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CNN /transcription

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


CNN /transcription
Message de moonlit-sunset posté le 02-03-2014 à 18:05:47 (S | E | F)
j'essaye de faire la transcription de cette vidéo : Lien internet
mais deux passages restent flous pour moi. Pouvez-vous m'éclairer ?
Merci d'avance !

As the reputed leader of the Sinaloa cartel, the largest Mexican criminal gang, El Chapo was believed responsible for shipping as much as eight tons of cocaine to the US a year. Chapo is the face, he’s the guy who was continually at war against the government of Mexico, against our forces and military forces. Guzman was also recently named Chicago’s public enemy number one, a title once held by Al Capone. He is accused of trafficking between fifteen hundred and two thousand kilos of cocaine through Chicago per month.
We could say that he virtually had his fingerprint on the gun that has killed the children of this city. The 58 year old grew up poor in the mountains of the northern Mexican state of Sinaloa. He learned the secrets of the drug trade with Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo, also known as the Godfather, a powerful drug lord in the late eighties. He was arrested in 1993 on murder and drug charges but allegedly kept on running the business from prison until his escape in 2001 in a laundry cart. Forbes magazine has called Guzman the most powerful drug trafficker estimating his fortune at 1 billion dollars and naming him the 63rd most powerful person in the world in 2012.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-03-2014 23:26

Réponse: CNN /transcription de sbgs, postée le 02-03-2014 à 20:03:36 (S | E)
Hi there!
Très très bonne écoute !

Je pense avoir trouvé trois erreurs, mais ta transcription reste très bonne.

1) "he’s the guy who was continually at war..." je pense qu'il dit "currently" et non "continually"

2) "...against our forces and military forces" je pense qu'au lieu de "our forces", c'est "law enforcement" mais il parle entre ses dents donc je ne suis pas sûr de moi...

3) "...on the gun that has killed the children of this city" le verbe est juste mais mal conjugué Pour moi, c'est "the gun(s?) that are killing"

+ The 58 year old => The 58-year-old

Je pense que c'est bon, en espérant que d'autres viendront s'ajouter pour me corriger si j'ai fait des fautes

Bonne soirée !

Réponse: CNN /transcription de moonlit-sunset, postée le 02-03-2014 à 22:15:39 (S | E)
Merci pour ces corrections !


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