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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de frenchiiie posté le 01-12-2014 à 19:06:36 (S | E | F)
J'ai fait une présentation en anglais pour mon devoir et j'aimerais que vous corrigiez les éventuelles fautes que j'ai faites. Merci d'avance xx

First, I'd like to talk about myself. So I'm Manon I'm 16. I was born on January 1st 1998 in xxx. I live in xxx since my birth with my mom. I've a big sister who has 27 years old. I'm in High School **** *********. I'm a girl with dark long hair and brown eyes. Secondly I'll talk about my personality. So I'm a kind girl I'm also helpful people. Moreover I'm a hard working girl however I'm also lazy sometimes but not with my work. I'm a positive girl who smiles all the time. My friends say I'm funny but I don't do it purposely. On the other hand, I'm polite with people who I don't know (also with those I know of course) I'm friendly and for that matter I'm smart. Thirdly I'd like to talk about my hobbies. I spend most my time to look at American series to improve my English because I love English and I'd like to be bilingual later. I like to spend time outside with my friends. These things are my principal hobbies. At last, let's talk about my future plans. Later, I'd like to be bilingual and live in Canada. I'd like to speak fluently English, Italian and why not, spanish.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-12-2014 20:10

Réponse: Correction/présentation de bluestar, postée le 02-12-2014 à 10:46:26 (S | E)

First, I'd like to talk about myself. So I'm Manon I'm 16. I was born on January 1st 1998 in xxx. I live in xxx since my birth with my mom. I've a big sister who has 27 years old. I'm in High School **** *********. I'm a girl with dark long (ordre) hair and brown eyes. Secondly I'll talk about my personality. So I'm a kind girl and I'm also helpful to people. Moreover I'm a hard working girl. (nouvelle phrase ici)Hhowever I'm also lazy sometimes but not with my work. I'm a positive girl who smiles all the time. My friends say I'm funny but I don't do it purposely. On the other hand, I'm polite with people who I don't know (also with those I know of course) I'm friendly and for that matter I'm smart. Thirdly I'd like to talk about my hobbies. I spend most my time to look (participe pas l'nfinitif ici) at American TV series to improve my English because I love English and I'd like to be bilingual later. I like to spend time outside with my friends. These things are my principal hobbies. At last Finally, let's talk about my future plans. Later, I'd like to be bilingual and live in Canada. I'd like to speak fluently English, Italian (ordre de mots français; en anglais l'adverbe vient à la fin) and why not, Sspanish

Ne pas commencer une phrase avec "So", qui est habituellement utilisé comme une conjonction, par exemple, "I had a toothache so I went to the dentist"


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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