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Oral/ autobiographie

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Oral/ autobiographie
Message de sarah96 posté le 01-06-2014 à 22:19:51 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir !
Je suis en Terminale littéraire et je passe bientôt mes oraux en littérature en langue étrangère..
Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger ce texte, s'il vous plaît ?
Merci à ceux qui voudront bien me corriger

Hello Sir/Madam

Today, I will talk about the notion autobiography.
So, I will begin by defining this notion.
In my opinion, an autobiography is a real story tells by a person who have lived this event or this set of event. It’s a self life writing.
This year, we studied different autobiography.
Now, I propose we look at a question : « How an author can pass a message ? »

Fistly, we will talk about the personal feelings of the author.
In fact, the author, the narrator and main character are the same person. Like Marguerite in the first text « I know why the caged bird sings » by Maya Angelou. Here, Marguerite is the church and to recite a text. But she forgets sentences because she thinks at most important things. She thinks her dream of becoming white. she has shame because she has forgotten his text, but also a feeling of sadness because she is not always white. The prologue begins by the first person « I ». The point of view is internal. So, the author recounts his memories, what he lived.

Secondly, we will see that the author is honest with the reader.
The years that have passed between the time the events took place and when the author says are the memories can be distorted or broken. Despite of this, the author tells the truth, he is honest with the reader. It is based on the memory. For example, in "A significant event," the author described the moment he began to lie with detail. He is sincere with us because he says it's event marks an important point in his life. With distance, he becomes aware of the impact of this revealing moment.
So the author selects the useful memories for his autobiographical project.

Finally, the author can support a cause by telling the story he lived. This cause can be slavery as in "I am a slave" by William Wells Brown. He presents this period of his life as a loss of freedom, a total dehumanization.
Furthemore, this cause can also be racism. As in "I know Why the Caged Bird Sings" here, the girl Marguerite critical racism. She is ill in his skin. And thanks to his history, we understand that racial abuse is not a good thing.
Both authors want to show the truth, the reality of the past event, they want to change the things because today these two phenomena still exist in our society.

To conclude, we can see that autobiography is used to pass a message to his readers because the narrator uses his personal feelings, he is honest and sincere and he defends a cause. He tries to touch the reader. The author can share his experience and inform or report. The author can write to justify. Or write to analyze its own evolution. The author may also want to leave a trace of his life.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-06-2014 22:31

Réponse: Oral/ autobiographie de sherry48, postée le 06-06-2014 à 01:05:49 (S | E)

Today, I will talk about the notion autobiography.
So, I will begin by defining this notion.
In my opinion, an autobiography is a real story tells by a person who have lived this event or this set of event_. It’s a self life writing. (try written here)
This year, we studied different autobiography. (singular or plural?)
Now, I propose we look at a question : « How an author can pass a message ? » (can acts as an auxiliary verb for word order)

Fistly, we will talk about the personal feelings of the author.
In fact, the author, the narrator and main character are the same person. Like Marguerite in the first text « I know why the caged bird sings » by Maya Angelou. Here, Marguerite is the church and to recite a text (at least 1 word is missing) But she forgets sentences because she thinks at most important things. She thinks ___ her dream of becoming white. she has shame ('is ashamed' goes better) because she has forgotten his text, but also a feeling of sadness because she is not always white. (this means she is sometimes white) The prologue begins by the first person « I ». The point of view is internal. So, the author recounts his memories, what he lived. (Angelou, or in general?)

Secondly, we will see that the author is honest with the reader.
In the years that have passed between the time the events took place and when the author says are the memories can be distorted or broken. Despite of this, the author tells the truth, he is honest with the reader. It is based on the memory. For example, in "A significant event," the author described the moment he began to lie with/in detail. (after the verb) He is sincere with us because he says it's event marks an important point in his life. With distance, he becomes aware of the impact of this revealing moment.
So the author selects the useful memories for his autobiographical project.

Finally, the author can support a cause by telling the story he lived. This cause can be slavery as in "I am a slave" by William Wells Brown. He presents this period of his life as a loss of freedom, a total dehumanization.
Furthe_more, this cause can also be racism. As in "I know Why the Caged Bird Sings" here, the girl Marguerite __ critical__ racism. She is ill(uncomfortable?) in his skin. And thanks to his (Brown or Marguerite?) history, we understand that racial abuse is not a good thing.
Both authors want to show the truth, the reality of the past event, (singular or plural?) they want to change the things because today these two phenomena still exist in our society.

To conclude, we can see that autobiography is used to pass a message to his (his would only be used if the word author/narrator precedes it-you have only autobiography)readers because the narrator uses his personal feelings, he is honest and sincere and he defends a cause. He tries to touch the reader. The author can share his experience and inform or report. The author can write to justify, or write to analyze its own evolution. The author may also want to leave a trace of his life.



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