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Correction/ Introduce myself

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ Introduce myself
Message de djnightshop posté le 18-11-2014 à 11:47:28 (S | E | F)
je suis débutant en anglais et j'aimerais corriger mon texte: introduce myself.
Merci pour votre aide.

Let me to introduce myself.
My name is ......, i'm .... years old.
I'm from ...... and i live in .........
It's a very small town with little activites.
During the week, i work or stay at home to do my homework or browse the internet.
The evening i go to school. I study computer science.

I'm only son, my mother teaching art and my father work for the town.
I have 5 cousin, there are all boy. F.... is lawyer, D..... is nurse, E..... is musicologist, M..... studi graphics and H .... complete his secondary.

When i have some free time i like cooking. I like also make musique with my computer. Digial Audio worksation ( DAW )I'm a beatmaker for my band "name of band".

I have a mortorcycle it's a Suzuki GSX-R one thousand with two hundred HP. I love to ride with my motorcycle. Sometimes I'm crazy, i wait the night and when the ground is dry i go on the hightway and i can drive over 300 km/h

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-11-2014 18:58

Réponse: Correction/ Introduce myself de kiko88, postée le 18-11-2014 à 15:44:34 (S | E)

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-11-2014 18:56
Post inutile.

Réponse: Correction/ Introduce myself de djnightshop, postée le 18-11-2014 à 16:28:03 (S | E)
Bonjour ,
oui j'aimerais si possible corriger mes erreurs car c'est un texte que je voudrais écrire pour un test d'anglais !
Voila , merci !

Réponse: Correction/ Introduce myself de gerondif, postée le 18-11-2014 à 16:49:17 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu;corrections en vert
Let me to introduce myself.(à supprimer)
My name is ......, i'm .... years old.(majuscule)
I'm from ...... and i live in .........
It's a very small town with little activities.(voir la différence entre little et few pour dire peu de)
During the week, i work or stay at home to do my homework or browse the internet.
In The evening i go to school. I study computer science.

I'm * (manque l'article indéfini, de plus on dit only child!!) only son, my mother teaching(présent simple svp) art and my father work(un s, svp!!) for the town(français traduit "travaoiller pour la ville, il faut le dire autrement).
I have 5 cousin(au pluriel donc), there are all boy(au pluriel donc). F.... is a lawyer (on met toujours a devant les noms de métier: I am a teacher), D..... is * nurse, E..... is * musicologist, M..... studi graphics and H .... complete(s de présent simple 3ème personne) his secondary.(ne veut rien dire en anglais)

When i have some free time i like cooking. I like also make musique with my computer. Digial Audio worksation ( DAW )I'm a beatmaker for my band "name of band".

I have a mortorcycle it's a Suzuki GSX-R one thousand with two hundred HP. I love to ride(ok mais gérondif en ing irait aussi) with my motorcycle. Sometimes I'm crazy, i wait *(mot jusqu'à ou alors construction du verbe: to wait for)the night and when the ground is dry i go on the hightway and i can drive over 300 km/h.

Voilà; Dites, elle pousse fort,la bécane ! A vous de corriger si vous avez survécu à votre virée, poignée en coin!!

Réponse: Correction/ Introduce myself de djnightshop, postée le 18-11-2014 à 22:19:11 (S | E)
Merci pour votre aide Gerondif; c'est vraiment sympa l'aide donnée sur ce site !
J'ai survécu a ma ballade oui , j'ai peut-être à faire à un ou une motarde ! Poignée en coin ça me parle
Bref revenons a nos moutons; j'aimerais préciser: quand je parle de mon père c'est pour dire qu'il travaille pour la commune , comment traduire cela en bon anglais ?
Voila le corrigé !

Let me introduce myself
My name is ......, I'm .... years old.

I'm from ...... and I live in .........
It's a very small town with few activities.

During the week, I work or stay at home to do my homework or browse the internet.
In The evening I go to school. I study computer science.

I'm an only child, I'm friendly, quiet and sometimes leazy! My mother A.... teaching art and my father B..... works for the town(A traduire en bon anglais il travail à la commune!!!).
I have five cousins, there are all boy. F.... is a lawyer, D..... is a nurse, E..... is a musicologist, M..... study graphics and H .... completes ( traduire il termine ses études secondaires, je sais pas comment traduire en bon anglais !)
When I have some free time i like cooking. I like also made music with my computer. Digial Audio worksation ( DAW )I'm a beatmaker for my band "name of band".

I have a mortorcycle it's a Suzuki GSX-R one thousand with two hundred HP. I love to riding with my motorcycle. Sometimes I'm crazy, i wait for the night and when the ground is dry i go on the highway and i can drive over 300 km/h.

Ce serait sympa que vous regardiez pour les derniers petits détails !!!
Merci encre 1000x

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-11-2014 22:25

Réponse: Correction/ Introduce myself de gerondif, postée le 18-11-2014 à 23:06:40 (S | E)
(ex pilote d'une 650 Yamaha au siècle dernier, dans les années 80 avec laquelle j'ai sillonné la Grande Bretagne......)

Let me introduce myself
My name is ......, I'm .... years old.

I'm from ...... and I live in .........
It's a very small town with few activities.

During the week, I work or stay at home to do my homework or browse the internet.
In the evening I go to school. I study computer science.

I'm an only child, I'm friendly, quiet and sometimes leazy(un e en trop)! My mother A.... teaching(mettez ce verbe au présent simple, s à la troisième personne, piège après le ch!) art and my father B..... works for the town services.
le dictionnaire en ligne donne:
fonctionnaire municipal nm council worker, council clerk, council civil servant n
I have five cousins, there(ils sont, pas il y a) are all boys. F.... is a lawyer, D..... is a nurse, E..... is a musicologist, M..... study( à mettre au présent simple avec un s, attention autre chicane sur les verbes terminés par y, ça ressemble au pluriel de a baby, 2 babies...) graphics and H .... (forme en ing de to finish secondary school)

When I have some free time i like cooking. I like also made music with my computer. Digital Audio worksation ( DAW )I'm a beatmaker for my band "name of band".

I have a mortorcycle, it's a Suzuki GSX-R one thousand with two hundred HP. I love to riding with my motorcycle. Sometimes I'm crazy, i wait for the night (to come) and when the ground is dry i go on the highway and i can drive over 300 km/h.(drive, c'est les fesses sur un siège de voiture, la honte donc pour un motard de votre trempe! ride /go )

Réponse: Correction/ Introduce myself de djnightshop, postée le 19-11-2014 à 01:02:30 (S | E)
Haaa pour la moto ceci explique cela !
Lol pas mal vos commentaires, j'apprécie pour corriger !

Bien bon dernière correction j'espère! Merci pour votre aide je pense être bon ou presque en tout cas !

Au plaisir Gerondif !

Let me introduce myself
My name is ......, I'm .... years old.

I'm from ...... and I live in .........
It's a very small town with few activities.

During the week, I work or stay at home to do my homework or browse the internet.
In the evening I go to school. I study computer science.

I'm an only child, I'm friendly, quiet and sometimes lazy! My mother A.... teachs art and my father B..... works for the council civil servan.
I have five cousins, they are all boys. F.... is a lawyer, D..... is a nurse, E..... is a musicologist, M..... studies graphics and H .... finishes secondary school.

When I have some free time i like cooking. I like also make music with my computer. Digital Audio worksation ( DAW )I'm a beatmaker for my band "name of band".

I have a mortorcycle, it's a Suzuki GSX-R one thousand with two hundred HP. I love riding with my motorcycle. Sometimes I'm crazy, i wait for the night (to come) and when the ground is dry i go on the highway and i can ride over 300 km/h.

Modifié par djnightshop le 19-11-2014 01:03

Réponse: Correction/ Introduce myself de gerondif, postée le 19-11-2014 à 10:22:47 (S | E)
Il va falloir vous pencher davantage, non pas en virage, mais sur la conjugaison du présent simple, l'écriture des s en fin de verbe, parce que là, on patine, on frise la zone rouge.
I pour dire je en MAJUSCULES tout le temps, même en milieu de phrase!!

Let me introduce myself
My name is ......, I'm .... years old.

I'm from ...... and I live in .........
It's a very small town with few activities.

During the week, I work or stay at home to do my homework or browse the internet.
In the evening I go to school. I study computer science.

I'm an only child, I'm friendly, quiet and sometimes lazy! My mother A.... teachs(règle: es derrière ss,sh, ch, x, z, et o: he brushes, boxes, watches,buzzes...) art and my father B..... works for the council civil servan(ça ne veut rien dire: my father works for the town services est une solution , je neai pas en tête le terme exact).
I have five cousins, they are all boys. F.... is a lawyer, D..... is a nurse, E..... is a musicologist, M..... studies graphics and H .... finishes secondary school.

When I have some free time i like cooking. I also like make(en ing) music with my computer. Digital Audio worksation ( DAW )I'm a beatmaker for my band "name of band".

I have a mortorcycle, it's a Suzuki GSX-R one thousand with two hundred HP. I love riding with my motorcycle. Sometimes I'm crazy, i wait for the night (to come) and when the ground is dry i go on the highway and i can ride over 300 km/h.

Réponse: Correction/ Introduce myself de djnightshop, postée le 19-11-2014 à 11:11:00 (S | E)
Merci pour vos conseils !!!
je le sais pourtant le présent simple et continu v-ing !!!
C'est juste que c'est de l'inattention de ma part .
Enfin merci encore pour tout

Modifié par djnightshop le 19-11-2014 11:11

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-11-2014 13:34


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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