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Bac/Idée de progrès

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Bac/Idée de progrès
Message de gwendoline posté le 04-05-2014 à 15:53:11 (S | E | F)
je prépare l'oral du Bac et j'aurais besoin de conseils et de corrections pour ma dernière notion s'il vous plaît.
Merci à ceux qui prendront le temps de m'aider

In this sequence “Idea of progress”, we focused our attention on progress through two texts.
The first is an extract from an article of a magazine entitled Education Week On The Web written by Debra Viadero in 2000 ( two thousand) which presents the situation of Daleidy Grullon, an immigrant student in the USA.
The second is also an extract from an article of a magazine entitled The Guardian Weekly written by Luke Harding which presents the arrival of Mac Donald’s in India, a country where eating beef is forbidden.

For immigrants family, education is a key to social promotion, that’s why the statistics shown that it’s common for immigrants students to do better in school that American-born students. Although they have difficulty in understanding English at the beginning, they have better results than American students because they work hard.
Despite their difficulties, despite they have to rely on themselves, they rank among the best because they put a high value on education. Furthermore their parents think it’s essential that their children should do well in school, and children doesn’t want to crush their hopes and to let them down, they want to reward their parents for their sacrifices, for what they have done for them.
Unlike American-born students who take education for granted, immigrants students known that education is a chance, it makes them realize they doesn’t feel like doing the same job as their parents who, despite they work hard, have difficulty in making end meets. Immigrants students understand that the only way to succeed in life is to succeed in school and they know that succeeding requires efforts because nobody has life on a plate, and even more nowadays.

In the 21st century, we live in a globalized world with positive sides like the expansion of commerce or the communication which is now easier, but also negative sides like world company who try to impose their culture, however, some try to adapt.
For instance Mac Donald’s opened its first restaurant in India about 17 years ago. Although it was risky, Mac Donald’s decided to take up the challenge and nowadays, they managed to attract customers by selling mutton and chicken in a country where cows are sacred and eating beef is forbidden. It’s all the more curious that Mac Donald’s should come to India as the country as revered the cows for thousands of year but it’s logic because India represent a huge potential market of 1bn people. Had they sold beef, they wouldn’t have attracted customers because Indians are unlikely to change their eating habits. For instance, KFC only stayed in India for 2 years because he has refused to adapt to Indian culture, and being in a westernized city didn’t prevent them from being vandalized by farmers and anti-globalization protesters. KFC can be accused, quite rightly, of spreading a standardized culture all over the world. In a country like India, a fast-food multinational has to avoid imposing its own eating habits if it wants to make profit because Mac Donald’s food is reproach for being bad, expensive and unindian.
The presence of Mac Donald’s in India is a sign of evolution of our society. Globalization leads to standardization of societies and trades.

So, education and progress are bonded because it’s the well educated people who results the progress. Furthermore education bring at personal progress, who subsequently develop. As far as I’m concerned, I think that education is important when we live in our westernized society because education allow us to climb the social ladder.
Globalization is a sign of progress because on the one hand, it has opened new markets, it has created jobs and people can get to know and understand each other better. However globalization and the expansion of international trade and new technologies can contribute to standardization, it has opened new borders but the external influences can affect or even destroy a country’s traditional culture and identity.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-05-2014 15:57

Réponse: Bac/Idée de progrès de eg180, postée le 06-05-2014 à 13:42:18 (S | E)
In this sequence “Idea of progress”, we focused our attention on progress through two texts.
The first is an extract from an article of a magazine entitled Education Week On The Web written by Debra Viadero in 2000 ( two thousand) which presents the situation of Daleidy Grullon, an immigrant student in the USA.
The second is also an extract from an article of a magazine entitled The Guardian Weekly written by Luke Harding which presents the arrival of Mac Donald’s in India, a country where eating beef is forbidden.

For immigrants family, education is a key to social promotion, that’s why the statistics shown have shown (ou 'show' tout simplement) that it’s common for immigrants students to do better in school that than American-born students. Although they have difficulty in understanding English at the beginning, they have better results than American students because they work hard.
Despite their difficulties, despite they have to rely their having to rely on themselves, they rank among the best because they put a high value on education. Furthermore their parents think it’s essential that their children should do well in school, and these children doesn’t do not want to crush their hopes and to let them down, they want to reward their parents for their sacrifices, for what they have done for them.

Unlike American-born students who take education for granted, immigrants immigrant students known know that education is a chance an opportunity. it It makes them realize they doesn’t that they do not feel like doing the same job as their parents who, despite they work hard despite their strong work ethic, have difficulty in making end meets. Immigrants Immigrant students understand that the only way to succeed in life is to succeed in school and they know that succeeding requires efforts because nobody has life on a plate will hand you success in life on a platter, and even more so nowadays.

In the 21st century, we live in a globalized world with positive sides like such as the expansion of commerce or the communication which is now easier, but also comes with negative sides like world company multinational corporations who try to impose their culture, though, some businesses try to adapt.
For instance Mac Donald’s opened its first restaurant in India about 17 years ago. Although it was risky, Mac Donald’s decided to take up the challenge and nowadays, they managed to attract customers by selling mutton and chicken in a country where cows are sacred and eating beef is forbidden. It’s It is [Try to avoid contractions in school papers] all the more curious that Mac Donald’s should come to India as the country as has revered the cows for thousands of year years but it’s logic it is logical because India represent represents a huge potential market of 1bn 1 billion people. Had they sold beef, they wouldn’t have attracted customers because Indians are unlikely to change their eating habits. For instance, KFC only stayed in India for 2 years because he has refused to adapt to Indian culture, and being in a westernized city didn’t prevent them from being vandalized by farmers and anti-globalization protesters. KFC can be accused, quite rightly, of spreading a standardized culture all over the world. In a country like India, a fast-food multinational has to avoid imposing its own eating habits if it wants to make profit because Mac Donald’s food is reproach reproached for being bad, expensive and un-Indian.

The presence of Mac Donald’s in India is a sign of evolution of our society. Globalization leads to standardization of societies and trades.

So, education and progress are bonded because it’s it is the well educated people who results initiate the progress. Furthermore, education bring at personal progress, who subsequently develop. (

Réponse: Bac/Idée de progrès de eg180, postée le 06-05-2014 à 13:48:16 (S | E)
So, education and progress are bonded linked because it’s it is the well educated people who results initiate the progress. Furthermore education bring at personal progress, who subsequently develop. (Pas clair) As far as I’m concerned, I think that education is important when we live in our westernized society because education allow allows us to climb the social ladder.

Globalization is a sign of progress because on the one hand, it has opened new markets, it has created jobs and allows people can get to know and understand each other better. However, globalization and the expansion of international trade and new technologies can contribute to standardization., It has opened new borders, but the external influences can affect or even destroy a country’s traditional culture and identity.

Réponse: Bac/Idée de progrès de gwendoline, postée le 09-05-2014 à 19:27:40 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup


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