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Correction/ Idea of progress

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ Idea of progress
Message de espilce posté le 10-05-2014 à 17:57:46 (S | E | F)
Je passe l'oral du Bac LV1 anglais lundi, et ayant un niveau très bas, j'ai besoin d'une aide s'il vous plaît afin de corriger les nombreuses fautes que j'ai commises dans ma préparation...
La voilà :

My presentation is going to deal with the idea of progress. First, I would like to give a definition of progress. This is a change, an evolution in different domains like science, technic or social. It's generally believed that an improvement, a beneficial advance? However, a lot of debates show negative aspects of some progresses. This is an important issue : So, what are aspects which can lead to believed progress is dangerous ? Firstly, I will study the main progresses in the science ande their negative aspects. Then, I will follow this model with the technic and technology.

I) Scientific progress
It's a well-known fact that life-expectancy extend with centuries. It's understandable by the scientif advances like the discoveries of treatments for example. Before the science emergence, people died because of illness.
Moreover, a few weeks ago, the news about an artificial heart transplantation in France allowed to remind the first heart was performed in South Africa in 1967. This transplantation allowed to extend the patient's life about 18 days, and was a significant advance.
So, I saw scientific progress was necessary to improve population's life and prolong it.

2) Negative aspects
The scientific progress concern the maternity too. With ultrasound scans, we can know baby's health and sexe. In China and India, this tecnology is used to abort female foetuses. In these countries, boys are important as they will can see their parents. Thus, female foeticide has risen in recent years. For this reason, I can say the ultrasound scans maybe dangerous.
Therefore, the PGD it's to say the technic to predict genetic deseases and ensure the chosen embryo is healthy can in reality be used to the gender selection like I said it, and to sreening for physical characteristics. The PGD open the door to "designer babies", it means that parents will can choose their perfects baby and play god for they go against the nature.
The PGD can be used to saviour sibling too. It means that a baby is created to treat his brother or sister. This is to say the saviour sibling will be a forced donor like Anna in My Sister keepers by J.Picoult

II) Technical progress + Technology
1) In production technics
Firm's goal is a rise of profits. That's why Taylor and Ford invented a neaw production method. The Fordism and the Taylorism consist to divide the production process to it becomes more productive. Thanks to the progress, firms have improved their profits and give more money to their wage earner.
Therfefore, their purshasing power was improved. Inf fact, this standard living improvement allowed to by cars which they were producing in Ford factories.

2) Negative aspect : pollution
With the industrialization, firms and population pullute. Firms use energy and discharge polluted liquids in rivers. Peapole use cars and consume gasoil. I can't speak about the pollution without think about the USA, the country the most polluting a few years ago. As a result, there is watter and air pollution and moreover the global warningbecome most worrying.

Il n'y a ni conclusion ni avis personnel de préparés, je préfère le faire "en direct".
Je vous remercie par avance de l'aide que vous me fournirez.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-05-2014 19:17


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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