe about the project? What does he believe he will do?

5. The plan in 1989 to send a manned mission to Mars was shelved(dropped/abandonned) hen(???) costs were estimated at more than $400 billion.
*What are the reasons for the plan in 1989 was shelved?

6.The Obama administration has asked Nasa to make a plan for astronauts to orbit Mars by the mid 2030s.
*When will the astronauts go to mars?(ne couvre pas toute la phrase)
Si la réponse est: to make a plan.., quelle serait la question?

7.At the least, three missions will be needed. One to launch the crew and their vehicle, one to launch their habitat and one to launch the vehicle for their return journey.
*How many round trip(pluriel) are(oui mais la réponse est au futur!) necessary to the entire journey on mars?

8.Between 200 and 400 tonnes of equipment which is roughly the equivalent to the mas of the ISS(International Space Station) will be needed for these three missions.
*How many tons of equipment will be sent (ok mais le verbe de la réponse est needed) to mars for the project?

9.Buzz Aldrin is a former astronaut(he was the second man to walk on the moon). He thinks Mars is an epic challenge, a historic era as we are on the way to establishing a homestead on the Red Planet.
*Who is Buzz Aldrin? What does he thinks about the project?

10.Earth is 34.8 million miles from Mars at the closest recorded points of their orbits.
*What is the distance between Earth and Mars? (how far existe aussi)


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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