I'm stuck/silvery
Forum > English only || BottomMessage from nick posted on 26-04-2014 at 18:08:08 (D | E | F)
Hello everybody,
I'm quite stuck! what is,would, could, according to you, be the opposite of 'silvery' used in a silvery voice, so in the idea of light.
I don't want the idea of' deep or grave' but more the idea of being connected to the earth, to the ground, your roots, still talking about a voice....
I'm really looking forward to reading your suggestions!
Thanks a lot, in advance....
You may put a curse on me but after ...the answer!
Edited by lucile83 on 26-04-2014 18:42
Re: I'm stuck/silvery from sherry48, posted on 26-04-2014 at 18:39:06 (D | E)
Take a look at this link Link
I think you will see the right sense for a voice, which may lead you to a good antonym.

Re: I'm stuck/silvery from nick, posted on 26-04-2014 at 21:42:54 (D | E)
Thank you but I have already checked via the net and I couldn't find what I was looking for...a voice coming from your belly? inside you ? but in one word !!
Re: I'm stuck/silvery from violet91, posted on 26-04-2014 at 22:03:49 (D | E)
Hello ,

The only thing I can suggest if you speak of a male singer is a bass voice or a man speaking in a low voice .
If you need the opposite of silvery for a woman's voice , I'd suggest an alto (1,2 ..) or with a deep low voice .
Am I answering what you are looking for ? Good night .
Re: I'm stuck/silvery from sherry48, posted on 26-04-2014 at 23:44:35 (D | E)
Hello nick.
The meaning of silvery when it comes to voice, (sense 4 on the link) is a little different from what you suggested.
Re: I'm stuck/silvery from karolka, posted on 26-04-2014 at 23:56:17 (D | E)
Oh thanks, I also think about it.
Re: I'm stuck/silvery from lucile83, posted on 26-04-2014 at 23:58:52 (D | E)
A silvery voice or sound is clear, light, and pleasant. The antonym may be dull or chromatic.
Re: I'm stuck/silvery from nick, posted on 27-04-2014 at 10:51:02 (D | E)
Thank you very much everybody. I was probably expecting a new word, something outstanding but it doesn't exist obviously !! Not in the way I wanted it anyway !! Sorry.
Thanks a lot and have a nice sunny day,
Re: I'm stuck/silvery from violet91, posted on 27-04-2014 at 16:34:00 (D | E)
Hello again ,
What do you think of achromatic ? Achromous, diatonic, ashy, ashen , colorless in other words ...
Have a nice Sunday !
Re: I'm stuck/silvery from willy, posted on 27-04-2014 at 17:23:09 (D | E)
Might I suggest: lugubrious, sinistrous, abyssal?
Re: I'm stuck/silvery from notrepere, posted on 27-04-2014 at 20:21:35 (D | E)
I would say "booming voice". That would seem to fit the definition of "coming from your belly, inside you", I think. Another word is "diaphragmatic", as if coming from your "diaphragm".
Edited by notrepere on 27-04-2014 22:27
Re: I'm stuck/silvery from nick, posted on 27-04-2014 at 22:18:41 (D | E)
Notrepere: I do like that idea !! It would (have) never have occurred to me to associate 'booming' with 'voice', but you're right, it works perfectly well!
Thanks a lot!
Edited by willy on 30-04-2014 20:33
Forum > English only