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Correction/Los Angeles

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/Los Angeles
Message de jordan71 posté le 29-10-2014 à 13:29:25 (S | E | F)

Étant en DUT GEA, j'ai un exposé oral d'une dizaine de minutes qui se déroulera à la rentrée.
J'ai pour cela rédigé tout mon exposé moi-même, aucun copier/coller n'a été produit. De plus, avec ceci j'ai été imposé obligé de créer un glossaire, un plan et un résumé du sujet. J'aurais voulu savoir si vous voyez des fautes s'il vous plaît.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

Los Angeles also called by the diminutive L.A is an attractive and beautiful city. However, a lot of people don't know the city's history and its resources that's why I'm here today. I will show you why Los Angeles is known worldwide and why I enjoy especially this city...
Therefore sit comfortably and good listening!

Summary :
I. Introduction/Presentation
II. Geography and climate of Los Angeles
III. Tourism
IV. Buildings and architecture

Global city : it is a city which gather a lot of criteria which are important in the world economic system
Metropolis : the main city in a geographical zone
Coastline : it is an area where a land meet the sea or the ocean
The City of Angels : the nickname of Los Angeles
THE SUN BELT : it is composed of all the States which are situated in the South and in the West of the United-States : all these States known the Sun all the year.
Broadcast : transmit in the cinemas
Bicycle paths : it is a place where we can ride a bike or ride rollers.
Stars Mansion Map : it is a guide which takes tourists to go to visit the celebrities’s houses.

The topic of the presentation that I'm going to deal with is the city of Los Angeles.
In a first part, I would like to talk about the presentation, in a second part about geography and climate, in a third part of tourism, and in a fourth part of buildings and architecture.

I. Introduction/Presentation

First, I would like to give a quick presentation of this city.
This town is considered today as the second biggest city of the United-States just after New-York City. It is situated in the South of California on the Pacific Coast and all the Americans called its by the diminutive "L.A". What's more, at the beginning, Los Angeles was created in 1781 as pueblo, which was a really small village, which counted just 41 inhabitants. In 1822, Mexico took California and almost twenty years after, the USA took the control of California. In 1850, the village wasn't famous ; we can just saw few saloons and roads in ground, but now Los Angeles has become a city. Nevertheless, in 1876 thanks to the installation of railroads which allowed to join the East Coast, a lot of farmers cultivated the oranges and sent them in New-York City. Thanks to this activity, Los Angeles became famous. From 1860 to 1890, the number of inhabitants increased (2600 to 50 000 inhabitants) and in 1900 the town counted 100 000 inhabitants and thanks to the discovery of oilfields and to the creation of Hollywood, the population continued to increase. However, in 1992, because of the Rodney King scandal in which a black driver was threatened by four white policemen, the population was scared ; and the USA known the segregation again.
Today,as far as it's concerned the population, the population of the municipality is almost 3 904 657 inhabitants thanks to the immigration and thanks to the development of the city : Los Angeles is a cosmopolite city.
Moreover, the county collects 10 179 716 inhabitants while the urban area of Los Angeles counts approximately 18.5 million inhabitants, what makes it the second town of the United States after New-York City.
Los Angeles is a global city with business,international trade, entertainment,culture,media,fashion,science,sports and technology. Moreover, she has been ranked sixth in the Global Cities Index.
Finally, Los Angeles is an Olympic City : in 1932 and 1984, the city welcomed the Olympics Games it shows the importance of the city worlwide and she hopes keeping the statute of "World City Region".
Now, I will talk about the geography and climate of Los Angeles.

II. Geography and climate of Los Angeles

First of all, Los Angeles is situated in South California, the city extends over 1290,6 km. In the North, the city is lined with the San Gabriel Mountains and in the West and the South the city is lined by the Pacific Ocean. Thus, thanks to this geographical situation, Angelinos can swim and ski in the same day.
What's more, Los Angeles offers a lot of various landscapes : even if, Los Angeles is essentially urban, we can admire the coast of the bays of Santa Monica and San Pedro which allows to Los Angeles to be the biggest metropolis on a coastline.
Finally, the maximal height is 1 548 meters to the Sister Elsie Peak. With,its beaches, mountains and rivers, the City of Angels is known for its ecosystem which is various.
Secondly, The City of Angels is also known for the climate, which is exceptional thanks to its situation. Indeed, she enjoy of almost 320 days of sun per year that's why she made the part from the Sun Belt
What's more, the winter and summer are reversed from France, therefore in June, July and August, temperatures are really cold and in November, December, January, February and March temperatures are really high.
Yet, the most-high temperature which was recorded was in Woodland Hills on July, 2006 : she was 49°C and the most-low temperature which was recorded was in Canoga Park, in 1989 : she was -7,8°C.
It's raining especially in Winter and in Spring. However, temperatures are over 19,5 °C.
Finally, canicular days/scorching heats are present especially in September when a wind whose name is "Santa Ana" blew on the South California. This wind can increase the temperature until 40°C.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-10-2014 13:53


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