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Aide /situation financière

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide /situation financière
Message de lina1234 posté le 28-09-2014 à 16:57:05 (S | E | F)
je suis étudiante à l'IUT et j'ai traduit ce texte pour une présentation orale d'un bilan d'une entreprise, mais j'aimerais savoir s'il a du sens vu que je n'ai pas un très bon niveau en anglais, ainsi que les fautes d'orthographe et d'expressions. Est-ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider?
Merci d'avance.

As I said in my presentation I will explain the financial situation of sales of goods xxx Group. To perform this analysis, we need the balance sheet and the income statement. For this I will use the table of intermediate management balances.
in observing i notice :
- an increase in gross margin of + 242%, this is due to a significant increase in sales in France.
- Decreased production sold of (4%). This decline in the core business of the company reflects an unfavorable situation.
- The value-added which is measuring of wealth created by the company deteriorated of (8%).
- the ratio of gross margin indicates a decrease of 6%, which means that the company has lost its bargaining power of customers and suppliers.
- The equity ratio increased by 6% between N-1 and N.
- Following the new distribution of shares the partners and shareholders they will lose 2.5 to 7 points of their share in value added.

in conclusion, the evolution between N-1 and N is very worrying.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-09-2014 17:01

Réponse: Aide /situation financière de costo, postée le 01-10-2014 à 00:37:30 (S | E)
Salut Bonjour,
je n'ai pas grand chose à modifier sinon suggérer, la ponctuation pour vous permettre de prendre votre souffle et aussi pour donner du sens à votre texte. Merci de la compréhension.

As I said in my presentation, I will explain the financial situation of goods sales xxx Group. To perform this analysis, we need the balance sheet and the income
statement. For this, I will use the table of intermediate management

by observing I notice :
- an increase in gross margin of + 242%, this is due to a significant increase in sales in France.
- Decreased production sold of (4%). This decline in the core business of the company reflects an unfavorable situation.
- The value-added which is measuring of wealth created by the company deteriorated of (8%).
- the ratio of gross margin indicates a decrease of 6%, which means that
the company has lost its bargaining power of customers and suppliers.
- The equity ratio increased by 6% between N-1 and N.
- Following the new distribution of shares, the partners and
shareholders will lose 2.5 to 7 points of their share in value
in conclusion, the evolution between N-1 and N is very worrying.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-10-2014 08:16


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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