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Correction2/Los Angeles

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction2/Los Angeles
Message de jordan71 posté le 29-10-2014 à 15:32:49 (S | E | F)
Voici la suite de l'exposé sur Los Angeles.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide!

III. Tourism

To begin with, we often think that tourism is developed in L.A but it isn't really the truth. However, the places, which are situated in the city of Angels are really famous and known all around the world.

First, we can't miss the different famous parks such as for instance, Disneyland or Universal Studios Hollywood. The Disneyland Park in California was the first Disneyland which was built in the world ; it was built in 1955. In 1997, almost 400 millions of people visited this park : it is considered today as a cultural symbol.

Besides, we can't forget to use the famous mains roads in L.A. We have to go to Sunset Boulevard to admire the sunsets in the evening and to join the Pacific Ocean. We have to go to Santa Monica Boulevard in order to see the famous U.S route 66 which allow link Chicago. At the end, we have to go to Santa Monica for the really famous beach whose name is "Venice Beach" : Venice Beach is also known for the numerous souvenirs shops and clothes shops and for the huge bicycle paths which follows the beach. We have to go to Melrose Avenue to see the famous street, which is composed of few shoppers and the last place that we have to see is Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills with the many luxury shops.

Nevertheless, the most important criteria, which made of L.A a famous town is the presence of the district of Hollywood. This district is one of the high place of the cinematographic industry. Besides the famous panel of "Hollywood", there is the Grauman's Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard which "broadcast" a lot of blockbusters: they are the first ones who broadcast it in the world. For instance, the preview of the movie Green Lantern took place in 2011 at the Grauman's Chines Theatre. In Hollywood Boulevard, we can also see the Walk of Fame which is a famous pavement on which a lot of celebrities put their handprints.

Finally, when we are in L.A, we have to visit all the houses of celebrities thanks to a Star Mansion Map in Beverly Hills. All the tourists who enjoy cinema are crazy about this activity.

We absolutely have to visit the El Pueblo of Los Angeles which is an historical monument. It is the oldest section of Los Angeles and is the site where the city was first established in 1781.

IV. Buildings and architecture

L.A is also famous for all its buildings, which are present in the city.

First of all, we have to talk about the Walt Disney Concert Hall. This place corresponds to the fourth Los Angeles Music Center and Frank Gehry designed it. All the building is made of iron that's why it allows a perfect acoustic inside the concert halls; this acoustic is yet considered as the best acoustic in the world.

Secondly, we need to talk about the Huntington Library. This place corresponds to an education and research institution, which was established by Henry Huntington. Its particularity is the presence of many beautiful and huge gardens all around the institution such as the Japanese Garden or the Chinese Garden that we can visit.

Thirdly, we have to talk about the Los Angeles Public Library, which welcomed over 18 millions of visitors. It is famous for its appearance, which remembered the Ancient Egypt. It is considered as one of the largest publicly funded library systems in the world.

What's more, as far as it's concerned buildings we can "distinguish" the U.S Bank Tower which is the highest building in Los Angeles (310m) but also the Gas Company Tower (228m) and the Two California Plaza (229m).

To conclude, Los Angeles became an attractive and a cosmopolite city since its creation in 1781. Even if tourism isn't really developed, it is today, more and more present and it makes the happiness of visitors.

Finally, thanks to the sun which is every time present and thanks to others criteria, it represent for me a dream to go there. To me, it represents one of the best city ever.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-10-2014 17:47


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