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Suggestion/ lettre motivation

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Suggestion/ lettre motivation
Message de alexia posté le 19-11-2013 à 12:03:46 (S | E | F)

Voici ma lettre de motivation pour partir étudier aux Etats-Unis l'année prochaine. J'aurais souhaité avoir si possible une correction et éventuellement des avis sur le contenu de la lettre.
Merci pour votre aide.
Bien cordialement,

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am currently a student in second year at University … in France where I study biology. This field has become a true passion for me for many years and this is why I do my best to succeed my studies.

The program I follow in France is close to the program offered in your University and even sometimes additional. It consists in giving to students all bases about life science, from atoms to organism by way of cells. This program is great because after that I will have all the required tools to continue to study in one specific area of biology: cognitive neuroscience which, in my opinion, has a real future in the world in which we live.

Science takes a big part of my life. But I also like sports and particularly every team sports (basket-ball, soccer…) which bring me good time with my friends and relaxation after long hours in front of my home works. But it is true that I spend a major part of my time for my study.

But my formation misses one key point: study abroad. Indeed, I have the dream to work internationally later and the USA would be a great experience for many reasons. On the one hand, the educational system in the USA is completely different from the system in France and this is interesting to know the both systems. On the other hand, this experience will prove me that I can adapt myself to a quite new culture.

I choosed your University because I saw many videos about life on campus or about alumni students and I was seduced because after that I felt more motivate that I was and this is what I was looking for. Thus it would be an honor for me if you allow me to study in your University.

Yours faithfully,

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-11-2013 12:11

Réponse: Suggestion/ lettre motivation de lucile83, postée le 19-11-2013 à 12:22:45 (S | E)

Les erreurs sont en bleu; ce sont les plus importantes pour le moment car je manque de temps.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am currently a student in second year at University … in France where I study biology. This field has become a true passion for me for many years and this is why I do my best to succeed manque un mot my studies.

The program I follow in France is close to the program offered in your University and even sometimes additional. It consists in giving to students all bases about life science, from atoms to organism by way of cells. This program is great because after that I will have all the required tools to continue to study in one specific area of biology: cognitive neuroscience which, in my opinion, has a real future in the world in which we live.

Science takes a big part of my life. But I also like sports and particularly every team sports (basket-ball, soccer…) which bring me good time with my friends and relaxation after long hours in front of my home works. But it is true that I spend a major part of my time for my study.

But my formation misses one key point: study abroad. Indeed, I have the dream to work internationally later and the USA would be a great experience for many reasons. On the one hand, the educational system in the USA is completely different from the system in France and this is interesting to know the both systems. On the other hand, this experience will prove me that I can adapt myself to a quite new culture.

I choosed your University because I saw many videos about life on campus or about alumni students and I was seduced because after that I felt more motivate that I was and this is what I was looking for. Thus it would be an honor for me if you allow me to study in your University.

I look forward..etc
Yours faithfully,

Réponse: Suggestion/ lettre motivation de alexia, postée le 19-11-2013 à 12:29:49 (S | E)
Oui en effet je m'excuse pour le "choosed".
Merci pour votre rapidité et votre aide.
Si vous avez d'autres remarques je suis preneuse.


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