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Places et formes de pouvoir/oral

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Places et formes de pouvoir/oral
Message de olachica posté le 12-04-2014 à 23:05:58 (S | E | F)
je passe mes oraux d'anglais très prochainement, et j'aimerais avoir quelques conseils sur la notion de lieux et formes de pouvoirs. J'aimerais que quelqu'un me dise mes fautes et son avis la-dessus.
Je n'ai pas encore trouvé de conclusion. Merci d'avance !

I am going to talk about the notion of places and forms of power. First of all I would like to give a definition of power. There are many ways to exercise the power. The most obvious were the one of the official political leader of a State, such as a president, a Prime Minister, a king or an emperor.
First, I talk about various places of power in the United States and in the second part i'm going to speak about American dream.

There are firstly the symbolic buildings which represent the power. The White House and the Oval Office are the symbols of the power in the United States. The president Barck Obama whi there life at the moment and holds the power in this country.
This places also exist in England with Buckingham Palace, in France with "Elysée".
Places of the power are not only buildings but can be also the media. There are the new technologies chere the power is exercised. For example on the social networks.
However, in class, we have studied a drawing with the Statue of Liberty. It's in New York, this statue is a famous monument of Ameirca. She represent liberty. People are free to work as much as they plase speak their opinions and practice their religion of choice.

Now, I am going to speak about the Amrican dream, i give a definition.
The American dream is the notion that the American social, economic and political system makes success possible for every individual. Someone who manages to achieve their version of the American dream is said to be "living the dream".

America is a powerful country with the power. It's a place where everybody can have some work, grow rich, become famoous..
Many persons(people) research the American dream, so they immigrate in this country.
The United States have very modern image fir the young people. They see trough the American films and the stars, a life of dream.
A lot of people are going to try theur lucks in America.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-04-2014 23:13


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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