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Oral / Idea of Progress

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Oral / Idea of Progress
Message de jujul posté le 14-04-2014 à 12:58:12 (S | E | F)
J'ai vu que de nombreuses personnes avait demandé des conseils sur leurs fiches de présentations pour l'oral d'anglais !
C'est pourquoi je fais de même, en espérant que cela m'aidera Mon anglais n'est pas très bon, mais je fais de mon mieux !
Voici ma fiche d'oral pour l'anglais, sur le thème : The Idea Of Progress.
Merci pour vos réponses.

First, the idea of progress can be defined as an improvment, a development, or a change. It's can be technical, scientific or social and contributes to making the world a better place. But, progress is it always better for humans ? This question is hard because we have examples of good progress, or against progress. I don't want to separate negatives and positives aspects of progress, but I just talk about differents progress and I conclude.

The most important progress, I think, is the scientific progress. I heard many thinks about scientific progress in my scolarity. For example, scientific propose to choose the sex of baby. It's true ? I think so, yes. But, it's beautiful ! For parents who have a girl, this time, they choose a boy ! No, I think it's not an advance for future. It frightens. Like ideas about clones. A futuring idea ? Not to much, because scientific are doing experiences on animals. Imagine if a day, they clone humans ? Nobody's perfect. Everybody want to be an other man or women, to comform to socials norms, especially physically. We would be formated, like everyone. In the book of Aldous Huxley, A brave new world, the idea of cloning appear like a horrible think. Peoples are adjusted to think in a way.

Next, I will talk about technologicals progress. Hybrid cars, solar panals are good for humanity. The idea to protect the nature and not give a world destroy by populations who pollute without worrying future generations, is just good. That is the real future ! But today, there is an imbalance between technologies who pollute, like cars, and technologies who try to control the destruction of nature, like energy eolien.
Also, advances in communication are very increase today. With mobil phones, or internet, progress changed our lives and this modern way of communication became dangers. In fact, socials networks on internet speed up process of exchanges informations ans it's could be a real danger for everyone. Pictures, words, movies are everyday exchanges on socials networks with an inordinate rapidity. Behind a computer, respect disapear and we can see sentences, pictures or other shocking. Differents forms of racism and discriminition can appear and increase specially on socials networks. Sometimes, we read horrible stories about suicides of teenagers attacked on Facebook,for example.
The most important technological progress is robots ! Not futuring robots, who saved the world ! No, I want to talk about industries robots, and automated production. It's profitable to industries, sure, but it's beget most of unemployment.

Finally, the progress since one hundred years is considerable. I thing about socials advances. For example, women's rights. Before, womens haven't got the right to vote, or manage her money. Now, she is independant. Before, racism was extremelly strong, especially to black man. Now, it's not completelly disapear, but there is ameliorations.

To conclude, I thing there is negatives and positives aspects of progress. But, problem is the way that we use and want for progress. It's dangerous if we don't use has good knowledge. We have possibility to do a better world, let us take advantage of it !

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-04-2014 14:05


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