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Présentation /Weeds

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Présentation /Weeds
Message de redwane0307 posté le 19-01-2014 à 19:39:02 (S | E | F)
Je présente une série qui s'appelle "WEEDS" et je voudrais savoir si mon texte est correct s'il vous plait.
Merci pour votre aide.

This series take place in the United States, in suburb of of los Angeles,in Agrestic a small city and his about Nancy Botwin and his family. Nancy is married with Juda, and they are two son, Silas and Shane. Juda died of a heart attack during a jogging with their son.
Nancy must find a job to feed his family. No finding work,and spending a lot of money,Nancy must find a solution and decides to sell drugs, so it becomes a drug dealer. To earn more money, Nancy become manufacturer of spake cakes and then a cultivator of cannabis. She must be discrete because their son are not aware of the situation. Nancy wants to become the biggest drug dealer in Agrestic but his drug trafficking will put in a dangerous situation with the mafia because killing others dealers for prevail is very dangerous for himself and her family

Modifié par redwane0307 le 19-01-2014 19:39

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-01-2014 21:04

Réponse: Présentation /Weeds de gerondif, postée le 19-01-2014 à 22:29:39 (S | E)
bleu: erreur
rose: grosse erreur
vert: correction offerte
This series take place in the United States, in ** suburb of of los Angeles,in Agrestic a small city and his (réapprendre le verbe être au présent) about Nancy Botwin and his(à lui ou à elle?) family. Nancy is married to Juda, and they are(avoir!!) two son(pluriel), Silas and Shane. Juda died of a heart attack during a jogging with their son.
Nancy must find a job to feed his family. Not finding work,and spending a lot of money,Nancy must find a solution and decides to sell drugs, so it becomes a drug dealer. To earn more money, Nancy become(et le S?) manufacturer of spake(sens??) cakes and then a cultivator of cannabis(faire des mots composés comme annabis grower). She must be discrete because their son(pluriel) are not aware of the situation. Nancy wants to become the biggest drug dealer in Agrestic but his drug trafficking will put her in a dangerous situation with the mafia because killing others(adjectif invariable) dealers for prevail (mauvais choix pour dire "pour" et mauvais verbe)is very dangerous for himself and her family

Révision: It is John's cat = it is his cat.
It is Jenny's cat = It is her cat.

Réponse: Présentation /Weeds de redwane0307, postée le 20-01-2014 à 13:29:51 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup ! Voici ma correction :

This series takes place in a suburb of los Angeles,in Agrestic a small city and is about Nancy Botwin and her family. Nancy is married to Juda, and they have two sons, Silas and Shane. Juda died of a heart attack during a jogging with their sons.
Nancy must find a job to feed her family. Not finding work,and spending a lot of money,Nancy must find a solution and decides to sell drugs, so it becomes a drug dealer. To earn more money, Nancy becomes manufacturer of space cakes and cannabis grower. She must be discreet because their sons are not aware of the situation. Nancy wants to become the biggest drug dealer in Agrestic but her drug trafficking will put in a dangerous situation with the mafia because killing others dealers to rule is very dangerous for herself and her family

Réponse: Présentation /Weeds de gerondif, postée le 20-01-2014 à 20:10:56 (S | E)
This series takes place in a suburb of los Angeles,in Agrestic a small city and is about Nancy Botwin and her family. Nancy is married to Juda, and they have two sons, Silas and Shane. Juda died of a heart attack during a jogging with their sons.
Nancy must find a job to feed her family. Not finding work,and spending a lot of money,Nancy must find a solution and decides to sell drugs, so it(elle) becomes a drug dealer. To earn more money, Nancy becomes a manufacturer of space cakes and a cannabis grower. She must be discreet because their sons are not aware of the situation. Nancy wants to become the biggest drug dealer in Agrestic but her drug trafficking will put her in a dangerous situation with the mafia because killing others(invariable) dealers to rule is very dangerous for herself and her family.

Réponse: Présentation /Weeds de redwane0307, postée le 20-01-2014 à 21:24:20 (S | E)
Bonsoir et Merci, je viens de continuer ma description et j'aimerais savoir si c'est correcte.

Weeds has been one of the most popular series on Showtime.

I love this series because it is based on a subject that shocked but the story is told ironically.
The cast is also excellent,the actors are wonderful particularly Mary-Louise Parker playing its role very well. The stopping of this series is unfortunate and i hope other serie as funny will exist.
I wainting with impatience the out of the season 7 and 8 in France because i'm impatience to know more.

Réponse: Présentation /Weeds de gerondif, postée le 20-01-2014 à 22:11:04 (S | E)
la quatrième ligne est vraiment mauvaise par rapport aux trois autres.

Weeds has been (was irait mieux, prétérit) one of the most popular series on Showtime.

I love this series because it is based on a subject that shocked but the story is told ironically.
The cast is also excellent,the actors are wonderful particularly Mary-Louise Parker playing its(son rôle à elle) role very well. The stopping of this series is unfortunate (It is unfortunate that this series came to an end) and i(majuscule, toujours) hope other series as funny will exist.
I wainting(temps et orthographe incorrects) with impatience the out(n'est pas un nom pour dire "la sortie") of the(impossible de mettre the s'il y a un numéro après) season 7 and 8 in France because i'm impatience (je suis impatience?) to know more.

Réponse: Présentation /Weeds de redwane0307, postée le 20-01-2014 à 22:23:03 (S | E)
Re, Voici ma correction j'espère qu'elle convient.

Weeds was been one of the most popular series on Showtime.

I love this series because it is based on a subject that shocked but the story is told ironically.
The cast is also excellent,the actors are wonderful particularly Mary-Louise Parker playing its role very well. It is unfortunate that this series came to an end and and I hope other series as funny will exist.

I wait with impatience the released of seasons 7 and 8 in France because i'm impatient to know more.

Merci beaucoup.

Réponse: Présentation /Weeds de gerondif, postée le 20-01-2014 à 22:28:47 (S | E)
réflechissez avant de recopier les corrections was been n'existe pas !!

Weeds was been one of the most popular series on Showtime.

I love this series because it is based on a subject that shocked but the story is told ironically.
The cast is also excellent,the actors are wonderful particularly Mary-Louise Parker playing its(s'utilise quand un objet est propriétaire d'un autre objet: this is my pen and this is its cap) role very well. It is unfortunate that this series came to an end and and I hope other series as funny will exist.

I wait(utilisez: I am looking forward to ) with impatience the released of seasons 7 and 8 in France because i'm (I au sens de je est TOUJOURS en majuscules) impatient to know more.

Réponse: Présentation /Weeds de redwane0307, postée le 20-01-2014 à 22:38:44 (S | E)
Re,Merci pour votre aide.

Weeds was one of the most popular series on Showtime.

I love this series because it is based on a subject that shocked but the story is told ironically.
The cast is also excellent,the actors are wonderful particularly Mary-Louise Parker playing her role very well. It is unfortunate that this series came to an end and and I hope other series as funny will exist.

I am looking forward to the release of seasons 7 and 8 in France because I'm impatient to know more.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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