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Place of reciprocity/aide

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Place of reciprocity/aide
Message de flookie posté le 13-02-2014 à 18:48:25 (S | E | F)
Hello everybody!
I'm French, and I need a correction and some opinions or advices about my work for my. The question is: Is the British monarchy a place of reciprocity? To answer this question, I leaned on the movie The Queen that we saw in class.
Thank you for your help, and good evening!

At first sight, we don’t see the British monarchy as a place of reciprocity. But to my mind, the British monarchy is a place of reciprocity because it’s a place of indirect interactions between the British people, the queen, and the government. Of course, Queen Elizabeth II has power, but she wouldn’t have been there if she had been hated by her people. Through the movie, we saw that It’s a place where people are expressing their opinion and their vision of things: the queen and her husband didn’t want Lady Diana to have a public ceremony for her burial because they think that she cause wrong to the Crown and that she’s not a member of the royal family anymore while her son, Tony Blair, and the British people wants a ceremony for different reasons (she was a good mother, she did great things as she helped charities and she was loved by the British People who used to call her “the People’s Princess”, the British people will get angry about the Queen otherwise,…). Through the part of the movie where we can see all the flowers that the British People are putting behind Buckingham Palace, we can’t miss the fact that they are expressing to the Crown their vision of things. British People have the right to give their opinion, and thanks to their boldness, they make the Queen’s opinion change.

Edited by lucile83 on 13-02-2014 21:01

Réponse: Place of reciprocity/aide de flookie, postée le 16-02-2014 à 17:36:03 (S | E)
Voilà environ 3 jours que j'attends de l'aide..s'il vous plaît.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-02-2014 17:37

Réponse: Place of reciprocity/aide de bluestar, postée le 16-02-2014 à 17:54:01 (S | E)

"A place of reciprocity" sonne comme une expression étrange pour moi, mais si c'est ce que vous avez été invité à écrire sur...


At first sight, we don’t see the British monarchy as a place of reciprocity. But to my mind, the British monarchy is a place of reciprocity because it’s a place of indirect interactions between the British people, the Qqueen, and the government. Of course, Queen Elizabeth II has power, but she wouldn’t have been there if she had been hated by her people. Through the movie, we saw that Iit’s a place where people are expressing their opinion and their vision of things: the Qqueen and her husband didn’t want Lady Diana to have a public ceremony for her burial because they think (temps?) that she cause temps? wrong to the Crown and that she’s not a member of the Rroyal Ffamily anymore while her sons, Tony Blair, and the British people wants a ceremony for different reasons (she was a good mother, she did great things as she helped charities and she was loved by the British pPeople who used to call her “the People’s Princess”; the British people will get angry about the Queen otherwise,…). Through the part of the movie where we can see all the flowers that the British pPeople are putting behind Buckingham Palace, we can’t miss the fact that they are expressing to the Crown their vision of things. British pPeople have the right to give their opinion, and thanks to their boldness, they make the Queen’s opinion change.
Je n'ai pas vu le film, mais vous pouvez vérifier deux points de fait. Je pense que c'est Blair qui, le premier a appelé sa "princesse du peuple» dans un discours après sa mort -- et les fleurs ont été mis hors de Kensington Palace et pas derrière Buckingham Palace.

Réponse: Place of reciprocity/aide de gerondif, postée le 16-02-2014 à 18:01:08 (S | E)
Hello, Flookie,
il y a 3 ans, j'ai demandé à une entreprise de chauffage de venir réviser ma chaudière, obligation légale.... et j'attends toujours..., vous voyez, même quand on est prêt (et d'ailleurs obligé de) payer, on n'obtient pas ce que l'on veut.

Ici, ce sont des volontaires qui décident ou non de corriger ce qu'ils ont la curiosité d'aller voir. Je crois que la surabondance de sujets de bac refroidissent les ardeurs des bénévoles (enfin la mienne en tous cas), et puis le week end (de la Saint Valentin en plus) , peut-être a-t-on moins de correcteurs en ligne .

En fait, je vais corriger votre texte uniquement parce qu'il est plutôt bien écrit, sauf au niveau des concordances de temps.

At first sight, we don’t see the British monarchy as a place of reciprocity. But to my mind, the British monarchy is a place of reciprocity because it’s a place of indirect interactions between the British people, the queen, and the government. Of course, Queen Elizabeth II has power, but she wouldn’t have been there if she had been hated by her people. Through the movie, we saw that It’s a place where people are expressing their opinions and their visions of things: the queen and her husband didn’t want Lady Diana to have a public ceremony for her burial because they think (prétérit) that she cause (plus que parfait) wrong to the Crown and that she’s not (prétérit)a member of the royal family anymore while her son, Tony Blair, and the British people wants(verbe pluriel/prétérit) a ceremony for different reasons (she was a good mother, she did (elle avait fait, plus que parfait)great things as she had helped charities and she was loved by the British People who used to call her “the People’s Princess”, the British people will(conditionnel) get angry about the Queen otherwise,…).(là cous passez au présent, ok si c'est votre commentaire du film, et non plus la pensée des gens cités avant) Through the part of the movie where we can see all the flowers that the British People are putting behind Buckingham Palace, we can’t miss the fact that they are expressing to the Crown their vision of things. British People have the right to give their opinion, and thanks to their boldness, they make the Queen’s opinion change.


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