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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de lenabliss posté le 27-09-2013 à 11:34:22 (S | E | F)

Pourriez-vous me dire si j'ai correctement réalisé mon exercice s'il vous plaît ?

Traduire les phrases suivantes :
Une dame donna un billet de 20 livre à son fils pour son anniversaire.
A woman gave a bill of 20 pounds to her son for his birthday.

Le garçon alla chez le pâtissier pour lui demander de lui faire un gâteau.
The boy went at the baker to ask him make him a cake.

Le garçon expliqua au pâtissier le genre de gâteau qu'il voulait.
The boy explained the kind of cake he wanted to the baker.

En fait, le gâteau coûta au garçon moins que les 20 livres que lui avait donnés sa mère.
Actually, the cake cost him less than 20 pounds his mother gave to him.

Thanks a lot for your help

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-09-2013 14:36

Réponse: Correction/phrases de simplicius, postée le 27-09-2013 à 11:53:05 (S | E)

1. Une dame donna un billet de 20 livre à son fils pour son anniversaire.
A woman gave a bill of 20 pounds to her son for his birthday.

2. Le garçon alla chez le pâtissier pour lui demander de lui faire un gâteau.
The boy went at the baker to ask him make him a cake.

3. Le garçon expliqua au pâtissier le genre de gâteau qu'il voulait.
The boy explained the kind of cake he wanted to the baker.

4. En fait, le gâteau coûta au garçon moins que les 20 livres que lui avait donnés sa mère.
Actually, the cake cost him less than 20 pounds his mother gave to him.

Here are a few remarks :

1. You say "a 20 pound bill". "gave XXX to YYY" : it's better here to use "gave YYY XXX" (because here YYY is rather short).
2. "at the baker" : no. You can do better than that ! "at" is the wrong preposition, and there's something missing after "baker".
"ask him make him a cake" : no. Something missing before "make". Moreover, went .... to ask : better to say 'went... and asked ...".
3. "to the baker" should not be dangling at the end, for clarity. Explained to the baker ... "the kind"; better "what kind".
4. "than 20 pounds his mother gave to him" : something missing before 20, "pound" should remain in the singular here, and for "gave to him", see 1.
Also here I guess "In fact" would work better than "actually", but not sure I could explain why I feel that way. Let me try. I'd say that "actually" introduces an information which is considered of secondary importance, but here, since it introduces a sort of conclusion, it sounds a bit wrong to me. I would probably rather say : "It turned out that the cake cost less ...". That being said, "actually" is correct.

Sous-titres :

1. "20 pounds bill". Il vaut mieux dire "gave YYY to XXX" si YYY n'est pas trop long.
2. "at the baker" est doublement faux.
3. Construire plutôt "explained to the baker what kind...".
4. "than 20 pounds his mother gave to him" : voir 1 pour "gave to him", "pound" ne prend pas de "s", et il manque quelque chose avant 20
Comment ça, tout n'est pas traduit dans les sous-titres ? C'est toujours comme ça !
Have a nice day

Modifié par simplicius le 27-09-2013 11:54

Réponse: Correction/phrases de lenabliss, postée le 28-09-2013 à 18:31:06 (S | E)
Good evening

Thanks a lot for your help

Here, is my new answer :

1) A woman gave her son a bill of 20 pounds for his birthday.

2) The boy went to the baker's and asked him to make him a cake.

3) The boy explained to the baker what kind of cake he wanted.

4) It turned out that the cake cost less than his mother gave him the 20 pound.

I hope it's better

Réponse: Correction/phrases de bluestar, postée le 28-09-2013 à 19:14:53 (S | E)

1) A woman gave her son a bill of 20 pounds 20 pound note for his birthday.

2) The boy went to the baker's and asked him to make him a cake. OK
3) The boy explained to the baker what kind of cake he wanted. OK

4) It turned out that the cake cost less than his mother gave him the 20 pound

l'ordre des mots en bleu ne va pas, et vous avez besoin d'un s après 'pound'.
20 pound note - sans s
20 pounds - avec s

Réponse: Correction/phrases de lenabliss, postée le 28-09-2013 à 19:31:24 (S | E)
Thanks very much

This is my new answer !
4) It turned out that the cake cost less than the 20 pound his mother gave him.

Réponse: Correction/phrases de lenabliss, postée le 28-09-2013 à 19:39:03 (S | E)
I forgot the s sorry

Réponse: Correction/phrases de lenabliss, postée le 28-09-2013 à 19:39:22 (S | E)
It turned out that the cake cost less than the 20 pounds his mother gave him.

Réponse: Correction/phrases de bluestar, postée le 28-09-2013 à 19:46:25 (S | E)

That is correct.

Réponse: Correction/phrases de lenabliss, postée le 28-09-2013 à 20:01:09 (S | E)
Thank you for your help

Réponse: Correction/phrases de simplicius, postée le 29-09-2013 à 00:07:13 (S | E)

It seemed to me that pound was invariable in that kind of context, "she gave me 20 pound", not "she gave me 20 pounds". Isn't it so ?cheers

Réponse: Correction/phrases de lucile83, postée le 29-09-2013 à 08:29:12 (S | E)

The word pound is countable
Lien internet

She gave me twenty pounds.
She gave me a twenty-pound note...(compound word)

Réponse: Correction/phrases de simplicius, postée le 29-09-2013 à 08:48:48 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,

Merci pour le lien. Mais c'est marrant, on dit '20 quid' mais '20 pounds'. Je n'avais pas remarqué ça...



Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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