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Commentaire / terminale S

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Commentaire / terminale S
Message de isacassou posté le 27-01-2014 à 14:45:21 (S | E | F)
Pourriez-vous me dire si mon commentaire contient des fautes ?
Merci par avance.

This document is a caricature or a cartoon drawn by Kal and published in 2008 in The Economist.
The main caracter of the picture is the man who is wearing clothes which represent the American flag : a striped red and white top hat with a white star, a blue jacket with a blue star on his hilt, striped red and white trousers. He seems older than the other people in the picture because he has got long white hair and a white beard. We can say that he looks stunned because of his bewildered eyes.
This man is named Uncle Sam, initials US as the USA. Uncle Sam symbolize the Government ant its power. All around him, we can see twelve people who are taking care of him. In the upper left corner, there is a woman who sewing the man's jacket. Beside her, another woman is sweeping the jacket and then, a man is combing with a rake the man's hair. On the lower left corner, three people organize for ironing his pants and beside, two shoe shiners are polishing his shoes. In the middle of the picture and on the lower right corner, two men are repainting the Uncle Sam's clothers. Finaly, inside the top hat, a woman is combing the man's goatee with a bruch.

The twelve people represent imigrants came from different countries. They intended to live the American dream and climbed up the social lodder but in fact, they are considered as menials and they held unskilled jobs. That's why Kal drew them smaller than Uncle Sam. So the author wanted to denounce that the USA pulls all the profits from immigration and power thus rests on these people without whom it would not have such power. So, Kal criticezes the American society using Uncle Sam's image that often personifed the United States in political cartoons.

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-01-2014 22:54

Réponse: Commentaire / terminale S de sherry48, postée le 28-01-2014 à 22:02:38 (S | E)
Hello. You have several minor spelling mistakes.

This document is a caricature or a cartoon drawn by Kal and published in 2008 in The Economist.
The main caracter of the picture is the man who is wearing clothes which represent the American flag : a striped red and white* top hat with a white star, a blue jacket with a blue star on his hilt, and striped red and white trousers. He seems older than the other people in the picture because he has got long white hair and a white beard. We can say that he looks stunned because of his bewildered eyes.
This man is named Uncle Sam. (possessive adjective) initials verb US as in USA. Uncle Sam symbolize the Government ant its power. All around him, we can see twelve people who are taking care of him. In the upper left corner, there is a woman who sewing (be+verb+ing or remove who) the man's jacket. Beside her, another woman is sweeping (a different translation is better) the jacket and then, a man is combing with a rake the man's hair. (combing what?) On the lower left corner, three people organize for ironing his pants and beside _______, two shoe shiners are polishing his shoes. In the middle of the picture and on the lower right corner, two men are repainting the Uncle Sam's clothers. Finaly, inside the top hat, a woman is combing the man's goatee with a bruch.

The twelve people represent imigrants ____ came from different countries. They intended to live the American dream and climbed up the social lodder but in fact, they are considered as menials and they held unskilled jobs. That's why Kal drew them smaller than Uncle Sam. So the author wanted to denounce that the USA because it pulls all the profits from immigration and power thus rests on these people without whom it would not have such power. So, Kal criticezes the American society using Uncle Sam's image that often personifed the United States in political cartoons.

*There are links for adjective order, but none of them gave an example for this case. The color adjectives add to the description of the striped hat, so the word order should be changed.


Réponse: Commentaire / terminale S de isacassou, postée le 29-01-2014 à 20:07:32 (S | E)
Hello Sherry,
Thank you very much for your help. It's very kind of you.
Good evening


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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