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Always in-on my mind/aide

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Always in-on my mind/aide
Message de pickatchoun posté le 27-07-2013 à 23:34:51 (S | E | F)

j'aurais voulu connaitre la différence de signification entre always on my mind (toujours sur mon esprit) et always in my mind(toujours dans mon esprit).
Pour moi à la traduction il me parait plus juste de dire in mais en regardant sur le net je constate le contraire.
Merci d avance.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-07-2013 08:18

Réponse: Always in-on my mind/aide de notrepere, postée le 28-07-2013 à 07:32:26 (S | E)

A mon avis l'expression 'always in my mind' n'existe pas. You are always on my mind and always in my heart.

Réponse: Always in-on my mind/aide de hortensia, postée le 28-07-2013 à 08:33:13 (S | E)
In total agreement with notrepere! Remember Ray Charles's beautiful song: "Georgia on my mind!"

Réponse: Always in-on my mind/aide de hortensia, postée le 28-07-2013 à 09:33:38 (S | E)
Oops! I realize the expression "in mind" is correct indeed! A few examples: "Tell me what's "in" your mind" - I know what's going on "in" your mind!
Hope it helps!

Réponse: Always in-on my mind/aide de hortensia, postée le 28-07-2013 à 11:23:27 (S | E)
So "on my mind" and "in my mind" are both correct, depending on the context.

Réponse: Always in-on my mind/aide de gerondif, postée le 28-07-2013 à 14:00:01 (S | E)
when you said "You are always on my mind" what exactly did you have in mind ? Mind you, I don't mind if you tell me to mind my own business!

You are always on my mind = I keep thinking of you
What did you have in mind = what did you want to say, what did you mean exactly ?
"In my mind" could exist I suppose: I think I am the best, but only in my mind, it is a figment of my imagination!

Réponse: Always in-on my mind/aide de lucile83, postée le 28-07-2013 à 14:16:06 (S | E)

In my mind/in his mind/in someone's mind...
Lien internet

in somebody's mind
There was no doubt in my mind that it was the right decision to make.
Do you have a clear picture in your mind of what you want?
A plan began to form in his mind.
The event is still fresh in most people's minds.

Lien internet

There was no doubt in his mind that he'd get the job.

Réponse: Always in-on my mind/aide de notrepere, postée le 28-07-2013 à 20:48:18 (S | E)

Let me rephrase...

As an expression, I have only heard "always on my mind" which means (as Gerondif already said) that "I'm always thinking of you". There is the expression "in my mind" but it means something completely different.

Modifié par notrepere le 28-07-2013 22:25
Hello, dear, and your information was useful. My first answer was not clear.

Réponse: Always in-on my mind/aide de lucile83, postée le 28-07-2013 à 21:04:09 (S | E)
Ok dear but it was just an added detail

Réponse: Always in-on my mind/aide de pickatchoun, postée le 28-07-2013 à 22:25:17 (S | E)
merci beaucoup pour les infos donc si j'ai bien tout compris lol
always on my mind serait plus adapté si l'on s'adresse à une personne précise
always in my mind serait quelque chose de plus vague, une personne,un événement
Je ne tiens pas à faire une bourde car cette phrase fait partie d'un projet tattoo.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-07-2013 22:35
Oui c'est ça.


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