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Oral/Places and power

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Oral/Places and power
Message de jbc posté le 22-05-2014 à 22:13:00 (S | E | F)
mon oral approche à grand pas, je sais que je m'y prends tard mais je vous en serais redevable si vous pouviez me suggérer mes fautes. Merci pour vos réponses :

I’m going to deal with the notion : Places and formes of the power
First at all, I would like to give an definition of this notion:
In order to live together, members of a community accept rules, regulation, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. In politics or in social sciences, power is the ability to influence people’s behavior.
We usually called the media the fourth power, because our society is characterized by the importance of mass media such as radio, press or television.
Indeed, we are under the influence of the media whether we like it or not.
So one would question « How can mass media influence people’s opinion? »
To answer this question i have choose two documents:
First an article which deals with the importance of publicity
Second an document witch deals with the television and the Civil Rights movements.

First at all, according to the article, the average British viewer is now exposed to 48 TV commercials a day, and recent studies showed that around a third of Australian TV is now taken by commercials. Moreover, media companies tend to regard advertising purely as a form of revenue. Which allow commercials to spread their ideology: the ideology of consumerism,without restrictions.
This ideology can be summed up as follows: the only way to secure, pleasure, popularity, security, happiness or fulfillment is through buying more, and as the narrator said: is it now accepted that, past certain point there is no connection between the volume of consumer goods a person accumulates and the well-being of this person.
But, does this kind of propaganda really affect us?
Many says that commercials don’t have effects on them, and other says that it’s precisely because they think that commercials don’t have effects on them that they actually have.
Finally, it’s paradoxically that in order to inform us we have to expose us to disinformation, propaganda.

However, mass medias can also influence the public opinion in a good way, as it was in the sixties.
During the fifties the struggle for civil rights came to a head at the same time television began to appear in most Americans' homes.  At the beginning of the decade, television was a novelty owned by very few people. By 1960 ninety percent of American homes had television.
Moreover, in a letter, Martin Luther King had write that :« the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Councilor or the Ku Klux Klan, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice ».
But with the democratization of the television, those moderate white were exposed to the reality of racial segregation and all the issues that press rarely covered in the North states. As a result, the public opinion has changed faster because the leaders of the Civil Rights Movements managed to use this new media to their advantage.

Finally, the mass media is a propaganda tool but can also be used as a tool for positive social change.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-05-2014 22:14


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