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Correction /Mixité

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Correction /Mixité
Message de popo8413 posté le 03-11-2014 à 21:49:31 (S | E | F)
Pouvez-vous me dire où je me suis trompée s'il vous plait? Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.
Je dois faire un exposé sur les écoles mixtes et non mixtes, voilà ce que j'ai voulu dire en français:

Dans les années 70, la mixité s’est un peu imposée dans les pays occidentaux, elle s’est développée sans vrais raisons pédagogiques, l’objectif était de parvenir à une égalité entre hommes et femmes. Ainsi, les filles avaient les mêmes programmes et les mêmes exigences que les garçons. Les difficultés de l’intégration de la mixité à l’école n’ont pas empêché la société de devenir plus égalitaire et les femmes d’avoir une place plus importante qu’autrefois dans le monde du travail et dans la vie politique, il y a bien sur encore des progrès à faire. Dans les pays anglo-saxons les écoles les plus prestigieuses sont souvent non-mixtes. En Angleterre sur les 25 meilleures écoles, 21 sont non mixtes, une étude du gouvernement anglais a évaluée l’influence de la non-mixité et a conclut qu’elle a une influence positive sur les notes. Beaucoup de personnes ont des idées préconçues sur la non-mixité, ils associent la mixité à l’égalité et la non-mixité à l’inégalité mais la mixité et l’égalité des sexes sont deux idées différentes, être ensemble ne signifie pas être égal, sinon la société serait égalitaire depuis longtemps.
Selon des études, les garçons seraient plus souvent interrogés que les filles en revanche, ils seraient notés plus durement. La mixité serait bien pour la liberté du choix des carrières par les élèves ; en effet, sous le regard garçons, les filles hésitent à choisir des carrières dites « masculines », comme les sciences, tandis que les garçons ne choisissent pas les carrières dites « féminines » : moins de 4% des garçons choisissent, par exemple, les sections littéraires. Cela serait également bien car les filles, comme les garçons, sont plus à l’aise pour poser des questions. Il faudrait que la non-mixité s’introduise un peu plus en France Il ne s’agirai pas de proposer la non-mixité comme un modèle unique, mais de la rendre accessible aux familles qui veulent la non-mixité pour leur enfant.
D’autres préfèrent la mixité car on apprend à se connaitre les uns les autres, à vivre ensemble et ils trouvent sa plus épanouissant, c’est aussi bien pour l’avenir car on est préparé à un environnement mixte.
C’est un point de vue qui est différent de chacun, chacun a sa vision de choses.

Voilà ma traduction anglaise:

In the years 70, Diversity at school is a bit imposed in the Western countries, It developed without educational reasons, the goal was to reach to equality between men and women. So, The Girls had the same programs and the same requirements as the boys. The difficulties about the integration of the mixity at the school did not prevent to become a more equal society and the women to have a job more important than before in the world, He still has a long way to go there… In the Anglo-Saxon countries the most prestigious schools are often single-sex. In England on 25 better establishments, 21 of them are single-sex school,
A study of English government estimated the influence of the single sex schooling and concluded that it has a positive influence on marks. Many people have preconceived ideas about coeducation, they associate the coeducation with the equality and the not coeducation with the disparity but the coeducation and the gender equality are two different ideas, to be together does not mean be equal, otherwise the society would be egalitarian for a long time.
Studies have shown that the boys would more often be interrogated that the girls (“en revanche”), they would be more hard noted. The coeducation would be good for the freedom of careers choice by the pupils; in effect, under the gaze of boys, the girls hesitate to choose careers so-called "male", as the sciences, whereas the boys do not choose careers so-called "feminine": less than 4 % of the boys chooses, for example, literary sections .It would be also good because the girls, as the boys, can feel at ease to ask the questions. The non-coeducation would have to get a little more in France It shall not act of proposing the non-coeducation as a unique model, but of making it accessible to the families which want the non-coeducation for their child.
Others prefer the coeducation because we learn to know some the others, to live together and they find hismost spreading, it is as well for the future because we are prepared for a mixed environment.
It is the point of view which is different from each, each has the vision of things.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-11-2014 22:42

Réponse: Correction /Mixité de here4u, postée le 04-11-2014 à 09:46:47 (S | E)
Hello !
blue = error
nnnnnn = clumsy
XXXX missing elements
green = remarks or suggestions .

In the years 70, Diversity at school is a bit imposed in the Western countries, It developed without educational reasons, the goal was to reach to equality between men and women. So, The Girls had the same programs and the same requirements as the boys. The difficulties about the integration of the mixity at the school did not prevent(complement ?) to become a more equal society and the women to have a job more important than before in the world, He still has a long way to go there… In the Anglo-Saxon countries the most prestigious schools are often single-sex. In England on 25 better establishments, 21 of them are single-sex school,
A study of English government estimated the influence of the single sex schooling and concluded that it has a positive influence on marks. Many people have preconceived ideas about coeducation, they associate the coeducation = it with the equality and the not coeducation with the disparity but the coeducation and the gender equality are two different ideas, to be together does not mean be equal, otherwise the society would be(wrong tense) egalitarian for a long time.
Studies have shown that the boys would more often be interrogated that the girls (“en revanche”= on the contrary, ), they would be more hard noted. The coeducation would be good for the freedom of careers choice by the pupils; in effect, under the gaze of boys, the girls hesitate to choose careers so-called "male", as the sciences, whereas the boys do not choose careers so-called "feminine"(word order): less than 4 % of the boys chooses, for example, literary sections .It would be also good because the girls, as the boys, can feel at ease to ask the questions.(not clear ...) The non-coeducation would have to get a little more in France It shall not act of proposing the non-coeducation as a unique model, but of making it accessible to the families which want the non-coeducation for their child.
Others prefer the coeducation because we learn to know some the others, to live together and they find hismost spreading???, it is as well for the future because we are prepared for a mixed environment.
It is the point of view which is different from each,. Eeach XXXX has the vision of things.

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