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Correction / résumé

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction / résumé
Message de walpe posté le 04-01-2014 à 13:37:00 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
J'ai une tâche finale en anglais qui consiste à présenter un livre de notre imagination.
Voici le résumé. J'ai besoin de votre aide s'il vous plaît pour me dire s'il y a des fautes et m'aider à me corriger.
Merci d'avance

"Jeremy Harper is a solitary young man, tortured by his past. And for good reason, he is one of the three one survivors of the twenty four children who have been raped by an unknown organization thirteen years ago. During more than three years, they have been trained to become elite soldiers, fighting for their survival at any cost. One day, he and his friends Wyatt Connor and Alexandra “Alex” Walker reappeared, traumatized, well decided to forget this painful period. Today, they have grown up, and each of them has found his own way to survive. While Wyatt seems to put perfectly into practice the Carpe Diem concept, and Alexandra managed, at least in appearance, to recover a normal life, Jeremy can’t move on.
When he almost gets killed by individuals of the same organization than thirteen years ago, he figures out his past is catching him up. The threesome comes together again and feelings surface again. Begins a relentless struggle to survive and eventually get it over with the one who has been their former Master."

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-01-2014 14:13

Réponse: Correction / résumé de carr30, postée le 04-01-2014 à 14:38:26 (S | E)

It's quite good, you need to revise a couple of tenses:
Lien internet

Lien internet

"get it over with" already has an object 'it;. It means 'to finish it'.
You cannot 'get it over with it'.

"Jeremy Harper is a solitary young man, tortured by his past. And for good reason, he is one of the three one three single? survivors of the twenty four children who have ..needs past perfect you have used present perfect been raped by an unknown organization thirteen years ago. During more than three years, they have been trained to become elite soldiers, fighting for their survival at any cost. One day, he and his friends Wyatt Connor and Alexandra “Alex” Walker reappeared, traumatized, well-decided ('determined' would be better) to forget this painful period. Today, they have grown up, and each of them has found his own way to survive. While Wyatt seems to put perfectly into practice the Carpe Diem concept, and Alexandra managed, at least in appearance, to recover a normal life, Jeremy can’t move on.
When he almost gets killed by individuals of the same organization than..from? thirteen years ago, he figures out his past is catching him up. The threesome comes together again and feelings surface again. There?...(you need a subject to 'begins' here) Begins a relentless struggle to survive and eventually get it over with .. overcome? the one who has ..needs past perfect been their former Master."

Réponse: Correction / résumé de walpe, postée le 07-01-2014 à 19:38:44 (S | E)
First, thank you so much for your answer.

Then (if I understood ) it would give this :
"Jeremy Harper is a solitary young man, tortured by his past. And for good reason, he is one (en fait ce que je veux dire c'est "il est l'un des trois uniques survivants") survivors of the twenty four children who were raped by an unknown organization thirteen years ago. During more than three years, they were trained to become elite soldiers, fighting for their survival at any cost. One day, he and his friends Wyatt Connor and Alexandra “Alex” Walker reappeared, traumatized, determined to forget this painful period. Today, they have grown up, and each of them has found his own way to survive. While Wyatt seems to put perfectly into practice the Carpe Diem concept, and Alexandra managed, at least in appearance, to recover a normal life, Jeremy can’t move on.
When he almost gets killed by individuals of the same organization from thirteen years ago, he figures out his past is catching him up. The threesome comes together again and feelings surface again. There begins a relentless struggle to survive and eventually overcome the one who was their former Master."


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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