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Correction/ immigration

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ immigration
Message de desdehace posté le 14-09-2013 à 21:37:17 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous,
Pourriez-vous, s'il vous plait, corriger mes erreurs sur ce texte traitant de l'immigration aux Etats-Unis et de Ellis Island.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

People chose to immigrate to America because of the American dream. The “would-be” Americans came mostly from Europe. Indeed, they lived below the poverty line, suffered from joblessness and hunger. American was a way out of poverty as well as an opportunity to start a new life. Many Europeans sailed away to America, living their home and sometimes family. The journey was very long and tiring. The conditions on the boat were miserable: small quantities of food were given and people were overcrowded in the steerage. To enter the US, immigrants had to be healthy and were carefully examined at Ellis Island, an immigration station off the coast of New York. The doctors noted any suspected disease with a chalk. Those who were ill, weren’t allowed to enter America and were sent back to their home country: families could be torn apart, that’s why Ellis Island was nicknamed the “Isle of tears”. Others kept being amazed by New York and its Statue of liberty, and were looking forward at starting a better life with nothing more than hope.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-09-2013 22:44

Réponse: Correction/ immigration de notrepere, postée le 14-09-2013 à 22:48:44 (S | E)

People chose to immigrate to America because of the American dream. The “would-be” Americans came mostly from Europe. Indeed, they lived below the poverty line, suffered from joblessness and hunger. American was a way out of poverty as well as an opportunity to start a new life. Many Europeans sailed away to America, living their home and sometimes family. The journey was very long and tiring. The conditions on the boat were miserable: small quantities of food were given and people were overcrowded in the steerage. To enter the US, immigrants had to be healthy and were carefully examined at Ellis Island, an immigration station off the coast of New York. The doctors noted any suspected disease with a chalk. Those who were ill, weren’t allowed to enter America and were sent back to their home country: families could be torn apart, that’s why Ellis Island was nicknamed the “Isle of tears”. Others kept being amazed by New York and its Statue of liberty, and were looking forward to starting a better life with nothing more than hope.

Réponse: Correction/ immigration de desdehace, postée le 15-09-2013 à 15:43:55 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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