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Correction/ami et argent

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ami et argent
Message de trauzeur posté le 11-12-2014 à 08:34:25 (S | E | F)
Pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger ce petit devoir s'il vous plaît? Je parle d'une amitié qui finit mal.
Merci pour vos réponses.

Three years ago, I went to my friend’s house just to say hello and met someone really interesting because I soon realized we had a lot of common interests. His name was Mike. We got on really well and soon afterwards, he became a good friend of mine. A couple of months had passed since the first day we met each other. We had been exchanging a lot of things. In fact we were both addicted to playing computer games, listening to music, and travelling throughout the country and of course, we liked night life. Thus, he had my trust and I had his.

But one day, he did something really strange. He came and see me because he had a big problem. Actually, he had borrowed money from his friends from school and was unable to back in due time. As a result of that, they brought him to the police station and was threatened to be jailed if he could not pay off his debts.

After explaining the situation to me properly, I eventually had mercy on him and so, I gave him the money he had requested and promised to do everything possible to pay me back. Unfortunately, he didn’t. He was supposed to collect the money and pay me back in a two months’ period. And strangely enough, when I tried to claim my money, he denied having borrowed money from me in front of everybody and accused me of lying. I could not believe my eyes! My so-called best friend was actually a bad egg! I started thinking of going to the police station too but the trouble was, I had no proof that he had borrowed money from me. We had not signed some documents or something so, I finally gave up and it was clear to me that our friendship was over. Fortunately for me it was not a huge amount so, it was not a big deal for me.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-12-2014 09:05

Réponse: Correction/ami et argent de gerondif, postée le 11-12-2014 à 10:19:39 (S | E)
peu d'erreurs!
Three years ago, I went to my friend’s house just to say hello and met someone really interesting because I soon realized we had a lot of common interests. His name was Mike. We got on really well and soon afterwards, he became a good friend of mine. A couple of months had passed since the first day we had met each other. We had been exchanging a lot of things. In fact we were both addicted to playing computer games, listening to music, and travelling throughout the country and of course, we liked night life. Thus, he had my trust and I had his.

But one day, he did something really strange. He came and(si vous mettez and, he came and saw me mais il est plus léger de dire: he came to see me) see me because he had a big problem. Actually, he had borrowed money from his friends from (at éviterait une répétition maladroite) school and was unable to (manque un verbe pour dire rembourser, to back signifie reculer)**back in due time. As a result of that, they brought him to the police station andil faut mettre le sujet he, sinon, c'est they qui est sous-entendu)was threatened to be jailed if he could not pay off his debts.

After explaining the situation to me properly, I eventually had mercy (impropre, on dit have mercy on me à son bourreau, vous, vous avez pitié de lui)on him and so, I gave him the money he had requested and (idem, mettez le sujet, sinon c'est I qui est sous-entendu) promised to do everything possible to pay me back. Unfortunately, he didn’t. He was supposed to collect the money and pay me back within a two months’ period. And strangely enough, when I tried to claim my money, he denied having borrowed (existe, mais borrowing seul irait aussi) money from me in front of everybody and accused me of lying. I could not believe my eyes! My so-called best friend was actually a bad egg (à rotten apple)! I started thinking of (connaissez-vous I contemplated) going to the police station (le mot station fait bizarre, vous allez voir la police, pas visiter leur poste) too but the trouble was, I had no proof that he had borrowed money from me. We had not signed some(ne vas pas car some signifie "je sais qu'il y en a" alors que justement, il n'y en a pas: derrière un verbe négatif, some devient any!!) documents or something so, I finally (connaissez-vous eventually?) gave up and it was clear to me that our friendship was over. Fortunately for me it was not a huge amount so, it was not a big deal for me.

Réponse: Correction/ami et argent de willy, postée le 11-12-2014 à 10:25:57 (S | E)
Comme vous parlez d'une conversation, il vaut mieux dire : "I couldn't believe my ears!".

Réponse: Correction/ami et argent de trauzeur, postée le 30-12-2014 à 13:01:59 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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