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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de desdehace posté le 15-12-2013 à 14:09:49 (S | E | F)
Pourriez-vous, s'il vous plait, corriger mon dialogue ?
Merci d'avance.

morning, please, take a seat. So, you wanted to discuss something important concerning your future in the company.
-Yes, indeed, I have a special enquiry.
-Okay, I'm listening to you.
- As you know, the trend of telecommuting is growing, and I would like, myself, to work from home.
-Why? I would rather see you every day at your office like every other employees.
-I understand, but I spend more than 2 hours on transportation each day, I feel like it affects my work efficiency.
-You aren't the only one in this situation. Plus, you have been working for me for 5 years now, and I never had to complain about your work.
-I can't stand it anymore. I feel I would be more productive if I could stay at home. Most of my work is computer-based, I don't think telecommuting will be such an issue.
-And what about your social life ? Are you ready to leave your co-workers ?
-Yes, it would be one less distraction. I'm fed up of their talking and fights.
-You see, you are not the first one that asked me to telecommute. Most of those who have chosen telecommuting, were disappointed. First, they were also distracted by other things at home. Secondly, they felt bad being alone all day long. So, are you sure of your choice ?
- I already knew those drawbacks, but I'm sure of my decision. You know, I deeply want to start a family. Therefore, telecommuting would be a way to handle both professional and personnal lifes. If I have a baby, I would be able to spend more time with him and see him grow.
-Okay, I understand your viewpoint. I agree to give you a try. Telecommute for 2 weeks and we'll see if it works.

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-12-2013 16:15

Réponse: Telecommuting/Correction de gerondif, postée le 16-12-2013 à 00:06:09 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
morning, please, take a seat. So, you wanted to discuss something important concerning your future in the company.
-Yes, indeed, I have a special enquiry. (request?)
-Okay, I'm listening to you.
- As you know, the trend of telecommuting is growing, and I would like, myself,(bizarre, isolé entre deux virgules.I myself would also like to work from home) to work from home.
-Why? I would rather see you every day at your office like every other employees(every + singulier).
-I understand, but I spend more than 2 hours on transportation each(every est plus courant) day, I feel like (i have the impression)it affects my work efficiency.
-You aren't the only one in this situation. Plus, you have been working for me for 5 years now, and I never had to complain about your work.
-I can't stand it anymore. I feel I would be more productive if I could stay at home. Most of my work is computer-based, I don't think telecommuting will be such an issue.
-And what about your social life ? Are you ready to leave your co-workers ?
-Yes, it would be one less(mal placé) distraction. I'm fed up of(with) their talking and fights.
-You see, you are not the first one that asked me to telecommute. Most of those who have chosen telecommuting, were disappointed. First, they were also distracted by other things at home. Secondly, they felt bad being alone all day long. So, are you sure of your choice ?
- I already knew those drawbacks, but I'm sure of my decision. You know, I deeply want to start a family. Therefore, telecommuting would be a way to handle both professional and personnal lifes. If I have a baby, I would be able to (concordance des temps à revoir: si j'ai, je pourrai // si j'avais, je pourrais)spend more time with him and see him grow (up).
-Okay, I understand your viewpoint(point of view, viewpint, c'est le point de vue du haut de la montagne). I agree to give you a try(a agree to let you try it/ to let you give it a try). Telecommute for 2 weeks and we'll see if it works.

Réponse: Telecommuting/Correction de desdehace, postée le 26-12-2013 à 12:51:05 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup.
Pardonnez mon retard.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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